Algorithm 从列表中选择项目

Algorithm 从列表中选择项目,algorithm,vba,excel,combinations,Algorithm,Vba,Excel,Combinations,问题: 下面的格式中有N名足球运动员,表中每11名球员的组合将显示一次 每个11人的阵容必须遵循以下限制条件 它应该能够选择球员作为“核心”,这意味着他们将出现在100%的输出阵容 输入: A B C D E Name Position Team Salary Core Player? 1="Yes",0="No" Darron Gibson M EVE






  A               B       C        D                 E
Name          Position  Team     Salary     Core Player? 1="Yes",0="No"
Darron Gibson   M        EVE    6500000              0
Riyad Mahrez    M        LEI    11700000             0
Andrej Kramaric F        LEI    6900000              0
Sadio Mané      M        SOT    12600000             0
Victor Anichebe F        WBA    5300000              1
Serge Gnabry    M        WBA    6300000              0
Dimitri Payet   M        WHM    13500000             0
Juan Mata       M        MUN    10700000             0
  .so on there is list of players

Maximum Salary  100000000   Allowed per team

'These are the maximum and minimum no. of players for a position per team   
Position    Min   Max   
  G          1    1
  D          3    4
  M          3    5
  F          1    3

'there can be maximum no. of four players from a single team
' e.g. MUN (manchester united)          
Maximum Number of Players from one team     4   
Total number of players     11            'Total no. of players per team

    Player 1    Player 2    Player 3    Player 4    Player 5    Player 6    Player 7    Player 8    Player 9    Player 10   Player 11
    Player 1    Player 2    Player 3    Player 4    Player 5    Player 6    Player 7    Player 8    Player 9    Player 10   Player 12
    Player 1    Player 2    Player 3    Player 4    Player 5    Player 6    Player 7    Player 8    Player 9    Player 10   Player 13
    Player 1    Player 2    Player 3    Player 4    Player 5    Player 6    Player 7    Player 8    Player 9    Player 10   Player 14

'Update: Players can be repeated in another teams but no match for full line up is allowed 

 Like this is not allowed

Player 1    Player 2    Player 3    Player 4    Player 5    Player 6    Player 7    Player 8    Player 9    Player 10   Player 11
Player 1    Player 3    Player 2    Player 5    Player 4    Player 6    Player 7    Player 8    Player 9    Player 10   Player 11



Dim TotalG、TotalD、TotalM、TotalF、TotalSal、Sal、SalLeft、MaxTeam和长
变暗Drng As范围
变暗Mrng As范围

如果ct考虑一个SQL解决方案,它运行11个播放器序列的随机迭代,并验证每个迭代以满足所有要求的条件。MS Access与它的Office同级MS Excel配合使用效果很好,是一个可行的解决方案。此外,任何RDM都可以在存储过程中运行。下面是事件和所需对象的顺序。这是供您测试的所有选项的空白





SELECT Player1, Player2, Player3, Player4, Player5, Player6, 
       Player7, Player8, Player9, Player10, Player11, 

       (t1.Salary + t2.Salary + t3.Salary + t4.Salary + t5.Salary + t6.Salary +
        t7.Salary + t8.Salary + t9.Salary + t10.Salary + t11.Salary) AS TeamSalary, 
       IIF(t1.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'G', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t3.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t5.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t7.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t9.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'G', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t11.Position = 'G', 1, 0) AS GPosition, 

       IIF(t1.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'D', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t3.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t5.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'D', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t7.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t9.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t11.Position = 'D', 1, 0) AS DPosition, 

       IIF(t1.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t3.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t5.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t7.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t9.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t11.Position = 'M', 1, 0) AS MPosition, 

       IIF(t1.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t3.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t5.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t7.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + 
       IIF(t9.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
       IIF(t11.Position = 'F', 1, 0) AS FPosition

    (SELECT PlayerName as Player1, Position, Team, Salary    
     FROM Soccer 
     WHERE [Core Player] = True AND
           (SELECT Count(*) FROM Soccer sub 
            WHERE sub.ID <= Soccer.ID  
            AND sub.[Core Player] = True 
            AND Soccer.[Core Player] = True) = 1)  AS t1, 

    (SELECT PlayerName as Player2, Position, Team, Salary
     FROM Soccer 
     WHERE [Core Player] = True AND
           (SELECT Count(*) FROM Soccer sub 
            WHERE sub.ID <= Soccer.ID  
            AND sub.[Core Player] = True 
            AND Soccer.[Core Player] = True) = 2)  AS t2, 

    (SELECT PlayerName as Player3, Position, Team, Salary    
     FROM Soccer  
     WHERE [Core Player] = True AND
           (SELECT Count(*) FROM Soccer sub 
            WHERE sub.ID <= Soccer.ID  
            AND sub.[Core Player] = True 
            AND Soccer.[Core Player] = True) = 3)  AS t3, 

