Ubuntu HHVM/Hiphop的Upstart脚本

Ubuntu HHVM/Hiphop的Upstart脚本,ubuntu,upstart,hiphop,hhvm,Ubuntu,Upstart,Hiphop,Hhvm,我正试图在Ubuntu13.04服务器上为HHVM(又名Hiphop PHP)建立一个新的启动程序,因此它在启动时启动,在意外终止时重新启动 脚本位于: /etc/init/hhvm.conf 到目前为止,我得到的是: # Upstart HHVM script # This script will start/stop HHVM webserver description "Start and stop the HHVM webserver (Hiphop-PHP)" version "0

我正试图在Ubuntu13.04服务器上为HHVM(又名Hiphop PHP)建立一个新的启动程序,因此它在启动时启动,在意外终止时重新启动



# Upstart HHVM script
# This script will start/stop HHVM webserver

description "Start and stop the HHVM webserver (Hiphop-PHP)"
version "0.1"
author "RouteXL.com"

# Set the executable and the settings files
env RUN=/usr/share/hhvm/hiphop-php/hphp/hhvm/hhvm
env CONFIG=/etc/hhvm.hdf

# Run at startup when ready
start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo)

# Stop the webserver when server closes down
stop on runlevel [016]

# Respawn th webserver when unexpectedly stopped

# Expect the process to fork
expect fork
expect daemon

# The command to execute to start it up
exec $RUN -m server -c $CONFIG

sudo start hhvm


Ubuntu 12.04。我根据sshd.conf对其进行了建模,它似乎可以工作。我怀疑这是因为您使用的是-mserver,这导致它永远不会从exec返回。使用-m守护进程。 YMMV

Ubuntu 12.04。我根据sshd.conf对其进行了建模,它似乎可以工作。我怀疑这是因为您使用的是-mserver,这导致它永远不会从exec返回。使用-m守护进程。 YMMV

# hhvm - HipHop VM
# The HipHopVM server provides a high performance PHP stack and web server.

description     "HHVM server"
author "Yermo Lamers http://twitter.com/yermolamers"

start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]

respawn limit 10 5
umask 022

# Location of config and executable

env SERVER=/usr/local/bin/hhvm
env CONFIG_FILE=/usr/local/etc/hhvm.hdf
env RUN_AS=www-data

exec $SERVER -m daemon --config $CONFIG_FILE --user $RUN_AS