Vb.net 有多少个空格?你可以试着打破它@蒂科布:没有分隔符,这就是为什么它这么难的原因。否则它将是一个简单的String.Parse()。但它是位置格式的。因此,列的大小总是固定的。所有的列都有固定数量的位置。那实际上没那么糟糕。比什么都单调。给我一些。我将写一个

Vb.net 有多少个空格?你可以试着打破它@蒂科布:没有分隔符,这就是为什么它这么难的原因。否则它将是一个简单的String.Parse()。但它是位置格式的。因此,列的大小总是固定的。所有的列都有固定数量的位置。那实际上没那么糟糕。比什么都单调。给我一些。我将写一个,vb.net,parsing,Vb.net,Parsing,有多少个空格?你可以试着打破它@蒂科布:没有分隔符,这就是为什么它这么难的原因。否则它将是一个简单的String.Parse()。但它是位置格式的。因此,列的大小总是固定的。所有的列都有固定数量的位置。那实际上没那么糟糕。比什么都单调。给我一些。我将写一个我几年前为此所做的小例子。@TyCobb:给我几分钟时间,我将制作一个示例文件并粘贴它。我只需要知道如何做到这一点,以便在以后需要时可以添加更多的专栏,并真正学到一些东西。:)我不需要样本文件。只要给你一个基于粘贴内容的示例就可以了,根据你的描

Using Reader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser("C:\TestFolder\test.log")
  Reader.TextFieldType = Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FieldType.FixedWidth
  Reader.SetFieldWidths(5, 10, 11, -1)

  Dim currentRow As String()
  While Not Reader.EndOfData
      currentRow = Reader.ReadFields()
      Dim currentField As String 
      For Each currentField In currentRow
    Catch ex As Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.MalformedLineException
      MsgBox("Line " & ex.Message & "is not valid and will be skipped.")
    End Try
  End While 
End Using
Public Class Person

    Public Property FirstName As String
    Public Property LastName As String
    Public Property Email As String

End Class

Public Class ColumnHandler

    Public Property Process As Action(Of Person, String)

    Public Property Length As Integer

    Public Sub New(processAction As Action(Of Person, String), columnLength As Integer)
        Process = processAction
        Length = columnLength
    End Sub

End Class

Module Module1

    Sub Main()

        Dim columnHandlers() As ColumnHandler =
                New ColumnHandler(Sub(p, s) p.FirstName = s, 10),
                New ColumnHandler(Sub(p, s) p.LastName = s, 10),
                New ColumnHandler(Sub(p, s) p.Email = s, 16)

        Dim fileLines() As String =
                "John      Doe       john@example.com",
                "Ty        Cobb      anon@example.com"

        Dim people As New List(Of Person)

        For Each line As String In fileLines

            Dim currentPosition As Integer = 0
            Dim person As New Person()

            For Each columnHandler As ColumnHandler In columnHandlers
                columnHandler.Process.Invoke(person, line.Substring(currentPosition, columnHandler.Length).Trim())
                currentPosition += columnHandler.Length




    End Sub

End Module
public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }

void Main()
    var columnHandlers = new[]
        new {Process = new Action<Person, string>((p, s) => p.FirstName = s), Length = 10},
        new {Process = new Action<Person, string>((p, s) => p.LastName = s), Length = 10},
        new {Process = new Action<Person, string>((p, s) => p.Email = s), Length = 16},

    //Replace this with a stream or however you were going to get/read the lines
    var fileLines = new[]
        "John      Doe       john@example.com",
        "Ty        Cobb      anon@example.com",

    var people = new List<Person>();

    foreach (var line in fileLines)
        var currentPosition = 0;
        var person = new Person();
        foreach (var columnHandler in columnHandlers)
            columnHandler.Process(person, line.Substring(currentPosition, columnHandler.Length).Trim());
            currentPosition += columnHandler.Length;

