VBA Excel自动填充事件

VBA Excel自动填充事件,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我需要能够在用户尝试自动填充列时执行一些代码,或者能够在执行工作表更改期间检测到它是自动填充。我有一些更改自动填充单元格值的代码。问题是,每次我同时编辑几个单元格时,都会触发此代码 Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As range) If Target.Rows.count > 1 Then Private子工作表\u更改(ByVal目标作为范围) 如果Target.Count>1或Target.Column 1,则退出Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As range)
    If Target.Rows.count > 1 Then
如果Target.Count>1或Target.Column 1,则退出Sub
MsgBox Target.Address'您的代码位于此处



  • 用户粘贴在多个单元格中
  • 用户删除了多个单元格
  • 用户按CTRL+Z(撤消)可更改多个单元格等

  • 如果您真的想捕获自动填充,那么您必须处理上述所有情况,并消除缩小范围的可能性,以确定它确实是一个自动填充事件。


        Application.SheetChange += Sheet_Change;
        private void Sheet_Change(object Sh, Range Target)
            //See if the size of the target matches the size of the current selection.
            //Selection size must be greater that one cell
            //Changed cells must be in the same dimension as the unchanged cells. e.g. unchanged area must fill one edge of the rectangle
            var selection = (Application.Selection as Range);
            Rect selectionArea = new Rect(selection.Column, selection.Row, selection.Columns.Count, selection.Rows.Count);
            Rect changedArea = new Rect(Target.Column, Target.Row, Target.Columns.Count, Target.Rows.Count);
            var isDragFill = false;
            if (selectionArea.Contains(changedArea)
                && (selectionArea.Width > 1 || selectionArea.Height > 1)
                && (selectionArea.Width == changedArea.Width || selectionArea.Height == changedArea.Height)
                && selectionArea != changedArea)
                isDragFill = true;
            if (!blockNextChange)
                if (isDragFill)
                    //Re-entrancy check in the case the value changes in this block
                    blockChanges = true;
                    bool isHorizontal = selectionArea.Height == changedArea.Height;
                        if (isHorizontal)
                            DragFillHorizontal(Target, selection, selectionArea, changedArea);
                            DragFillVertical(Target, selection, selectionArea, changedArea);
                    blockChanges = false;

        Application.SheetChange += Sheet_Change;
        private void Sheet_Change(object Sh, Range Target)
            //See if the size of the target matches the size of the current selection.
            //Selection size must be greater that one cell
            //Changed cells must be in the same dimension as the unchanged cells. e.g. unchanged area must fill one edge of the rectangle
            var selection = (Application.Selection as Range);
            Rect selectionArea = new Rect(selection.Column, selection.Row, selection.Columns.Count, selection.Rows.Count);
            Rect changedArea = new Rect(Target.Column, Target.Row, Target.Columns.Count, Target.Rows.Count);
            var isDragFill = false;
            if (selectionArea.Contains(changedArea)
                && (selectionArea.Width > 1 || selectionArea.Height > 1)
                && (selectionArea.Width == changedArea.Width || selectionArea.Height == changedArea.Height)
                && selectionArea != changedArea)
                isDragFill = true;
            if (!blockNextChange)
                if (isDragFill)
                    //Re-entrancy check in the case the value changes in this block
                    blockChanges = true;
                    bool isHorizontal = selectionArea.Height == changedArea.Height;
                        if (isHorizontal)
                            DragFillHorizontal(Target, selection, selectionArea, changedArea);
                            DragFillVertical(Target, selection, selectionArea, changedArea);
                    blockChanges = false;