Vim 如何在单独的窗口中打开nerdtree而不是拆分?

Vim 如何在单独的窗口中打开nerdtree而不是拆分?,vim,vim-plugin,nerdtree,Vim,Vim Plugin,Nerdtree,我希望能够在新窗口中打开nerdtree(缓冲区,如果您愿意),这样它就不会与当前编辑的文件分离。当我使用指定为参数的目录从命令行打开vim时,也会发生同样的情况。“Split”通常与“window”同义,两者与“buffer”不同 从配置中删除NERDTree,您需要的是内置netrw的正常行为。请参见:help netrw :Ex " open a listing of the current directory in the current window :Sex " ope



:help netrw

:Ex     " open a listing of the current directory in the current window
:Sex    " open a listing of the current directory in an horizontal window
:Vex    " open a listing of the current directory in a vertical window
:Tex    " open a listing of the current directory in a new tab
:Rex    " go back to the previous listing

$ vim . " open Vim with a listing of the current directory


:NERDTree | only
