Testing 自动验收测试是否重要,以测试字段是否保存到数据库?

Testing 自动验收测试是否重要,以测试字段是否保存到数据库?,testing,automated-tests,specflow,user-acceptance-testing,Testing,Automated Tests,Specflow,User Acceptance Testing,我使用SpecFlow作为自动验收测试框架,使用NHibernate作为持久性。我正在处理的intranet应用程序的许多UI页面都是基本数据输入页面。显然,向其中一个页面添加一个字段被认为是一个“功能”,但我想不出除此之外该功能的任何场景 Given that I enter data X for field Y on Record 1 And I click Save When I edit Record 1 Then I should data X for field Y 像这样自


Given that I enter data X for field Y on Record 1 
And I click Save 
When I edit Record 1 
Then I should data X for field Y


我通常会有类似“成功创建…”的场景来测试成功案例(你填写所有必填字段,所有输入都有效,你确认,最后它真的被保存)。 我不认为您可以轻松地为单个字段定义单独的场景,因为成功创建的场景通常需要“同时”满足其他几个标准(例如,必须填写所有必需的字段)


Scenario: Successful creation of a customer
Given I am on the customer creation page
When I enter the following customer details
| Name | Address |
| Cust | My addr |
And I save the customer details
Then I have a new customer saved with the following details
| Name | Address |
| Cust | My addr |



Scenario: Successful creation of a customer
Given I am on the customer creation page
When I enter the following customer details
| Name | Address | Billing address |
| Cust | My addr | Bill me here    |
And I save the customer details
Then I have a new customer saved with the following details
| Name | Address | Billing address |
| Cust | My addr | Bill me here    |