    (SELECT PlayerName as Player4, Position, Team, Salary
     FROM Soccer 
     WHERE [Core Player] = True AND
           (SELECT Count(*) FROM Soccer sub 
            WHERE sub.ID <= Soccer.ID  
            AND sub.[Core Player] = True 
            AND Soccer.[Core Player] = True) = 4)  AS t4, 

    (SELECT TOP 1 PlayerName AS Player5, Position, Team, Salary 
     FROM Soccer ORDER BY Rnd(ID))  AS t5, 

    (SELECT TOP 1 PlayerName AS Player6, Position, Team, Salary 
     FROM Soccer ORDER BY Rnd(ID))  AS t6, 

    (SELECT TOP 1 PlayerName AS Player7, Position, Team, Salary 
     FROM Soccer ORDER BY Rnd(ID))  AS t7, 

    (SELECT TOP 1 PlayerName AS Player8, Position, Team, Salary 
     FROM Soccer ORDER BY Rnd(ID))  AS t8, 

    (SELECT TOP 1 PlayerName AS Player9, Position, Team, Salary 
     FROM Soccer ORDER BY Rnd(ID))  AS t9, 

    (SELECT TOP 1 PlayerName AS Player10, Position, Team, Salary
     FROM Soccer ORDER BY Rnd(ID))  AS t10,

    (SELECT TOP 1 PlayerName AS Player11, Position, Team, Salary 
     FROM Soccer ORDER BY Rnd(ID))  AS t11


   IIF(t1.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'G', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t3.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t5.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t7.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t9.Position = 'G', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'G', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t11.Position = 'G', 1, 0) = 1 

   IIF(t1.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'D', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t3.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t5.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'D', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t7.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t9.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'D', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t11.Position = 'D', 1, 0) BETWEEN 3 AND 4

   IIF(t1.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t3.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t5.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t7.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t9.Position = 'M', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'M', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t11.Position = 'M', 1, 0) BETWEEN 3 AND 5

   IIF(t1.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t2.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t3.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t4.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t5.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t6.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t7.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t8.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + 
   IIF(t9.Position = 'F', 1, 0) + IIF(t10.Position = 'F', 1, 0) +
   IIF(t11.Position = 'F', 1, 0) BETWEEN 1 AND 3

  (t1.Salary + t2.Salary + t3.Salary + t4.Salary + t5.Salary + t6.Salary + 
   t7.Salary + t8.Salary + t9.Salary + t10.Salary + t11.Salary) <= 100000000;



请注意,我添加了几张新的表格来解释流程: “数学”用于表示允许多少个团队组合。 “限制”跟踪球员来自的球队名称。 “原始”是您的原始“输入”表-更易于复制/粘贴以进行测试




Option Explicit

Dim WSi, WSo, WSt, WSs, WSl, WSm As Worksheet
Dim iGLow   As Integer
Dim iGHigh  As Integer
Dim iDLow   As Integer
Dim iDHigh  As Integer
Dim iMLow   As Integer
Dim iMHigh  As Integer
Dim iFLow   As Integer
Dim iFHigh  As Integer
Dim iCol    As Integer
Dim iGoalies, iMidfield, iForward, iDefense As Integer
Dim iGoaliesA, iMidfieldA, iForwardA, iDefenseA As Integer
Dim iCoreG, iCoreD, iCoreF, iCoreM As Integer
Dim iPlayers    As Integer
Dim iTeams      As Integer
Dim iRow        As Integer
Dim iTeamL      As Integer
Dim FSW         As Boolean
Dim FinalRowI   As Long
Dim lMaxSal     As Long
Dim iTeamRow    As Integer
Dim iGMin, IGMax   As Integer
Dim iDMin, IDMax   As Integer
Dim iFMin, IFMax   As Integer
Dim iMMin, IMMax   As Integer
Dim sCores      As String
Const cGoal = 13
Const cFwd = 15
Const cFwd2 = 18
Const cDef = 14
Const cDef2 = 17
Const cMid = 16
Const cMid2 = 19
Const cGA = 22
Const cDA = 23
Const cFA = 24
Const cMA = 25
Const cTTL = 20

Sub Teams()
Dim i   As Integer
Dim iT  As Integer
Dim i2  As Integer
Dim iGOAL, iFWD, iMID, iDEF As Integer

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    FSW = True

    If HouseKeeping = False Then
        MsgBox "Due to problems described earlier, this program will halt now. Please correct all problems.", vbOKOnly, "Program Halt"
        Exit Sub
    End If


    For iTeamRow = 2 To iTeams + 1
        iCol = 1            ' Initialize the Output Column number starting position
        sCores = ""         ' Use this to track CORE players per team

        iGOAL = 0: iFWD = 0: iMID = 0: iDEF = 0

        If iTeamRow Mod 10 = 0 Then
            If ArrangeInputList = True Then
                MsgBox "Problem with number of players by position."
            End If
        End If

        If iGoaliesA > 0 Then
            iRow = FindAnyRow("G", iGLow, iGHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iGoaliesA = iGoaliesA - 1       ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iGOAL = iGOAL + 1
            Debug.Print "Bail out!"
            GoTo Finish_Up
        End If

