Ubuntu 14.04上的SCIP JNI(Java本机接口)安装:

Ubuntu 14.04上的SCIP JNI(Java本机接口)安装:,ubuntu,java-native-interface,scip,Ubuntu,Java Native Interface,Scip,我正在尝试在我拥有的不同计算机上安装SCIP。现在正在试用新安装的Ubuntu 14.04。 所以我从这里得到了scip套装,并制作了它。然后我转到scipoptsite-3.1.1/scip-3.1.1/interfaces/jni,并按照自述文件中的说明进行操作: 1) doxygen jniinterface.dxy - generates xml documentation 2) ./createJniInterface.py xml/* - uses the xml doc

我正在尝试在我拥有的不同计算机上安装SCIP。现在正在试用新安装的Ubuntu 14.04。 所以我从这里得到了scip套装,并制作了它。然后我转到

1) doxygen jniinterface.dxy
   - generates xml documentation
2) ./createJniInterface.py xml/*
   - uses the xml documentation and creates JNI interface
3) create softlinks to soplex and scip in "lib" folder:
   mkdir ./lib
   cd lib
   ln -s ../../../../soplex-2.0.0 soplex
   ln -s ../../.. scip
   cd ..
4) make soplex
   - creates shared library of Soplex
   - use options (e.g., ZLIB=false GMP=false) as required
5) make scip
   - creates shared library of SCIP
   - use options (e.g., ZIMPL=false READLINE=false ZLIB=false GMP=false)
     as required
6) make
7) test your installation:
   cd examples/JniKnapsack
   make run

daniel-ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Downloads/scipoptsuite-3.1.1/scip-3.1.1/interfaces/jni$ make
make: *** No rule to make target `classes/de/zib/jscip/nativ/jni/JniScip.class', needed by `all'.  Stop.
