
强制Vi/Vim仅在retab上使用前导卡舌!,vim,vi,Vim,Vi,有没有办法强迫vim使用制表符进行初始缩进,但在运行retab时!命令不使用制表符替换内部单词间距?根据我的经验,最好的方法是使用自定义函数: " Retab spaced file, but only indentation command! RetabIndents call RetabIndents() " Retab spaced file, but only indentation func! RetabIndents() let saved_view = winsavevi



" Retab spaced file, but only indentation
command! RetabIndents call RetabIndents()

" Retab spaced file, but only indentation
func! RetabIndents()
    let saved_view = winsaveview()
    execute '%s@^\( \{'.&ts.'}\)\+@\=repeat("\t", len(submatch(0))/'.&ts.')@'
    call winrestview(saved_view)


:set ts=8     " Or whatever makes the file looks like right
:set et       " Switch to 'space mode'
:retab        " This makes everything spaces
:set noet     " Switch back to 'tab mode'
:RetabIndents " Change indentation (not alignment) to tabs
:set ts=4     " Or whatever your coding convention says it should be



execute '%s@^\( \{'.&ts.'}\)\+@\=repeat("\t", len(submatch(0))/'.&ts.')@'

" Execute the result of joining a few strings together:

%s               " Search and replace over the whole file
@....@....@      " Delimiters for search and replace
^                " Start of line
\(...\)          " Match group
 \{...}          " Match a space the number of times in the curly braces
&ts              " The current value of 'tabstop' option, so:
                 " 'string'.&ts.'string' becomes 'string4string' if tabstop is 4
                 " Thus the bracket bit becomes \( \{4}\)
\+               " Match one or more of the groups of 'tabstop' spaces (so if
                 " tabstop is 4, match 4, 8, 12, 16 etc spaces
@                " The middle delimiter
\=               " Replace with the result of an expression:
repeat(s,c)      " Make a string that is c copies of s, so repeat('xy',4) is 'xyxyxyxy'
"\t"             " String consisting of a single tab character
submatch(0)      " String that was matched by the first part (a number of multiples 
                 " of tabstop spaces)
len(submatch(0)) " The length of the match
/'.&ts.'         " This adds the string "/4" onto the expression (if tabstop is 4),
                 " resulting in len(submatch(0))/4 which gives the number of tabs that
                 " the line has been indented by
)                " The end of the repeat() function call

@                " End delimiter



此搜索将在整个文件中查找以开头的任何行 任意数量的制表符,后跟4个空格,并将其替换为 无论找到多少个标签,再加上一个




回答得太好了。我将不得不深入研究那个“执行”语句,因为它看起来像是一些深沉的黑暗魔法。很高兴它有用。我已经添加了一个关于“execute”语句的解释。我没有成功使用这个函数。当我使用:RetabIndents运行它时,在处理函数RetabIndents:line 2:E486:Pattern not found:^(\{4})时检测到:错误\+