        For i = 1 To WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cDef) + WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cDef2)
            iCol = iCol + 1
            iRow = FindAnyRow("D", iDLow, iDHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iDefenseA = iDefenseA - 1      ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iDEF = iDEF + 1
        Next i

        For i = 1 To WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cFwd) + WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cFwd2)
            iCol = iCol + 1
            iRow = FindAnyRow("F", iFLow, iFHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iForwardA = iForwardA - 1      ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iFWD = iFWD + 1
        Next i

        For i = 1 To WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cMid) + WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cMid2)
            iCol = iCol + 1
            iRow = FindAnyRow("M", iMLow, iMHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iMidfieldA = iMidfieldA - 1      ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iMID = iMID + 1
        Next i

        ' Save Count by Position
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 12) = iGOAL
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 13) = iFWD
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 14) = iDEF
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 15) = iMID

        If (iGOAL <> 1) Or (iFWD > 3) Or (iMID > 5) Or (iDEF > 4) Then
            Debug.Print "Team composition exceeds limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
            MsgBox "Team composition exceeds limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
        End If
        If (iGOAL + iFWD + iMID + iDEF <> 11) Then
            Debug.Print "Team composition not enough players limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
            MsgBox "Team composition exceeds limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
        End If

    Next iTeamRow


    ActiveCell = "=COUNTIF($A2:$K2,M$1)"        '"=SUM(RC[-11]:RC[-1])"
    Range("M2:AA" & Int(iTeams)).Select

    ' Add Conditional Formatting to turn team count to yellow if > 4 players
    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
    With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 65535
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False


Dim sPlayer1    As String
Dim sPlayer2    As String
Dim sPosition   As String
Dim iRow1       As Integer
Dim iRow2       As Integer
Dim Rng1        As Range
Dim Rng2        As Range
Dim rCell       As Range
Dim iCol1       As Integer
Dim iCol2       As Integer
Dim iC1         As Integer
Dim iR1         As Integer
Dim sTeam       As String

    If WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, 12) > lMaxSal Then
        Debug.Print "Team Salary = " & WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, 12)
        MsgBox "Team Salary of: " & WSs.Cells(iRow, 12) & " exceeds Limit of: " & lMaxSal
    End If

    ' Find first team with > 4 players from same team...
    For Each rCell In WSt.Range("M2:AD" & iTeams + 1).Cells
        If rCell.Value > 4 Then
            'firstValue = rCell.Value
            iC1 = rCell.Column
            iR1 = rCell.Row
            For i = 2 To iTeams         ' Find a row with less than 4 playes for this team...
                If WSt.Cells(i, iC1) < 4 Then        ' If < 4, then we have a swap!
                    iRow2 = i
                    Debug.Print "Team #" & i - 1; " has only " & WSt.Cells(i, iC1) & " players from Team '" & WSt.Cells(1, iC1) & "'"
                    sTeam = WSt.Cells(1, iC1)
                    ' Now find a player to swap (must be same position also)
                    For i2 = 2 To 11
                        If WSt.Cells(iR1, i2) = WSt.Cells(1, iC1) Then
                            iRow1 = iR1
                            iCol1 = i2
                            sPlayer1 = WSo.Cells(iR1, i2)                 ' Get Players name & position
                            sPosition = Right(sPlayer1, 3)
                            sPlayer1 = Left(sPlayer1, Len(sPlayer1) - 4)
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Next i2
                    ' Now we need to find same position in the other team
                    ' iRow2 contains Target Row
                    For i2 = 2 To 11
                        If InStr(1, WSo.Cells(iRow2, i2), sPosition) > 0 And WSt.Cells(iRow2, i2) <> sTeam Then
                            iCol2 = i2
                            sPlayer2 = WSo.Cells(iRow2, i2)
                            sPlayer2 = Left(sPlayer2, Len(sPlayer2) - 4)

                            Set Rng1 = WSo.Cells(iRow1, iCol1)
                            Set Rng2 = WSo.Cells(iRow2, iCol2)

                            If SwapPlayers(sPlayer1, Rng1, sPlayer2, Rng2) = False Then
                                MsgBox "Failed to swap players: " & sPlayer1 & " with " & sPlayer2
                            End If
                            GoTo Audit_Checks
                        End If
                    Next i2
                End If
            Next i
        End If


    Debug.Print "----------------END OF TEAMS---------------------"
    Debug.Print "Remaining: " & vbCrLf & _
                "Goalies  : " & iGoaliesA & vbTab & "(Need 1)" & vbCrLf & _
                "Forwards : " & iForwardA & vbTab & "(Need 1)" & vbCrLf & _
                "Defense  : " & iDefenseA & vbTab & "(Need 3)" & vbCrLf & _
                "Midfield : " & iMidfieldA & vbTab & "(Need 3)" & vbCrLf

    Exit Sub

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: Teams"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: Teams"

End Sub

Function FindAnyRow(sPosition As String, iLow As Integer, iHigh As Integer) As Integer
' This function will receive the low and high row number for players by a position
' it will generate a random row number within that range, and if player not
' previously selected (X in 'selected' column), then will use that row #.
' As more players are taken from a range, the random number may spend too much time
' trying to find an unselected player in that range. If so, re-sort the list to exclude
' players that have already been selected.

