
VB.NET中的随机整数,vb.net,random,Vb.net,Random,我需要生成一个介于1和n之间的随机整数(其中n是一个正整数)用于单元测试。我不需要太复杂的东西来确保真正的随机性——只需要一个老式的随机数 我该怎么做?要获得1到N(包括)之间的随机整数值,可以使用以下公式 CInt(Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * n)) + 1 使用: Dim MyMin为整数=1,MyMax为整数=5,My1stRandomNumber为整数,My2ndRandomNumber为整数 '创建一个随机数生成器 作为System.Random的Dim生成器=新Sys




CInt(Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * n)) + 1

Dim MyMin为整数=1,MyMax为整数=5,My1stRandomNumber为整数,My2ndRandomNumber为整数


Public Function GetRandom(ByVal Min As Integer, ByVal Max As Integer) As Integer
    Dim Generator As System.Random = New System.Random()
    Return Generator.Next(Min, Max)
End Function

Dim randoms(1000) As Integer
For i As Integer = 0 to randoms.Length - 1
    randoms(i) = GetRandom(1, 100)

Public Function GetRandom(ByVal Min As Integer, ByVal Max As Integer) As Integer
    ' by making Generator static, we preserve the same instance '
    ' (i.e., do not create new instances with the same seed over and over) '
    ' between calls '
    Static Generator As System.Random = New System.Random()
    Return Generator.Next(Min, Max)
End Function

Non-static: 70 Static: 70
Non-static: 70 Static: 46
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Non-static: 70 Static: 46
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Non-static: 70 Static: 49
Non-static: 70 Static: 21
Non-static: 70 Static: 99
Non-static: 70 Static: 15
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Non-static: 70 Static: 16
Non-static: 70 Static: 75


dim i = GetRandom(1, 1715)
dim o = GetRandom(1, 1715)


Public Function GetRandom(ByVal min as Integer, ByVal max as Integer) as Integer
    Static staticRandomGenerator As New System.Random
    max += 1
    Return staticRandomGenerator.Next(If(min > max, max, min), If(min > max, min, max))
End Function

到目前为止,所有的答案都有问题或bug(复数,而不仅仅是一个)。我会解释的。但首先我要赞扬Dan Tao的洞察力,他使用静态变量来记住生成器变量,因此多次调用它不会重复相同的内容,而且他给出了非常好的解释。但正如我现在解释的那样,他的代码和大多数其他代码都有同样的缺陷



Private Function GenRandomInt(min As Int32, max As Int32) As Int32
    Static staticRandomGenerator As New System.Random
    Return staticRandomGenerator.Next(min, max + 1)
End Function


我认为该函数仅有两个问题: 1:当Max=Int32.MaxValue时,因此添加1会创建数字溢出。虽然这很少见,但还是有可能的。 2:当最小值>最大值+1时。当min=10和max=5时,下一个函数抛出一个错误。这可能是你想要的。但也可能不是这样。或者考虑当min=5和max=4时。通过添加1,5被传递到下一个方法,但它不会抛出错误(当它确实是错误时),但我测试的Microsoft.NET代码返回5。因此,当max=min时,它实际上不是一个“排他的”max。但是当Random.Next()函数的max 您可能希望在min>max时简单地交换数字,这样就不会抛出错误,但这完全取决于需要什么。如果您希望在无效值上出错,那么最好在我们的代码中Microsoft的独占最大值(max+1)等于最小值时也抛出该错误,在这种情况下MS不会出错



编辑: 所以我需要一个随机整数生成器,我决定将其编码为“正确”。因此,如果有人想要完整的功能,这里有一个真正有效的。(但它并没有因为只有两行代码而赢得最简单的奖项。但它也不是很复杂。)

