Web applications 这是a'的合法实现吗;记住我';我的web应用程序的功能?

Web applications 这是a'的合法实现吗;记住我';我的web应用程序的功能?,web-applications,session,servlets,Web Applications,Session,Servlets,我正试图在我的web应用程序中添加一个“记住我”功能,让用户在重新启动浏览器之间保持登录状态。我想我得到了大部分。我在后台使用谷歌应用引擎,它让我可以使用java servlet。下面是一些要演示的伪代码: public class MyServlet { public void handleRequest() { if (getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getAttribute("user") != null) {

我正试图在我的web应用程序中添加一个“记住我”功能,让用户在重新启动浏览器之间保持登录状态。我想我得到了大部分。我在后台使用谷歌应用引擎,它让我可以使用java servlet。下面是一些要演示的伪代码:

public class MyServlet {
    public void handleRequest() {
        if (getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getAttribute("user") != null) {
            // User already has session running for them.
        else {
            // No session, but check if they chose 'remember me' during 
            // their initial login, if so we can have them 'auto log in' 
            // now.
            Cookie[] cookies = getThreadLocalRequest().getCookies();
            if (cookies.find("rememberMePlz").exists()) {
                // The value of this cookie is the cookie id, which is a 
                // unique string that is in no way based upon the user's 
                // name/email/id, and is hard to randomly generate.
                String cookieid = cookies.find("rememberMePlz").value();

                // Get the user object associated with this cookie id from 
                // the data store, would probably be a two-step process like:
                // select * from cookies where cookieid = 'cookieid';
                // select * from users where userid = 'userid fetched from above select';
                User user = DataStore.getUserByCookieId(cookieid);
                if (user != null) {
                    // Start session for them.
                        .setAttribute("user", user);
                else {
                    // Either couldn't find a matching cookie with the 
                    // supplied id, or maybe we expired the cookie on 
                    // our side or blocked it.

// On first login, if user wanted us to remember them, we'd generate 
// an instance of this object for them in the data store. We send the 
// cookieid value down to the client and they persist it on their side 
// in the "rememberMePlz" cookie.
public class CookieLong {
    private String mCookieId;
    private String mUserId; 
    private long mExpirationDate;

同样,我想这就是为什么cookie ID必须很难随机生成的原因,因为恶意用户不必窃取某人的cookie-他们可以随机分配cookie值,并以与该cookie关联的任何用户(如果有)的身份登录,对吗





没错。这也适用于所有“标准”会话cookie,例如JSP/Servlet webapps中的
,以及PHP webapps中的


听起来不错,到底什么是“DB的PK/UK”?这是一个实用程序库还是生成高质量随机cookie ID的东西?PK=主键(隐式唯一),UK=唯一键。当您尝试插入副本时,数据库将出错。利用它:)