Dim i       As Integer
Dim iTries  As Integer
Dim iRow    As Integer
Dim FindRow     As Range
Dim iCLow       As Integer
Dim iTaken      As Integer

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    'Debug.Print "FindAnyRow: Pos=" & sPosition & vbTab & iLow & vbTab & iHigh

    If iHigh - iLow < 0 Then
        Debug.Print "How is this going to work?" & vbTab & iLow & vbTab & iHigh
        FindAnyRow = 0
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' First let's check if we have a CORE player for this position
    ' Future change: once all core players have been assigned, bypass this code...
    iCLow = iLow    ' Set low limit of rows to search for CORE

        ' Having problems with 'Find' logic, so just use the K.I.S.S. method for now!
        For iRow = iCLow To iHigh
            If WSi.Range("E" & iRow) = 1 Then
                If InStr(1, sCores, WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & ",") = 0 Then
                    sCores = sCores & WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & ","        ' Add player to this team
                    FindAnyRow = iRow           ' Return the row #
                    'Debug.Print "Found CORE '" & sPosition & "' in row: " & iRow
                    WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & " (" & sPosition & ")"
                    WSt.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("C" & iRow)
                    WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("D" & iRow)
                    ' If a CORE player - never mark as SELECTED. Thus will appear in every team
                    'WSi.Range("F" & iRow) = "X"
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End If
        Next iRow
        Exit Do

    ' Didn't find a CORE player, so let's find any player for this position!
    iTries = 0
        iTries = iTries + 1         ' Count # times we have tried to find available player.
        If iTries > 21 Then         ' If more than 5, resort the list!
            ' ONE time during testing, the list was re-sorted, but then still failed to find a player.
            ' Just in case....
            iTaken = 0
            If iHigh - iLow <= 2 Then
                For i = iLow To iHigh
                    If WSi.Range("E" & i) = 1 Or WSi.Range("F" & iRow) <> "X" Then
                        iTaken = iTaken + 1
                    End If
                Next i
            End If
            If iTaken >= iHigh - iLow Then
                ' We have reached the limit on player combinations
                FindAnyRow = 0
                Exit Function
                MsgBox "Random / resort not working!!"
            End If
        ElseIf iTries > 15 Then
            If ArrangeInputList = True Then
                Debug.Print "Problem with number of players by position."
                FindAnyRow = 0
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        iRow = Int((iHigh - iLow + 1) * Rnd + iLow)    ' Get random number between low & high row
        'Check if already selected
        If WSi.Range("F" & iRow) = " " And WSi.Range("E" & iRow) <> 1 Then
            FindAnyRow = iRow           ' Return the row #
            WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & " (" & sPosition & ")"
            WSt.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("C" & iRow)
            WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("D" & iRow)
            ' Don't mark a CORE by accident
            If WSi.Range("E" & iRow) <> 1 Then
                WSi.Range("F" & iRow) = "X"
                'Debug.Print "Prevented marking player by mistake."
            End If
            Exit Do                  ' Exit the loop
        End If

    Exit Function

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: FindAnyRow"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: FindAnyRow"

End Function

Function ArrangeInputList() As Boolean
' Sort the list of players by 'selected' column, then by position.
Dim blnStop As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap
    blnStop = False
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Input").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("F2:F342") _
        , SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Input").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B2:B342") _
        , SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Input").Sort
        .SetRange Range("A1:F342")
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With

    ' Now get the starting row for each position.
    ' Range of Defense...
    iDLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="D", After:=Range("B1")).Row
    ' Range of Forwards...
    iFLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="F", After:=Range("B1")).Row
    ' Range of Goalies...
    iGLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="G", After:=Range("B1")).Row
    ' Range of Midfielders...
    iMLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="M", After:=Range("B1")).Row

    ' Calculate the ending row per position. Note: Can't search for MAX because prior 'selected'
    ' will still appear at the bottom of the list!
    iDHigh = iFLow - 1
    iFHigh = iGLow - 1
    iGHigh = iMLow - 1

    ' The last group (Midfielders) needs some help!
    If FSW = True Then
        ' First time thru, this will be the last row for midfielders.
        FSW = False
        iMHigh = iPlayers
        ' Any other time thru, this will be the last row before a 'selected' flag.
        iMHigh = Range("F:F").Find(What:="X", After:=Range("F1")).Row
    End If

    ' Check validity
    If iGHigh < iGLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If
    If iDHigh < iDLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If
    If iFHigh < iFLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If
    If iMHigh < iMLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If

    ' Count new total # players by position...
    iDefense = iDHigh - iDLow + 1
    iForward = iFHigh - iFLow + 1
    iGoalies = iGHigh - iGLow + 1
    iMidfield = iMHigh - iMLow + 1