Return BitConverter.ToInt32(字节,0)'返回转换为随机Int32的字节
dim i = GetRandom(1, 1715)
dim o = GetRandom(1, 1715)
Public Function GetRandom(ByVal min as Integer, ByVal max as Integer) as Integer
    Static staticRandomGenerator As New System.Random
    max += 1
    Return staticRandomGenerator.Next(If(min > max, max, min), If(min > max, min, max))
End Function
Private Function GenRandomInt(min As Int32, max As Int32) As Int32
    Static staticRandomGenerator As New System.Random
    Return staticRandomGenerator.Next(min, max + 1)
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Generates a random Integer with any (inclusive) minimum or (inclusive) maximum values, with full range of Int32 values.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="inMin">Inclusive Minimum value. Lowest possible return value.</param>
''' <param name="inMax">Inclusive Maximum value. Highest possible return value.</param>
''' <returns></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function GenRandomInt(inMin As Int32, inMax As Int32) As Int32
    Static staticRandomGenerator As New System.Random
    If inMin > inMax Then Dim t = inMin : inMin = inMax : inMax = t
    If inMax < Int32.MaxValue Then Return staticRandomGenerator.Next(inMin, inMax + 1)
    ' now max = Int32.MaxValue, so we need to work around Microsoft's quirk of an exclusive max parameter.
    If inMin > Int32.MinValue Then Return staticRandomGenerator.Next(inMin - 1, inMax) + 1 ' okay, this was the easy one.
    ' now min and max give full range of integer, but Random.Next() does not give us an option for the full range of integer.
    ' so we need to use Random.NextBytes() to give us 4 random bytes, then convert that to our random int.
    Dim bytes(3) As Byte ' 4 bytes, 0 to 3
    staticRandomGenerator.NextBytes(bytes) ' 4 random bytes
    Return BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, 0) ' return bytes converted to a random Int32
End Function
Dim rnd As Random = New Random
Dim Generator As System.Random = New System.Random()
Public Function GetRandom(myGenerator As System.Random, ByVal Min As Integer, ByVal Max As Integer) As Integer
'min is inclusive, max is exclusive (dah!)
Return myGenerator.Next(Min, Max + 1)
End Function
Dim value As Integer = CInt(Int((6 * Rnd()) + 1))
Public NotInheritable Class VBMath
    ' Methods
    Private Shared Function GetTimer() As Single
        Dim now As DateTime = DateTime.Now
        Return CSng((((((60 * now.Hour) + now.Minute) * 60) + now.Second) + (CDbl(now.Millisecond) / 1000)))
    End Function

    Public Shared Sub Randomize()
        Dim timer As Single = VBMath.GetTimer
        Dim projectData As ProjectData = ProjectData.GetProjectData
        Dim rndSeed As Integer = projectData.m_rndSeed
        Dim num3 As Integer = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(timer), 0)
        num3 = (((num3 And &HFFFF) Xor (num3 >> &H10)) << 8)
        rndSeed = ((rndSeed And -16776961) Or num3)
        projectData.m_rndSeed = rndSeed
    End Sub

    Public Shared Sub Randomize(ByVal Number As Double)
        Dim num2 As Integer
        Dim projectData As ProjectData = ProjectData.GetProjectData
        Dim rndSeed As Integer = projectData.m_rndSeed
        If BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Then
            num2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(Number), 4)
            num2 = BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(Number), 0)
        End If
        num2 = (((num2 And &HFFFF) Xor (num2 >> &H10)) << 8)
        rndSeed = ((rndSeed And -16776961) Or num2)
        projectData.m_rndSeed = rndSeed
    End Sub

    Public Shared Function Rnd() As Single
        Return VBMath.Rnd(1!)
    End Function

    Public Shared Function Rnd(ByVal Number As Single) As Single
        Dim projectData As ProjectData = ProjectData.GetProjectData
        Dim rndSeed As Integer = projectData.m_rndSeed
        If (Number <> 0) Then
            If (Number < 0) Then
                Dim num1 As UInt64 = (BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(Number), 0) And &HFFFFFFFF)
                rndSeed = CInt(((num1 + (num1 >> &H18)) And CULng(&HFFFFFF)))
            End If
            rndSeed = CInt((((rndSeed * &H43FD43FD) + &HC39EC3) And &HFFFFFF))
        End If
        projectData.m_rndSeed = rndSeed
        Return (CSng(rndSeed) / 1.677722E+07!)
    End Function

