Symfony 在my Behat场景中传递一个强制参数

Symfony 在my Behat场景中传递一个强制参数,symfony,testing,routing,bdd,behat,Symfony,Testing,Routing,Bdd,Behat,我正在尝试确定如何通过一个必需的参数,该参数是在我的Behat features文件中按照定义的路线进行操作所必需的 这是我的设想: Scenario: I should be able to create a cars asset Given I am on the ayrshireminis_cars_asset_create page When I submit a "" form with values:

我正在尝试确定如何通过一个必需的参数,该参数是在我的Behat features文件中按照定义的路线进行操作所必需的


Scenario: I should be able to create a cars asset
    Given I am on the ayrshireminis_cars_asset_create page
    When I submit a "" form with values:
        | name               | type | position | active |
        | Cars Info Doc      | PDF  | 1        | 1      |
    Then The form should be valid

鉴于我在ayrshireminis_cars_asset_create页面 某些必需参数缺少categoryId,无法为路线ayrshireminis\u cars\u asset\u create生成URL。 Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MissingMandatoryParametersException


    pattern: /category/{categoryId}/asset/new/



Scenario: Submitting a valid cars asset form
    When I submit a "" form with values:
        | name               | type | position | active |
        | Cars Info Doc      | pdf  | 1        | 1      |
    Then  the form should be valid
    And   the cars entity form entity should have the following values
        | name               | type | position | active |
        | Cars Info Doc      | pdf  | 1        | 1      |
    And   the cars entity form entity should be persisted correctly