Terminal 无效的CSS Susy 1.0.9

Terminal 无效的CSS Susy 1.0.9,terminal,susy-compass,susy-sass,Terminal,Susy Compass,Susy Sass,我得到了这个无效的代码。我用它发出咕噜声。我尝试了一些组合版本,但仍然失败 谢谢你的帮助 奥尼 航空站 我的设置 .scss Gemfile config.rb Grunfile.js error sass/style.scss (Line 13 of sass/susy/language/susyone/_grid.scss: Invalid CSS after "...x-sizing: true ": expected "}", was "!global;") @import "su




航空站 我的设置 .scss

Gemfile config.rb Grunfile.js
error sass/style.scss (Line 13 of sass/susy/language/susyone/_grid.scss: 
Invalid CSS after "...x-sizing: true ": expected "}", was "!global;")
@import "susyone";
gem "sass", "~>3.2.19"
gem "compass", "~>0.12.6"
gem "susy", "~>1.0.9"
require "susy"
 # Require any additional compass plugins here.

 # Set this to the root of your project when deployed:
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "."
sass_dir = "sass"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "js"
// Compass
compass: {
  dist: {
    options: {
      config: 'config.rb'