Wpf 扑克大厅建筑

Wpf 扑克大厅建筑,wpf,silverlight,wcf,architecture,poker,Wpf,Silverlight,Wcf,Architecture,Poker,我已经创建了一个在线扑克系统,前端使用WCF net.tcp和WPF。它工作得很好,但我觉得当我将前端转换为Silverlight时,有一些地方可以改进 我要问的一个问题是,游戏大厅应该如何更新?扑克游戏大厅不断更新玩家数量、每小时手数和翻牌百分比等统计数据 由于在任何给定的时间都可能有数百个游戏正在进行中,我不太确定每5秒返回一次完整的游戏列表(轮询)是否最佳。我考虑使用delta查询,因为很多游戏都不会有状态更新(例如:桌上没有玩家) 我考虑使用一个更新时间,这样每次客户机(可能是数百甚至数

我已经创建了一个在线扑克系统,前端使用WCF net.tcp和WPF。它工作得很好,但我觉得当我将前端转换为Silverlight时,有一些地方可以改进








<Window x:Class="TestListUpdate.Window1"
    Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">
        <ListView Name="listView1">
                    <GridViewColumn Width="140" Header="Name" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Value.Name}" />
                    <GridViewColumn Width="140" Header="Creator" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Value.Creator}" />
                    <GridViewColumn Width="140" Header="Publisher" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Value.Publisher}" />

namespace TestListUpdate
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for Window1.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class Window1 : Window
        Dictionary<int, GameData> _gameData = null;

        // This is a test, real data will be retrieved via a web service
        List<GameData> _updates = null;

        public Window1()

            // This is the original data bound to the ListView control
            this._gameData = new Dictionary<int, GameData>();
            this._gameData.Add(1, new GameData { Id = 1, Creator = "ABC", Name = "One", Publisher = "123" });
            this._gameData.Add(2, new GameData { Id = 2, Creator = "DEF", Name = "Two", Publisher = "456" });
            this._gameData.Add(3, new GameData { Id = 3, Creator = "GHI", Name = "Three", Publisher = "789" });
            this._gameData.Add(4, new GameData { Id = 4, Creator = "JKL", Name = "Four", Publisher = "abc" });
            this._gameData.Add(5, new GameData { Id = 5, Creator = "MNO", Name = "Five", Publisher = "def" });

            // This is test data, some Ids are duplicates of the original data above
            // other items represent new items
            this._updates = new List<GameData>();
            this._updates.Add(new GameData { Id = 2, Creator = "DDD", Name = "Two", Publisher = "123" });
            this._updates.Add(new GameData { Id = 3, Creator = "TTT", Name = "Three", Publisher = "456" });
            this._updates.Add(new GameData { Id = 5, Creator = "FFF", Name = "Five", Publisher = "789" });
            this._updates.Add(new GameData { Id = 6, Creator = "XXX", Name = "Six", Publisher = "abc" });
            this._updates.Add(new GameData { Id = 7, Creator = "VVV", Name = "Seven", Publisher = "def" });

            System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer timer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5);
            timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);

        void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get a list of Ids from the new data
            var ids = (from l in this._updates
                       select l.Id);

            // Get a list of items that have matching Ids,
            // this data will be updated
            var updates = (from g in this._gameData
                           where ids.Contains(g.Value.Id)
                           select g);

            // Update the current items
            for (int i = 0; i < updates.Count(); ++i)
                KeyValuePair<int, GameData> kvp = updates.ElementAt(i);
                kvp.Value.Publisher = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString();

            // This represents new items to add
            this._gameData = this._gameData.Concat(
                    (from n in this._updates
                     where !this._gameData.ContainsKey(n.Id)
                     select n).ToDictionary(a => a.Id, a => a)
                 ).ToDictionary(q => q.Key, q => q.Value);

            // This is a simple trick to rebind the ListView control
            this.listView1.ItemsSource = null;
            this.listView1.ItemsSource = GameList;

        // Databinding property
        public Dictionary<int, GameData> GameList
            get { return this._gameData; }

    // Data class
    public class GameData
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Creator { get; set; }
        public string Publisher { get; set; }
命名空间TestListUpdate { /// ///Window1.xaml的交互逻辑 /// 公共部分类Window1:Window { 字典_gameData=null; //这是一个测试,真实数据将通过web服务检索 列表_updates=null; 公共窗口1() { 初始化组件(); //这是绑定到ListView控件的原始数据 这是。_gameData=new Dictionary(); 这个._gameData.Add(1,新的gameData{Id=1,Creator=“ABC”,Name=“One”,Publisher=“123”}); 这个.u gameData.Add(2,新的gameData{Id=2,Creator=“DEF”,Name=“Two”,Publisher=“456”}); 这个._gameData.Add(3,新的gameData{Id=3,Creator=“GHI”,Name=“Three”,Publisher=“789”}); 这个._gameData.Add(4,新的gameData{Id=4,Creator=“JKL”,Name=“Four”,Publisher=“abc”}); 这个.u gameData.Add(5,新的gameData{Id=5,Creator=“MNO”,Name=“Five”,Publisher=“def”}); //这是测试数据,有些ID是上面原始数据的副本 //其他项目代表新项目 此。_updates=新列表(); 这个._updates.Add(新游戏数据{Id=2,Creator=“DDD”,Name=“Two”,Publisher=“123”}); 这个._updates.Add(新游戏数据{Id=3,Creator=“TTT”,Name=“Three”,Publisher=“456”}); 这个._updates.Add(新游戏数据{Id=5,Creator=“FFF”,Name=“Five”,Publisher=“789”}); 这个._updates.Add(新游戏数据{Id=6,Creator=“XXX”,Name=“Six”,Publisher=“abc”}); 这个._updates.Add(新游戏数据{Id=7,Creator=“VVV”,Name=“Seven”,Publisher=“def”}); System.Windows.Threading.dispatchermer timer=新的System.Windows.Threading.dispatchermer(); timer.Interval=新的时间跨度(0,0,5); timer.Tick+=新事件处理程序(timer\u Tick); timer.Start(); } 无效计时器勾号(对象发送方,事件参数e) { //从新数据中获取ID列表 变量ID=(从本文件中的l开始。\u更新 选择l.Id); //获取具有匹配ID的项目列表, //这些数据将被更新 var updates=(从本节中的g开始).\u gameData 其中ids.Contains(g.Value.Id) 选择g); //更新当前项目 对于(int i=0;ia.Id,a=>a) ).ToDictionary(q=>q.Key,q=>q.Value); //这是重新绑定ListView控件的一个简单技巧 this.listView1.ItemsSource=null; this.listView1.ItemsSource=游戏列表; } //数据绑定属性 公共词典游戏列表 { 获取{返回此。_gameData;} } } //数据类 公共类游戏数据 { 公共int Id{get;set;} 公共字符串名称{get;set;} 公共字符串创建者{get;set;} 公共字符串发布程序{get;set;} } }