    ' Calculate new total # players AVAILABLE by position...
    iDefenseA = iDHigh - iDLow + 1
    iForwardA = iFHigh - iFLow + 1
    iGoaliesA = iGHigh - iGLow + 1
    iMidfieldA = iMHigh - iMLow + 1

'    Debug.Print "Goalies Avail:   " & iGoaliesA
'    Debug.Print "Defenders Avail: " & iDefenseA
'    Debug.Print "Forwards Avail:  " & iForwardA
'    Debug.Print "Midfielders Avail: " & iMidfieldA

    Exit Function

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: ArrangeInputList"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: ArrangeInputList"

End Function

Function SwapPlayers(sName1 As String, iRng1 As Range, sName2 As String, iRng2 As Range) As Boolean
' This routine will remove the selected player from their prior team and swap with another player.
Dim i       As Integer
Dim iRow1    As Integer
Dim iCol1    As Integer
Dim iRow2    As Integer
Dim iCol2    As Integer
Dim FindRow     As Integer
Dim rFound      As Range
Dim sName       As String
Dim iLen        As Integer
Dim lSalary1    As Long
Dim lSalary2    As Long
Dim sTeam1      As String
Dim sTeam2      As String
Dim sN1         As String
Dim sN2         As String

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    Debug.Print iRng1.Address & vbTab & iRng1.Row & "/" & iRng1.Column
    Debug.Print iRng2.Address & vbTab & iRng2.Row & "/" & iRng2.Column

    ' Find first player
    With WSi
        Set rFound = .Range("A2:A" & FinalRowI).Find(What:=sName1, LookIn:=xlValues)
    End With
    If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
        iRow1 = rFound.Row
        ' Impossible?
        MsgBox "Unable to find player: " & sName1
    End If

    ' Find second player
    With WSi
        Set rFound = .Range("A2:A" & FinalRowI).Find(What:=sName2, LookIn:=xlValues)
    End With
    If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
        iRow2 = rFound.Row
        ' Impossible?
        MsgBox "Unable to find player: " & sName1
    End If

    ' Get Salary and Team names
    sTeam1 = WSi.Cells(iRow1, 3)
    sTeam2 = WSi.Cells(iRow2, 3)
    lSalary1 = WSi.Cells(iRow1, 4)
    lSalary2 = WSi.Cells(iRow2, 4)
    sN1 = WSo.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column)
    sN2 = WSo.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column)

    ' Make the swap
    Debug.Print "Swap: " & sName1 & vbTab & sTeam1 & vbTab & lSalary1 & vbTab & "in RC:" & ""
    Debug.Print "With: " & sName2 & vbTab & sTeam2 & vbTab & lSalary2 & vbTab & "in RC:" & ""
    'Debug.Print WSo.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) & vbTab & WSt.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) & vbTab & WSs.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column)
    'Debug.Print WSo.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) & vbTab & WSt.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) & vbTab & WSs.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column)

    WSo.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) = sN2
    WSo.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) = sN1

    WSt.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) = sTeam2
    WSt.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) = sTeam1

    WSs.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) = lSalary2
    WSs.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) = lSalary1

    SwapPlayers = True

    Exit Function

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: SwapPlayer"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: SwapPlayer"
    Exit Function

End Function

Function HouseKeeping() As Boolean
' General setup code to:
' - Clear sheet contents
' - Get Team Names
' - Calculate makeup of teams by positions (Math worksheet)

Dim i           As Integer
Dim i2          As Integer
Dim iSum        As Integer
Dim blnFail     As Boolean
Dim iHalf       As Integer
Dim iCtr        As Integer
Dim bSkipBalance    As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    blnFail = False    ' Set default to 'FAIL' mode - if good exit, change to pass

    Set WSi = Sheet1
    Set WSo = Sheet2
    Set WSt = Sheet3
    Set WSs = Sheet4
    Set WSl = Sheet5
    Set WSm = Sheet8


    iGMin = WSi.Cells(17, 8):     IGMax = WSi.Cells(17, 9)
    iDMin = WSi.Cells(18, 8):     IDMax = WSi.Cells(18, 9)
    iFMin = WSi.Cells(19, 8):     IFMax = WSi.Cells(19, 9)
    iMMin = WSi.Cells(20, 8):     IMMax = WSi.Cells(20, 9)

    WSo.Cells(1, 1) = "Goalie"
    WSo.Cells(1, 2) = "2"
    WSo.Cells(1, 3) = "3"
    WSo.Cells(1, 4) = "4"
    WSo.Cells(1, 12) = "# G"
    WSo.Cells(1, 13) = "# D"
    WSo.Cells(1, 14) = "# F"
    WSo.Cells(1, 15) = "# M"

    ' Get last row, which is # Players +1
    FinalRowI = WSi.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    iPlayers = FinalRowI - 1

    ' Clear 'Selected' column - used to indicate a player has been assigned a team
    ActiveCell.Value = " "      ' need one space for sort to work properly
    Range("F3:F" & FinalRowI).Select

    ' Setup Math worksheet...

