Vbscript 执行中的脚本超时

Vbscript 执行中的脚本超时,vbscript,Vbscript,我写了一个小脚本来帮助重新组织我的.mp3收藏。当我运行这个脚本时,有时它会处理数千个文件,直到遇到错误条件(通常是移动名称/路径中有一个特殊字符的文件,我没有计算在内),但它通常会带着文本退出脚本 脚本“C:\DevSpace\mp3move.vbs”上的脚本执行时间已超过。 脚本执行已终止 我不知道为什么会这样。为了找出发生这种情况的原因,我添加了几行msgbox,我发现一个msgbox会弹出,但它会很快自动关闭 下面是代码-我为论坛中没有正确获得格式而道歉 'Takes all .MP3


脚本“C:\DevSpace\mp3move.vbs”上的脚本执行时间已超过。 脚本执行已终止



'Takes all .MP3 files in the source dir, reads the Artist tag associated with that file
'Checks for a dir named after the artist in the destination dir
'If the folder artist/album does not exists, it will create it
'Then move the .mp3 file to the dest dir 
Dim oAppShell, oFSO, oFolder, oFolderItems

Dim strPath, i  

Dim sInfo


sInfo = "Item Description"

strPath = "K:\_preprocess"
sDestination = "K:\Music"

Set oAppShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If not oFSO.FolderExists(strPath) Then

  WScript.Echo "Folder " & strPath & " is inaccessble"

End If

Set oFolder = oAppShell.NameSpace(strPath)
Set oFolderItems = oFolder.Items()

sCreate = ""
sExist = ""
sMoved = ""
If (not oFolderItems is nothing) Then
  if oFolderItems.Count = 0 then 
    Wscript.echo "no files found in this folder: "  & strPath 
  end If

  If iDebug = 1 Then
    i = oFolderItems.count
    WScript.Echo i
  End If

For Each oItem in oFolderItems
    If iDebug = 1 Then
        i = i - 1
    End If

    If oItem.Type = "MP3 audio file (mp3)" or oItem.Type = "MP3 Format Sound (.mp3)"_
    Or oItem.Type = "Windows Media Audio file" or oItem.Type = "MP3 Format Sound" then 
        'get artist name
        sArtist = oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oItem, 20)

        If iDebug = 1 Then
            MsgBox oItem.name
            MsgBox sArtist
        End If

        'if 'The Beatles' change to 'Beatles, the'
        If InStr(LCase(sArtist),"the") = 1 Then
            sArtist = Mid(sArtist,5) & ", the"
        End If

        'remove \ from band name
        If InStr(sArtist,"\") > 0 Then
            sArtist = Replace(sAlbum,"\","")        
        End If        

        If InStr(sArtist,"/") > 0 Then
            sArtist = Replace(sAlbum,"/","")        
        End If        

        If iDebug = 1 Then
            MsgBox sArtist
        End If

        'if folder does not exist create
        'MsgBox sDestination & "\" & sArtist
        If oFSO.FolderExists(sDestination & "\" & sArtist) Then
            'MsgBox "EXIST"
            sExist = sExist & sDestination & "\" & sArtist & " exists" & vbCrLf
            'MsgBox "CREATE " & sDestination & "\" & sArtist
            rtn = oFSO.CreateFolder(sDestination & "\" & sArtist)
            sCreate = sCreate & sDestination & "\" & sArtist & " created" & vbCrLf
        End If              

        'get album name
        sAlbum = oFolder.GetDetailsOf(oItem, 14)

        'remove special characters from album name      
        If InStr(sAlbum,":") > 0 Then
            sAlbum = Replace(sAlbum,":","")     
        End if

        If InStr(sAlbum,"?") > 0 Then
            sAlbum = Replace(sAlbum,"?","")     
        End If      

        If InStr(sAlbum,"...") > 0 Then
            sAlbum = Replace(sAlbum,"...","")       
        End If

        If InStr(sAlbum,"/") > 0 Then
            sAlbum = Replace(sAlbum,"/","")     
        End If

        If InStr(sAlbum,"\") > 0 Then
            sAlbum = Replace(sAlbum,"\","")     
        End If

        'create dir artist/album
        If oFSO.FolderExists (sDestination & "\" & sArtist & "\" & sAlbum) Then
            'sExist = sExist & sDestination & "\" & sArtist & sAlbum & " exists" & vbCrLf
            'MsgBox sDestination & "\" & sArtist & "\" & sAlbum
            rtn = oFSO.CreateFolder (sDestination & "\" & sArtist & "\" & sAlbum)
            'sCreate = sCreate & sDestination & "\" & sArtist & " created" & vbCrLf
        End If

        'move file
        sSource = strPath & "\" & oItem.name & ".mp3"
        sDest = sDestination & "\" & sArtist & "\" & sAlbum & "\"

        If iDebug=1 Then 
            MsgBox sSource & vbCrLf & sDest
        End If

        If oFSO.FileExists (sSource) Then
            oFSO.MoveFile sSource, sDest
            'sMoved = sMoved & sSource & " moved to " & sDest & vbcrlf
            'MsgBox smoved
            MsgBox sSource & " not moved"
        End If
    End If

    If iDebug = 1
        WScript.Sleep 1000
        WScript.Echo i
    End If

If iDebug=1 
    WScript.Echo i
End if
'MsgBox sCreate

'MsgBox sExist

'MsgBox sMoved

End If






