Web services 如何知道Active Directory正在使用哪种类型的身份验证?

Web services 如何知道Active Directory正在使用哪种类型的身份验证?,web-services,active-directory,kerberos,ntlm,event-viewer,Web Services,Active Directory,Kerberos,Ntlm,Event Viewer,我一直在尝试使用Active Directory凭据连接到web服务,在服务器端,事件查看器显示了以下内容: 08/06/2014 05:50:39 p.m. An account failed to log on. Subject: Security ID: NULL SID Account Name: - Account Domain:

我一直在尝试使用Active Directory凭据连接到web服务,在服务器端,事件查看器显示了以下内容:

08/06/2014 05:50:39 p.m. An account failed to log on.

                Security ID:               NULL SID
                Account Name:              -
                Account Domain:            -
                Logon ID:                  0x0

Logon Type:                                3

Account For Which Logon Failed:
                Security ID:               NULL SID
                Account Name:              VALIDUSER-REDACTED
                Account Domain:            VALIDDOMAIN-REDACTED

Failure Information:
                Failure Reason:            Unknown user name or bad password.
                Status:                    0xc000006d
                Sub Status:                0xc0000064

Process Information:
                Caller Process ID:         0x0
                Caller Process Name:       -

Network Information:
                Workstation Name:          WORKSTATION-REDACTED
                Source Network Address:    123.456.789.012
                Source Port:               1234

Detailed Authentication Information:
                Logon Process:             NtLmSsp 
                Authentication Package:    NTLM
                Transited Services:        -
                Package Name (NTLM only):  -
                Key Length:                0