    ' Count Players by position. Place in Math worksheet
    WSm.Cells(4, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "G")
    WSm.Cells(5, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "D")
    WSm.Cells(6, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "F")
    WSm.Cells(7, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "M")

    ' In theory, this is the max number of teams
    iTeams = FinalRowI / 11

    ' Do we have enough Goalies to make teams?
    If WSm.Cells(4, 4) < iTeams Then
        iTeams = WSm.Cells(4, 4)
    End If

    ' Get # Core players
    iCoreG = 0: iCoreD = 0: iCoreF = 0: iCoreM = 0:

    For i = 2 To FinalRowI
        If WSi.Cells(i, 5) = 1 Then
            If WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "G" Then
                iCoreG = iCoreG + 1
            ElseIf WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "D" Then
                iCoreD = iCoreD + 1
            ElseIf WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "F" Then
                iCoreF = iCoreF + 1
            ElseIf WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "M" Then
                iCoreM = iCoreM + 1
            End If
        End If
    Next i

    ' Clear Map of team composition
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    i = 0

    ' Loop as long as we can build a team....
        bSkipBalance = False

        i = i + 1
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cTTL).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-7]:RC[-1])"    ' Add formula to sum count of players on team

        If iCoreG = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cGA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]"     ' Goalie Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cGA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"            ' No limit on goalie
        End If

        If iCoreD = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]"                  ' Defender Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]+" & iCoreD        ' Defender Remainder
        End If

        If iCoreF = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cFA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]"                  ' Forward Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cFA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]+" & iCoreF        ' Forward Remainder
        End If

        If iCoreM = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cMA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]"                  ' Midfielder Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cMA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]+" & iCoreM        ' Midfielder Remainder

        End If

        WSm.Cells(3 + i, 12) = i        ' Set map of positions
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cGoal) = 1
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDef) = 3
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cFwd) = 1
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cMid) = 3

        ' If we have Excess Defenders, use them (can ONLY use ONE more!!)
        If WSm.Cells(3 + i, 12) > WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDA) Then    ' was WSm.Cells(5, 9)
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDef2) = 0
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDef2) = 1
        End If
Dim WSi、WSo、WSt、WSs、WSl、WSm As工作表
Dim iDLow作为整数
Dim iDHigh为整数
Dim iMHigh为整数
Dim iFLow作为整数
Dim IGALIES、iMidfield、iForward、iDefense作为整数
Dim iGoaliesA、IMIDFEELDA、iForwardA、iDefenseA作为整数
Dim iCoreG、iCoreD、iCoreF、iCoreM作为整数
作为整数的Dim iTeams
Dim iRow作为整数
Dim iTeamL作为整数
Dim iTeamRow作为整数
Dim iGMin,IGMax为整数
Dim iDMin,IDMax为整数
Dim iFMin,IFMax为整数
Dim iMMin,IMMax为整数
作为整数的Dim i
作为整数的Dim i2
Dim iGOAL、iFWD、iMID、iDEF作为整数
Public Function IteratePicks()
    Dim db As Database
    Dim i As Integer

    Set db = CurrentDb

    For i = 1 To 50
        db.Execute "INSERT INTO SoccerPicks SELECT * FROM SoccerTeamPicksQ", dbFailOnError

        db.Execute "DELETE FROM SoccerPicks" _
                    & " WHERE SoccerPicks.ID IN" _
                    & " (SELECT ID" _
                    & "  FROM (SELECT SoccerPicksUnionQ.ID, SoccerPicksUnionQ.Player, Count(*) AS PlayerCount" _
                    & "       FROM SoccerPicksUnionQ " _
                    & "  GROUP BY SoccerPicksUnionQ.ID, SoccerPicksUnionQ.Player" _
                    & "  HAVING Count(*) > 1) AS dT);", dbFailOnError    

        db.Execute "DELETE FROM SoccerPicks" _
                    & " WHERE SoccerPicks.ID IN" _
                    & " (SELECT ID AS MaxID" _
                    & "  FROM (SELECT SoccerPicksUnionQ.ID, SoccerPicksUnionQ.Team, Count(*) AS TeamCount" _
                    & "       FROM SoccerPicksUnionQ" _
                    & "       GROUP BY SoccerPicksUnionQ.ID, SoccerPicksUnionQ.Team)  AS dT" _
                    & "  GROUP BY ID" _
                    & "  HAVING Max(TeamCount) >= 4);", dbFailOnError

        db.Execute "DELETE FROM SoccerPicks" _
                    & " WHERE ID IN" _
                    & " (SELECT ID AS MaxID" _
                    & "  FROM SoccerPicks" _
                    & "  WHERE TeamSalary IN" _
                    & "         (SELECT sub.TeamSalary" _
                    & "         FROM SoccerPicks sub" _
                    & "         WHERE sub.ID < SoccerPicks.ID));", dbFailOnError
    Next i