End Class
Public Class Random
    ' Methods
    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Public Sub New(ByVal Seed As Integer)
        Me.SeedArray = New Integer(&H38  - 1) {}
        Dim num4 As Integer = If((Seed = -2147483648), &H7FFFFFFF, Math.Abs(Seed))
        Dim num2 As Integer = (&H9A4EC86 - num4)
        Me.SeedArray(&H37) = num2
        Dim num3 As Integer = 1
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To &H37 - 1
            Dim index As Integer = ((&H15 * i) Mod &H37)
            Me.SeedArray(index) = num3
            num3 = (num2 - num3)
            If (num3 < 0) Then
                num3 = (num3 + &H7FFFFFFF)
            End If
            num2 = Me.SeedArray(index)
        Next i
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 1 To 5 - 1
            Dim k As Integer
            For k = 1 To &H38 - 1
                Me.SeedArray(k) = (Me.SeedArray(k) - Me.SeedArray((1 + ((k + 30) Mod &H37))))
                If (Me.SeedArray(k) < 0) Then
                    Me.SeedArray(k) = (Me.SeedArray(k) + &H7FFFFFFF)
                End If
            Next k
        Next j
        Me.inext = 0
        Me.inextp = &H15
        Seed = 1
    End Sub

    Private Function GetSampleForLargeRange() As Double
        Dim num As Integer = Me.InternalSample
        If ((Me.InternalSample Mod 2) = 0) Then
            num = -num
        End If
        Dim num2 As Double = num
        num2 = (num2 + 2147483646)
        Return (num2 / 4294967293)
    End Function

    Private Function InternalSample() As Integer
        Dim inext As Integer = Me.inext
        Dim inextp As Integer = Me.inextp
        If (++inext >= &H38) Then
            inext = 1
        End If
        If (++inextp >= &H38) Then
            inextp = 1
        End If
        Dim num As Integer = (Me.SeedArray(inext) - Me.SeedArray(inextp))
        If (num = &H7FFFFFFF) Then
            num -= 1
        End If
        If (num < 0) Then
            num = (num + &H7FFFFFFF)
        End If
        Me.SeedArray(inext) = num
        Me.inext = inext
        Me.inextp = inextp
        Return num
    End Function

    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Public Overridable Function [Next]() As Integer
        Return Me.InternalSample
    End Function

    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Public Overridable Function [Next](ByVal maxValue As Integer) As Integer
        If (maxValue < 0) Then
            Dim values As Object() = New Object() { "maxValue" }
            Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxValue", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_MustBePositive", values))
        End If
        Return CInt((Me.Sample * maxValue))
    End Function

    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Public Overridable Function [Next](ByVal minValue As Integer, ByVal maxValue As Integer) As Integer
        If (minValue > maxValue) Then
            Dim values As Object() = New Object() { "minValue", "maxValue" }
            Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("minValue", Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_MinMaxValue", values))
        End If
        Dim num As Long = (maxValue - minValue)
        If (num <= &H7FFFFFFF) Then
            Return (CInt((Me.Sample * num)) + minValue)
        End If
        Return (CInt(CLng((Me.GetSampleForLargeRange * num))) + minValue)
    End Function

    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Public Overridable Sub NextBytes(ByVal buffer As Byte())
        If (buffer Is Nothing) Then
            Throw New ArgumentNullException("buffer")
        End If
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To buffer.Length - 1
            buffer(i) = CByte((Me.InternalSample Mod &H100))
        Next i
    End Sub

    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Public Overridable Function NextDouble() As Double
        Return Me.Sample
    End Function

    <__DynamicallyInvokable> _
    Protected Overridable Function Sample() As Double
        Return (Me.InternalSample * 4.6566128752457969E-10)
    End Function

    ' Fields
    Private inext As Integer
    Private inextp As Integer
    Private Const MBIG As Integer = &H7FFFFFFF
    Private Const MSEED As Integer = &H9A4EC86
    Private Const MZ As Integer = 0
    Private SeedArray As Integer()
End Class