Vba 根据表格计算每日和每周加班时间

Vba 根据表格计算每日和每周加班时间,vba,excel,Vba,Excel,我正试图建立一个Excel 2010电子表格,根据时钟生成的电子表格计算员工加班时间。时钟的报告仅给出总小时数。加班时间可以通过将工时分为正常工时和加班工时来计算。一天中任何超过10小时的都算作加班时间。一旦您达到40个正常工作小时(不包括加班),超过该点的所有小时都将被计算为加班。然后将所有OT相加。如果您从未达到40个正常工作小时,但仍有每日加班,则使用每日加班 我觉得这应该不会太难。我曾尝试使用一些条件公式来计算和分解OT,但未能找到任何在所有情况下都有效并允许流程自动化的方法。我在下面添

我正试图建立一个Excel 2010电子表格,根据时钟生成的电子表格计算员工加班时间。时钟的报告仅给出总小时数。加班时间可以通过将工时分为正常工时和加班工时来计算。一天中任何超过10小时的都算作加班时间。一旦您达到40个正常工作小时(不包括加班),超过该点的所有小时都将被计算为加班。然后将所有OT相加。如果您从未达到40个正常工作小时,但仍有每日加班,则使用每日加班




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Option Explicit

Public Day As Date
Public totHrs As Double
Public regHrs As Double
Public otHrs As Double
Public row As Long

Option Explicit

Public Name As String
Public Hrs As Collection
Public regHrs As Double
Public otHrs As Double
Public totHrs As Double

Option Explicit

Sub OTHours()

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Time Detail").Activate
Range("T2:T" & Range("T" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row).ClearContents
Range("T1") = "OT"

Dim c As Collection
Set c = New Collection
Dim e As Collection
Set e = New Collection

On Error GoTo RowHandler

Dim i As Long, r As Range
For i = 2 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
    Set r = Range("H" & i)
    c.Add r.row, r.Offset(0, -7) & "£" & r
Next i

'store name of previous person to know when to add new person to collection
Dim prev As String
prev = vbNullString

For i = 1 To c.Count
    Dim j As Long
    j = c.Item(i)
    Dim curr As String
    curr = Range("A" & j)

    'if not dealing with a new person, add hours to existing person
    'rather than creating new person
    If curr = prev Then GoTo CurrentPerson
        Dim m As Merged
        Set m = New Merged
        m.Name = Range("A" & c.Item(i))
        Set m.Hrs = New Collection

        Dim curHrs As DlyHrs
        Set curHrs = New DlyHrs
        curHrs.Day = Range("H" & c.Item(i))

        If i <> c.Count Then
            'Add up hours column
            Do Until j = c.Item(i + 1)
                curHrs.totHrs = curHrs.totHrs + Range("K" & j)
                curHrs.row = j
                j = j + 1
            Do Until IsEmpty(Range("A" & j))
                curHrs.totHrs = curHrs.totHrs + Range("K" & j)
                curHrs.row = j
                j = j + 1
        End If

        'break out regular and OT hours and add to current person
        If m.regHrs = 40 Then 'all hrs to OT
            curHrs.otHrs = curHrs.totHrs
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.otHrs = m.otHrs + curHrs.totHrs
        ElseIf m.regHrs + curHrs.totHrs > 40 Then 'approaching 40
            curHrs.regHrs = 40 - m.regHrs
            curHrs.otHrs = curHrs.totHrs - curHrs.regHrs
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.regHrs = m.regHrs + curHrs.regHrs
            m.otHrs = m.otHrs + curHrs.otHrs
        ElseIf curHrs.totHrs > 10 Then 'not approaching 40, but daily ot
            curHrs.otHrs = curHrs.totHrs - 10
            curHrs.regHrs = curHrs.totHrs - curHrs.otHrs
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.regHrs = m.regHrs + curHrs.regHrs
            m.otHrs = m.otHrs + curHrs.otHrs
        Else 'no daily or weekly ot
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.regHrs = m.regHrs + curHrs.totHrs
        End If

        If curHrs.otHrs <> 0 Then
            Range("T" & curHrs.row) = curHrs.otHrs
        End If
        m.Hrs.Add curHrs

        Dim nextPerson As String
        nextPerson = Range("A" & j)

        'check if next name is a new person. if so, add current person to collection
        If curr <> nextPerson Then
            e.Add m
        End If
        prev = curr
Next i

Exit Sub

Resume Next
End Sub

Option Explicit

Public Name As String
Public Hrs As Collection
Public regHrs As Double
Public otHrs As Double
Public totHrs As Double
Option Explicit

Sub OTHours()

ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Time Detail").Activate
Range("T2:T" & Range("T" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row).ClearContents
Range("T1") = "OT"

Dim c As Collection
Set c = New Collection
Dim e As Collection
Set e = New Collection

On Error GoTo RowHandler

Dim i As Long, r As Range
For i = 2 To Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row
    Set r = Range("H" & i)
    c.Add r.row, r.Offset(0, -7) & "£" & r
Next i

'store name of previous person to know when to add new person to collection
Dim prev As String
prev = vbNullString

For i = 1 To c.Count
    Dim j As Long
    j = c.Item(i)
    Dim curr As String
    curr = Range("A" & j)

    'if not dealing with a new person, add hours to existing person
    'rather than creating new person
    If curr = prev Then GoTo CurrentPerson
        Dim m As Merged
        Set m = New Merged
        m.Name = Range("A" & c.Item(i))
        Set m.Hrs = New Collection

        Dim curHrs As DlyHrs
        Set curHrs = New DlyHrs
        curHrs.Day = Range("H" & c.Item(i))

        If i <> c.Count Then
            'Add up hours column
            Do Until j = c.Item(i + 1)
                curHrs.totHrs = curHrs.totHrs + Range("K" & j)
                curHrs.row = j
                j = j + 1
            Do Until IsEmpty(Range("A" & j))
                curHrs.totHrs = curHrs.totHrs + Range("K" & j)
                curHrs.row = j
                j = j + 1
        End If

        'break out regular and OT hours and add to current person
        If m.regHrs = 40 Then 'all hrs to OT
            curHrs.otHrs = curHrs.totHrs
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.otHrs = m.otHrs + curHrs.totHrs
        ElseIf m.regHrs + curHrs.totHrs > 40 Then 'approaching 40
            curHrs.regHrs = 40 - m.regHrs
            curHrs.otHrs = curHrs.totHrs - curHrs.regHrs
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.regHrs = m.regHrs + curHrs.regHrs
            m.otHrs = m.otHrs + curHrs.otHrs
        ElseIf curHrs.totHrs > 10 Then 'not approaching 40, but daily ot
            curHrs.otHrs = curHrs.totHrs - 10
            curHrs.regHrs = curHrs.totHrs - curHrs.otHrs
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.regHrs = m.regHrs + curHrs.regHrs
            m.otHrs = m.otHrs + curHrs.otHrs
        Else 'no daily or weekly ot
            m.totHrs = m.totHrs + curHrs.totHrs
            m.regHrs = m.regHrs + curHrs.totHrs
        End If

        If curHrs.otHrs <> 0 Then
            Range("T" & curHrs.row) = curHrs.otHrs
        End If
        m.Hrs.Add curHrs

        Dim nextPerson As String
        nextPerson = Range("A" & j)

        'check if next name is a new person. if so, add current person to collection
        If curr <> nextPerson Then
            e.Add m
        End If
        prev = curr
Next i

Exit Sub

Resume Next
End Sub