    Set db = Nothing

    MsgBox "Successfully completed!", vbInformation
End Function
Option Explicit

Dim WSi, WSo, WSt, WSs, WSl, WSm As Worksheet
Dim iGLow   As Integer
Dim iGHigh  As Integer
Dim iDLow   As Integer
Dim iDHigh  As Integer
Dim iMLow   As Integer
Dim iMHigh  As Integer
Dim iFLow   As Integer
Dim iFHigh  As Integer
Dim iCol    As Integer
Dim iGoalies, iMidfield, iForward, iDefense As Integer
Dim iGoaliesA, iMidfieldA, iForwardA, iDefenseA As Integer
Dim iCoreG, iCoreD, iCoreF, iCoreM As Integer
Dim iPlayers    As Integer
Dim iTeams      As Integer
Dim iRow        As Integer
Dim iTeamL      As Integer
Dim FSW         As Boolean
Dim FinalRowI   As Long
Dim lMaxSal     As Long
Dim iTeamRow    As Integer
Dim iGMin, IGMax   As Integer
Dim iDMin, IDMax   As Integer
Dim iFMin, IFMax   As Integer
Dim iMMin, IMMax   As Integer
Dim sCores      As String
Const cGoal = 13
Const cFwd = 15
Const cFwd2 = 18
Const cDef = 14
Const cDef2 = 17
Const cMid = 16
Const cMid2 = 19
Const cGA = 22
Const cDA = 23
Const cFA = 24
Const cMA = 25
Const cTTL = 20

Sub Teams()
Dim i   As Integer
Dim iT  As Integer
Dim i2  As Integer
Dim iGOAL, iFWD, iMID, iDEF As Integer

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    FSW = True

    If HouseKeeping = False Then
        MsgBox "Due to problems described earlier, this program will halt now. Please correct all problems.", vbOKOnly, "Program Halt"
        Exit Sub
    End If


    For iTeamRow = 2 To iTeams + 1
        iCol = 1            ' Initialize the Output Column number starting position
        sCores = ""         ' Use this to track CORE players per team

        iGOAL = 0: iFWD = 0: iMID = 0: iDEF = 0

        If iTeamRow Mod 10 = 0 Then
            If ArrangeInputList = True Then
                MsgBox "Problem with number of players by position."
            End If
        End If

        If iGoaliesA > 0 Then
            iRow = FindAnyRow("G", iGLow, iGHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iGoaliesA = iGoaliesA - 1       ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iGOAL = iGOAL + 1
            Debug.Print "Bail out!"
            GoTo Finish_Up
        End If

        For i = 1 To WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cDef) + WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cDef2)
            iCol = iCol + 1
            iRow = FindAnyRow("D", iDLow, iDHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iDefenseA = iDefenseA - 1      ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iDEF = iDEF + 1
        Next i

        For i = 1 To WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cFwd) + WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cFwd2)
            iCol = iCol + 1
            iRow = FindAnyRow("F", iFLow, iFHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iForwardA = iForwardA - 1      ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iFWD = iFWD + 1
        Next i

        For i = 1 To WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cMid) + WSm.Cells(2 + iTeamRow, cMid2)
            iCol = iCol + 1
            iRow = FindAnyRow("M", iMLow, iMHigh)
            If iRow = 0 Then
                Debug.Print "Unable to make any more teams."
                GoTo Finish_Up
            End If
            iMidfieldA = iMidfieldA - 1      ' Decrease count of available by position...
            iMID = iMID + 1
        Next i

        ' Save Count by Position
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 12) = iGOAL
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 13) = iFWD
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 14) = iDEF
        WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, 15) = iMID

        If (iGOAL <> 1) Or (iFWD > 3) Or (iMID > 5) Or (iDEF > 4) Then
            Debug.Print "Team composition exceeds limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
            MsgBox "Team composition exceeds limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
        End If
        If (iGOAL + iFWD + iMID + iDEF <> 11) Then
            Debug.Print "Team composition not enough players limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
            MsgBox "Team composition exceeds limits: " & vbCrLf & _
            "Goalies = " & iGOAL & vbTab & "Forwards = " & iFWD & vbTab & "Midfielders = " & iMID & vbTab & "Defenders = " & iDEF
        End If

    Next iTeamRow


    ActiveCell = "=COUNTIF($A2:$K2,M$1)"        '"=SUM(RC[-11]:RC[-1])"
    Range("M2:AA" & Int(iTeams)).Select

    ' Add Conditional Formatting to turn team count to yellow if > 4 players
    Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
    With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Interior
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .Color = 65535
        .TintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False


Dim sPlayer1    As String
Dim sPlayer2    As String
Dim sPosition   As String
Dim iRow1       As Integer
Dim iRow2       As Integer
Dim Rng1        As Range
Dim Rng2        As Range
Dim rCell       As Range
Dim iCol1       As Integer
Dim iCol2       As Integer
Dim iC1         As Integer
Dim iR1         As Integer
Dim sTeam       As String

