Actionscript 3 在Flash ActionScript 3中,我将如何编写一个从12个随机帧中选择5个帧的语句?

Actionscript 3 在Flash ActionScript 3中,我将如何编写一个从12个随机帧中选择5个帧的语句?,actionscript-3,flash,random,Actionscript 3,Flash,Random,我相信这个问题已经被无数次地问过了,但无论如何我都会感谢你的帮助。我正在制作一个FlashMasterMind克隆,有一个电影剪辑,里面有12个彩色的“钉子”和一个“洞”的图像。我该如何编写一个语句来选择五个随机帧,而不仅仅是前五个帧?我有最简单的想法,但我不完全确定它是否正确: var totalColors:Number = 12; var maxColors:Number = 5; var chosenColors:Array: for(var i:Number = 1; i<to


var totalColors:Number = 12;
var maxColors:Number = 5;
var chosenColors:Array:

for(var i:Number = 1; i<totalColors; i++)
    chosenColors[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*totalColors)+1

//i goes through all of the possible colors and adds them to the temp array
for (var i:uint = 1; i <= newPiece.totalFrames; i++)

//j chooses seven colors out of the array of all possibilities
for (var j:int = 0; j < numPieces; j++)
    //index is the frame that has been chosen randomly
    var index:int = int(Math.random() * temp.length);
    chosenColors[j] = temp[index];

    //remove the index
    temp.splice(index, 0);

newPiece.type = Math.ceil(Math.random() * chosenColors.length);
var totalColors:Number=12;
var maxColors:Number=5;
var chosenColors:Array=[];

for(var i:Number=1;我已经在我之前制作的一个正在工作的Bejeweld克隆中实现了您的代码。只要我将这一行保留在您的第二个for循环中,我就没有编译时或运行时错误:但这并没有限制可以使用多少种类型的gem。我哪里出错了?您说的“限制可以使用多少种类型的gem”是什么意思?
//i goes through all of the possible colors and adds them to the temp array
for (var i:uint = 1; i <= newPiece.totalFrames; i++)

//j chooses seven colors out of the array of all possibilities
for (var j:int = 0; j < numPieces; j++)
    //index is the frame that has been chosen randomly
    var index:int = int(Math.random() * temp.length);
    chosenColors[j] = temp[index];

    //remove the index
    temp.splice(index, 0);

newPiece.type = Math.ceil(Math.random() * chosenColors.length);
var totalColors:Number = 12;
var maxColors:Number = 5;   
var chosenColors:Array = [];
var temp:Array = [];

for(var i:Number = 1; i <= totalColors; i++)

for (var j:int = 0; j < maxColors; j++)

   var index:int = int(Math.random()*temp.length);
   chosenColors[j] = temp[index];

   //remove the index
   temp.splice(index, 1);