Windows phone 8.1 Windows Phone、Prism.StoreApps:如何避免在暂停或终止后激活特定页面?

Windows phone 8.1 Windows Phone、Prism.StoreApps:如何避免在暂停或终止后激活特定页面?,windows-phone-8.1,prism-storeapps,Windows Phone 8.1,Prism Storeapps,我确实希望确保,如果某个应用程序被导航到某个页面,则该应用程序在挂起或终止后的上一个页面上位于另一个页面上。就我而言,这个页面是用来拍照的。我不希望用户在应用程序处于后台后返回此页面,因为它没有上下文信息。上下文信息在previuos页面上 我如何使用Prism.StoreApps实现这一点 背景:如果应用程序刚刚挂起,则应用程序的状态在恢复后保持不变,因此最后一个活动页面再次处于活动状态。在这种情况下,我真的不知道如何设置另一个页面处于活动状态。如果应用程序被终止,Prim.StoreApps







private void OnResuming(object sender, object o)
   // Check if the current root frame contains the page we do not want to 
   // be activated after a resume
   var rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
   if (rootFrame != null && rootFrame.CurrentSourcePageType == typeof (NotToBeResumedOnPage))
      // In case the page we don't want to be activated after a resume would be activated:
      // Go back to the previous page (or optionally to another page)
public bool MustPreventNavigationToPageNotToBeResumedOn { get; set; }

public App()

    // We assume that the app was restored from termination and therefore we must prevent navigation 
    // to the page that should not be navigated to after suspension and termination. 
    // In OnLaunchApplicationAsync MustPreventNavigationToPageNotToBeResumedOn is set to false since 
    // OnLaunchApplicationAsync is not invoked when the app was restored from termination.
    this.MustPreventNavigationToPageNotToBeResumedOn = true; 

    this.Resuming += this.OnResuming;

protected override Task OnLaunchApplicationAsync(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
   // If the application is launched normally we do not prevent navigation to the
   // page that should not be navigated to.
   this.MustPreventNavigationToPageNotToBeResumedOn = false;

   this.NavigationService.Navigate("Main", null);

   return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
public override void OnNavigatedTo(object navigationParameter, NavigationMode navigationMode, 
   Dictionary<string, object> viewModelState)
   if (((App)Application.Current).MustPreventNavigationToPageNotToBeResumedOn)
      // If must prevent navigation to this page (that should not be navigated to after 
      // suspension and termination) we reset the marker and just go back. 
      ((App)Application.Current).MustPreventNavigationToPageNotToBeResumedOn = false;
      base.OnNavigatedTo(navigationParameter, navigationMode, viewModelState);