从不同窗口在vb.net wpf项目中记录时间戳

从不同窗口在vb.net wpf项目中记录时间戳,.net,wpf,vb.net,.net,Wpf,Vb.net,我正在构建一个vb.net/wpf应用程序,它是一系列wpf窗口。每次打开或关闭新窗口,或者用户按下按钮时,我都要记录一个时间戳。我试图找到一个解决方案,如何记录事件发生时相对于程序开始的时间。我不知道如何创建一种“全局”秒表,并从不同的窗口访问它以要求记录时间戳。应该采取什么方法?使单个对象负责打开窗口。例如,可以是程序类或向导类(对我来说,这听起来像是一个向导类的UI) 当向导类打开每个窗口并等待它关闭时,调用ShowDialog 如果你这样做的话,给窗户的打开和关闭加上时间戳就不难了 单击









var container=新的WindsorContainer();
var logger=container.Resolve();

我最终做了如下事情。它包括静态类,我在窗口之间传递一个对象(字典)。我不确定这是否是正确的方法,但窗口会相互激活,并在下一个窗口被称为showdialog后关闭。 谢谢你的帮助

Public Class HelpTools
Shared startKey As String = "start_time"
Public Shared Sub initializeData(ByRef data As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal id As String, ByVal startTime As DateTime, ByVal firstTimeStamp As Double)

    AddStringOutput(data, "id", id)

    Dim start As String = startTime
    AddStringOutput(data, startKey, start)

    AddStringOutput(data, "next_timestamp", firstTimeStamp)

End Sub

Public Shared Sub recordTime(ByRef data As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal info As String)

    'Set the StartTime at the begin of the processing
    ' for which you want to capture ElapsedTime
    Dim StartTime As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(getStringOutput(data, startKey)) 'Now

    'Capture the Elapsed Time here as follows
    Dim ElapsedTime As TimeSpan = Now().Subtract(StartTime)
    'Now we will report the output
    'display format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds
    Dim timestamp As String = String.Format(info & ": elapsed Time : {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", CInt(ElapsedTime.TotalHours), _
    CInt(ElapsedTime.TotalMinutes) Mod 60, _
    CInt(ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds) Mod 60)

    Dim nextTimestampNumber As Integer = getDoubleOutput(data, "next_timestamp")
    AddStringOutput(data, "timestamp_" & nextTimestampNumber, timestamp)
    AddDoubleOutput(data, "next_timestamp", 1)

End Sub

end class

Public Class HelpTools
Shared startKey As String = "start_time"
Public Shared Sub initializeData(ByRef data As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal id As String, ByVal startTime As DateTime, ByVal firstTimeStamp As Double)

    AddStringOutput(data, "id", id)

    Dim start As String = startTime
    AddStringOutput(data, startKey, start)

    AddStringOutput(data, "next_timestamp", firstTimeStamp)

End Sub

Public Shared Sub recordTime(ByRef data As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal info As String)

    'Set the StartTime at the begin of the processing
    ' for which you want to capture ElapsedTime
    Dim StartTime As DateTime = DateTime.Parse(getStringOutput(data, startKey)) 'Now

    'Capture the Elapsed Time here as follows
    Dim ElapsedTime As TimeSpan = Now().Subtract(StartTime)
    'Now we will report the output
    'display format is Hours:Minutes:Seconds
    Dim timestamp As String = String.Format(info & ": elapsed Time : {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", CInt(ElapsedTime.TotalHours), _
    CInt(ElapsedTime.TotalMinutes) Mod 60, _
    CInt(ElapsedTime.TotalSeconds) Mod 60)

    Dim nextTimestampNumber As Integer = getDoubleOutput(data, "next_timestamp")
    AddStringOutput(data, "timestamp_" & nextTimestampNumber, timestamp)
    AddDoubleOutput(data, "next_timestamp", 1)

End Sub

end class