.net 为什么我从FxCop收到InitializeReferenceTypeStaticFieldsInline警告?

.net 为什么我从FxCop收到InitializeReferenceTypeStaticFieldsInline警告?,.net,vb.net,fxcop,.net,Vb.net,Fxcop,我有这个: Public Class Foo Private Shared ReadOnly machineName As String Private Shared ReadOnly userName As String = Environment.UserName Private Shared ReadOnly domainName As String Private Shared ReadOnly events As New List(Of ManualRe


Public Class Foo
    Private Shared ReadOnly machineName As String
    Private Shared ReadOnly userName As String = Environment.UserName
    Private Shared ReadOnly domainName As String
    Private Shared ReadOnly events As New List(Of ManualResetEvent)()

    Shared Sub New()

        AddHandler AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit,
            New EventHandler(AddressOf Wait)
        'wait for all tasks to complete before the process terminates

            machineName = Environment.MachineName
        Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
            machineName = ""
        End Try

            domainName = Environment.UserDomainName
        Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
            domainName = ""
        Catch ex As PlatformNotSupportedException
            domainName = ""
        End Try

    End Sub
End Class

CriticalWarning, Certainty 90, for InitializeReferenceTypeStaticFieldsInline
    Target       : #.cctor()  (IntrospectionTargetMember)
    Location     : file://blah/blah/blah
    Resolution   : "Initialize all static fields in 'Namespace' 
                   when those fields are declared and remove the explicit 
                   static constructor."
    Help         : http://msdn2.microsoft.com/library/ms182275(VS.90).aspx  (String)
    Category     : Microsoft.Performance  (String)
    CheckId      : CA1810  (String)
    RuleFile     : Performance Rules  (String)
    Info         : "Static fields should be initialized when declared. 
                   Initializing static data in explicit static constructors 
                   results in less performant code."
    Created      : 5/26/2015 9:46:09 PM  (DateTime)
    LastSeen     : 5/26/2015 9:46:09 PM  (DateTime)
    Status       : Active  (MessageStatus)
    Fix Category : NonBreaking  (FixCategories)

