
无法在tcl/tk中移动按钮,tcl,tk,Tcl,Tk,在这段代码中,我想将new_按钮移到最右边。但在更改行、列、列span之后,它只会停留在那里。代码中需要做哪些更改 ttk::frame .c .c configure -borderwidth 7 -relief groove -padding "200 25" button .c.cancle -text cancel -command {destroy .} ttk::label .c.l -text "yash" ttk::checkbutton .c.one -text One -va


ttk::frame .c
.c configure -borderwidth 7 -relief groove -padding "200 25"
button .c.cancle -text cancel -command {destroy .}
ttk::label .c.l -text "yash"
ttk::checkbutton .c.one -text One -variable oe -onvalue 1
ttk::button .c.ok -text Okay -command sp12
button .c.lop -text New_button

grid .c -column 0 -row 4
grid .c.l -column 0 -row 1 -columnspan 2
grid .c.one -column 0 -row 3 -columnspan 2
grid .c.ok -column 3 -row 3 -columnspan 2
grid .c.cancle -column 9 -row 3 -columnspan 2
grid .c.lop -column 30 -row 10 -rowspan 10 -columnspan 15 -sticky w



ttk::frame .c
.c configure -borderwidth 7 -relief groove
wm minsize . 656 135  # Set a minimum size here
button .c.cancle -text cancel -command {destroy .}
ttk::label .c.l -text "yash"
ttk::checkbutton .c.one -text One -variable oe -onvalue 1
ttk::button .c.ok -text Okay -command sp12
button .c.lop -text New_button

# I cleaned up the columns
grid .c -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew # make it anchor all positions
grid .c.l -column 1 -row 1
grid .c.one -column 1 -row 2
grid .c.ok -column 2 -row 2
grid .c.cancle -column 3 -row 2
grid .c.lop -column 4 -row 3 -sticky se # make it anchor at south east position

# make the .c grid fit to the . window
grid columnconfigure . all -minsize 635 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure . all -weight 1
# force column before column 1 and row before row 1 to have some specific size
grid columnconfigure .c 0 -minsize 200
grid rowconfigure .c 0 -minsize 30
# make the last cell fill any spaces after it, if available
grid columnconfigure .c 4 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure .c 4 -weight 1
