Unix 自定义命令提示符在重新打开后不保存更改

Unix 自定义命令提示符在重新打开后不保存更改,unix,path,ps1,Unix,Path,Ps1,我尝试使用PS1在mac中自定义命令提示符,但当我尝试重新打开终端时,更改不会保存 我已经编辑了.bashrc文件,这些更改仅对该会话有效。如果关闭并重新打开终端,所有保存的更改都将丢失 下面是我编辑的.bashrc文件 export PS1="\u@\h \d \@ \w >" export PATH="/Users/avbanerj/test_script1:$PATH" 您能告诉我我应该在.bashrc或.profile中添加什么,以便每次打开终端时都能反映出更改吗?这是来自inf




export PS1="\u@\h \d \@ \w >"
export PATH="/Users/avbanerj/test_script1:$PATH"


info bash
。 -埃里克

6.2 Bash Startup Files

This section describes how Bash executes its startup files.  If any of
the files exist but cannot be read, Bash reports an error.  Tildes are
expanded in filenames as described above under Tilde Expansion (*note
Tilde Expansion::).

   Interactive shells are described in *note Interactive Shells::.

Invoked as an interactive login shell, or with '--login'

When Bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a
non-interactive shell with the '--login' option, it first reads and
executes commands from the file '/etc/profile', if that file exists.
After reading that file, it looks for '~/.bash_profile',
'~/.bash_login', and '~/.profile', in that order, and reads and executes
commands from the first one that exists and is readable.  The
'--noprofile' option may be used when the shell is started to inhibit
this behavior.

   When an interactive login shell exits, or a non-interactive login
shell executes the 'exit' builtin command, Bash reads and executes
commands from the file '~/.bash_logout', if it exists.

Invoked as an interactive non-login shell

When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, Bash
reads and executes commands from '~/.bashrc', if that file exists.  This
may be inhibited by using the '--norc' option.  The '--rcfile FILE'
option will force Bash to read and execute commands from FILE instead of

   So, typically, your '~/.bash_profile' contains the line
     if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi
after (or before) any login-specific initializations.