Yii2 如何向Kartik DetailView添加标签提示

Yii2 如何向Kartik DetailView添加标签提示,yii2,Yii2,我正在使用Kartik DetailView,希望在用户将鼠标悬停在标签上时显示提示(如GII表单)。我试过以下方法,但不起作用 $attributes = [ [ 'attribute'=>'name', 'inputWidth'=>'50%', ], [ 'attribute'=>'round_precision', 'hint' => 'Specify the number of decimal di

我正在使用Kartik DetailView,希望在用户将鼠标悬停在标签上时显示提示(如GII表单)。我试过以下方法,但不起作用

 $attributes = [
    [   'attribute'=>'name',
    [   'attribute'=>'round_precision',
        'hint' => 'Specify the number of decimal digits after the decimal to round to.  Use a negative value to round the integer part of the number to the number of digits before the decimal. A value of 1 will round 1.855 to 1.7, and a value of -2 will round 1.855 1.86.  A value of -1 will round 17.6 to 18, and a value of -2 will round 17.6 to 20.',

如何在Kartik DetailView小部件中获得类似Gii的提示?



 * Create a help popover to be shown on an input form.
 * @param $label string The label to display for the input.
 * @param $help string The help text to display.
 * @return string
public static function renderLabelHelp($label, $help) {
    return Html::tag('span', $label, [
        'data-trigger' => 'click hover',
        'data-placement' => 'auto right',
        'data-html' => 'true',    // allow html tags
        'data-title'=> 'Field Help',
        'style'=>'text-decoration: underline; cursor:help;'

<?= Html::label(MyHelpers::renderLabelHelp(
    'Specify the number of decimal digits after the decimal to round to.<br>Use a negative value to round the integer part of the number to the number of digits before the decimal.<br>A value of 1 will round 1.855 to 1.7, and a value of -2 will round 1.855 1.86.  A value of -1 will round 17.6 to 18, and a value of -2 will round 17.6 to 20.'
) ?>



'hint' => $model->getAttributeHint('round_precision')
'hint' => $model->getAttributeHint('round_precision')