.net MVC RESTFUL HTTPClient try-catch-odity

.net MVC RESTFUL HTTPClient try-catch-odity,.net,wcf,model-view-controller,rest,httpclient,.net,Wcf,Model View Controller,Rest,Httpclient,我有点困惑为什么我的try…catch异常似乎不能正常工作。我设置了以下工作正常的代码——调用WCF restful服务。我决定通过关闭WCF REST服务来测试它,希望它会捕获错误消息或忽略200(OK)消息等。但是由于某些原因,尝试捕获和响应。 据我所知,当200被忽略时,我应该只需要抓住ArgumentOutOfRangeException…思考 // set up passing parameters var p = new HttpQueryString

我有点困惑为什么我的try…catch异常似乎不能正常工作。我设置了以下工作正常的代码——调用WCF restful服务。我决定通过关闭WCF REST服务来测试它,希望它会捕获错误消息或忽略200(OK)消息等。但是由于某些原因,尝试捕获和响应。 据我所知,当200被忽略时,我应该只需要抓住ArgumentOutOfRangeException…思考

        // set up passing parameters
        var p = new HttpQueryString();
        p.Add("username", username);
        p.Add("password", password);

            WebConfigurations cfg = new WebConfigurations();
            HttpResponseMessage response;

            // cfg - gets the base address for the URL of the WCF
            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(cfg.GetBaseUrl()))
                // exception HttpStageProcessingException occurs here...
                response = client.Get(new Uri(client.BaseAddress + "MainService/ValidateUser"), p);

                string memberallowed = string.Empty;

                // process the resonse xml etc..NOT a problem...
                ProcessStreamData proc = new ProcessStreamData();
                memberallowed = proc.ReadStreamData(response);

                // blah balh
                return result;


        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException aorEx)

            Console.Write("Argument Out of Range: " + aorEx.Message);
            return false;

        // This really should not be here??? No error message is generated, too...
        catch (HttpStageProcessingException timeEx)
            Console.Write("Stage Processing" + timeEx.Message);
            return false;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.Write("Standard error" + ex.Message);
            return false;


