Windows phone 8.1 在Windows phone 8.1中按home键时,如何防止ContentDialog关闭。。?

Windows phone 8.1 在Windows phone 8.1中按home键时,如何防止ContentDialog关闭。。?,windows-phone-8.1,messagedialog,Windows Phone 8.1,Messagedialog,要防止对话框关闭,请处理其事件并在其参数中设置为true 初始化对话框时: How can I prevent dialog from closing when Home key is pressed and relaunched 事件处理程序: myContentDialog.Closing += ContentDialog_Closing; myContentDialog.Closing += ContentDialog_Closing; void ContentDialog_



 How can I prevent dialog from closing when Home key is pressed and relaunched 

myContentDialog.Closing += ContentDialog_Closing; 
myContentDialog.Closing += ContentDialog_Closing; 
void ContentDialog_Closing(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogClosingEventArgs args)
    if (doNotClose)
        args.Cancel = true;