
VBA如何在通过访问模块发送的电子邮件中放置HTML,vba,email,excel,ms-access,Vba,Email,Excel,Ms Access,我收到了一些VBA代码,可以通过MS Access发送带有附件的电子邮件: Sub Email_Send() Dim strTo As String Dim strCc As String Dim strFrom As String Dim strSubject As String Dim strMessage As String Dim intNrAttch As Integer Dim strAttachments As String Dim strAttachments2 As Str

我收到了一些VBA代码,可以通过MS Access发送带有附件的电子邮件:

Sub Email_Send()

Dim strTo As String
Dim strCc As String
Dim strFrom As String
Dim strSubject As String
Dim strMessage As String
Dim intNrAttch As Integer
Dim strAttachments As String
Dim strAttachments2 As String
Dim Contact_Name As String
Dim EMAIL_Address As String
Dim CC_Address As String
Dim Column1 As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cnnDB As ADODB.Connection
Dim Area As String
Dim Connection As String
Dim BasePath As String
Dim Region As String
Dim Column2 As String
Dim UPC As String
Dim Name As String
Dim FirstName As String
Dim Title As String
Dim Surname As String
Dim Bold As String
Dim a As String

BasePath = "MY PATH"

Set cnnDB = New ADODB.Connection
With cnnDB
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "MY CONNECTION STRING"
End With

Set rstRst = New ADODB.Recordset
rstRst .Source = "SELECT [column1], [column2], [column3]" & _
        "FROM table1"

    rstRst.Open , cnnDB

    Do While Not rstRst .EOF
        Column1 = rstRst.Fields("Column1")
        Column2 = rstRst.Fields("Column2")
        Column3_Address = rstRst.Fields("Column3")

        Dim Greeting As String
        If Time >= #12:00:00 PM# Then
            Greeting = "Afternoon,"
            Greeting = "Morning,"
        End If

        Dim CurrentMonth As String
        CurrentMonth = MonthName(Month(Date))

        strMessage = "Good" & Greeting & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "" & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "" & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "" & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)
        strMessage = strMessage & "...TEXT..." & Chr(13)

        strTo = EMAIL_Address
        'strCc = CC_Address
        strSubject = "Information: ...TEXT..." & Column2 & "...TEXT..."
        intNrAttch = 1

            strAttachments = BasePath & Column1 & "file.xls"

        Call SendMessageTo(strTo, strSubject, strMessage, intNrAttch,     strAttachments)


MsgBox "sent"


End Sub

Public Function SendMessageTo(strTo As String, strSubject As String,     strMessage As String, intNrAttch As Integer, strAttachments As String) As     Boolean

Const Nr = 9
Dim MyOutlook As Object
Dim MyMessage As Object
Dim objNameSpace
Dim strFiles(Nr) As String
Dim strPromt As String
Dim i As Integer, intLen As Integer
Dim intStart, intPos As Integer

On Error GoTo Error_Handler

SendMessageTo = False
Set MyOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set MyMessage = MyOutlook.CreateItem(0)

If strTo = "" Then
    strPromt = "You need to specify the e-mail address to wich you want to send this e-mail"
    MsgBox strPromt, vbInformation, "Send Message To... ?"
    Exit Function
End If

If intNrAttch > Nr + 1 Then
    strPromt = "You can only add up to " & Nr + 1 & " attachments. If you want     to add more you will need to change the array size"
    MsgBox strPromt, vbCritical, "Number of Attachments"
End If

intStart = 1
intLen = 0
If strAttachments <> "" Then
    For i = 0 To intNrAttch - 1
        If i < intNrAttch - 1 Then
            intLen = InStr(intStart, strAttachments, ";") - intStart + 1
            strFiles(i) = Trim(Mid(strAttachments, intStart, intLen - 1))
            intStart = intStart + intLen
            strFiles(i) = Trim(Mid(strAttachments, intStart,             Len(strAttachments) - intStart + 1))
    End If
    Next i
End If

intPos = Len(strMessage) + 1
With MyMessage
.To = strTo
.Subject = strSubject
.Body = strMessage
   strAttachments = "1"
    If     strAttachments <> "" Then
    For i = 0 To intNrAttch - 1
        .Attachments.Add strFiles(i), 1, intPos
    Next i
End If
End With

Set MyMessage = Nothing
Set MyOutlook = Nothing
SendMessageTo = True

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description, vbCritical, Error
Resume Error_Handler_Exit

End Function








我不知道你的img是否会显示出来,但这只是第二步。 也就是说,试试这个:

MyMessage.HTMLBody = "<p class=MsoNormal>" & strMessage & "<br /><b>WEEKLY REPORT:</b><br />" _
            & "<img src='cid:DashboardFile.jpg' width='814' height='33' /><br />" _
            & "<br />Best Regards,<br />Ed</p>"

”_ &“
”_ &“向您致意,


MyMessage.HTMLBody = "<p class=MsoNormal>" & strMessage & "<br /><b>WEEKLY REPORT:</b><br />" _
            & "<img src='cid:DashboardFile.jpg' width='814' height='33' /><br />" _
            & "<br />Best Regards,<br />Ed</p>"