    If WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, 12) > lMaxSal Then
        Debug.Print "Team Salary = " & WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, 12)
        MsgBox "Team Salary of: " & WSs.Cells(iRow, 12) & " exceeds Limit of: " & lMaxSal
    End If

    ' Find first team with > 4 players from same team...
    For Each rCell In WSt.Range("M2:AD" & iTeams + 1).Cells
        If rCell.Value > 4 Then
            'firstValue = rCell.Value
            iC1 = rCell.Column
            iR1 = rCell.Row
            For i = 2 To iTeams         ' Find a row with less than 4 playes for this team...
                If WSt.Cells(i, iC1) < 4 Then        ' If < 4, then we have a swap!
                    iRow2 = i
                    Debug.Print "Team #" & i - 1; " has only " & WSt.Cells(i, iC1) & " players from Team '" & WSt.Cells(1, iC1) & "'"
                    sTeam = WSt.Cells(1, iC1)
                    ' Now find a player to swap (must be same position also)
                    For i2 = 2 To 11
                        If WSt.Cells(iR1, i2) = WSt.Cells(1, iC1) Then
                            iRow1 = iR1
                            iCol1 = i2
                            sPlayer1 = WSo.Cells(iR1, i2)                 ' Get Players name & position
                            sPosition = Right(sPlayer1, 3)
                            sPlayer1 = Left(sPlayer1, Len(sPlayer1) - 4)
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    Next i2
                    ' Now we need to find same position in the other team
                    ' iRow2 contains Target Row
                    For i2 = 2 To 11
                        If InStr(1, WSo.Cells(iRow2, i2), sPosition) > 0 And WSt.Cells(iRow2, i2) <> sTeam Then
                            iCol2 = i2
                            sPlayer2 = WSo.Cells(iRow2, i2)
                            sPlayer2 = Left(sPlayer2, Len(sPlayer2) - 4)

                            Set Rng1 = WSo.Cells(iRow1, iCol1)
                            Set Rng2 = WSo.Cells(iRow2, iCol2)

                            If SwapPlayers(sPlayer1, Rng1, sPlayer2, Rng2) = False Then
                                MsgBox "Failed to swap players: " & sPlayer1 & " with " & sPlayer2
                            End If
                            GoTo Audit_Checks
                        End If
                    Next i2
                End If
            Next i
        End If


    Debug.Print "----------------END OF TEAMS---------------------"
    Debug.Print "Remaining: " & vbCrLf & _
                "Goalies  : " & iGoaliesA & vbTab & "(Need 1)" & vbCrLf & _
                "Forwards : " & iForwardA & vbTab & "(Need 1)" & vbCrLf & _
                "Defense  : " & iDefenseA & vbTab & "(Need 3)" & vbCrLf & _
                "Midfield : " & iMidfieldA & vbTab & "(Need 3)" & vbCrLf

    Exit Sub

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: Teams"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: Teams"

End Sub

Function FindAnyRow(sPosition As String, iLow As Integer, iHigh As Integer) As Integer
' This function will receive the low and high row number for players by a position
' it will generate a random row number within that range, and if player not
' previously selected (X in 'selected' column), then will use that row #.
' As more players are taken from a range, the random number may spend too much time
' trying to find an unselected player in that range. If so, re-sort the list to exclude
' players that have already been selected.

Dim i       As Integer
Dim iTries  As Integer
Dim iRow    As Integer
Dim FindRow     As Range
Dim iCLow       As Integer
Dim iTaken      As Integer

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    'Debug.Print "FindAnyRow: Pos=" & sPosition & vbTab & iLow & vbTab & iHigh

    If iHigh - iLow < 0 Then
        Debug.Print "How is this going to work?" & vbTab & iLow & vbTab & iHigh
        FindAnyRow = 0
        Exit Function
    End If

    ' First let's check if we have a CORE player for this position
    ' Future change: once all core players have been assigned, bypass this code...
    iCLow = iLow    ' Set low limit of rows to search for CORE

        ' Having problems with 'Find' logic, so just use the K.I.S.S. method for now!
        For iRow = iCLow To iHigh
            If WSi.Range("E" & iRow) = 1 Then
                If InStr(1, sCores, WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & ",") = 0 Then
                    sCores = sCores & WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & ","        ' Add player to this team
                    FindAnyRow = iRow           ' Return the row #
                    'Debug.Print "Found CORE '" & sPosition & "' in row: " & iRow
                    WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & " (" & sPosition & ")"
                    WSt.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("C" & iRow)
                    WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("D" & iRow)
                    ' If a CORE player - never mark as SELECTED. Thus will appear in every team
                    'WSi.Range("F" & iRow) = "X"
                    Exit Function
                End If
            End If
        Next iRow
        Exit Do

    ' Didn't find a CORE player, so let's find any player for this position!
    iTries = 0
        iTries = iTries + 1         ' Count # times we have tried to find available player.
        If iTries > 21 Then         ' If more than 5, resort the list!
            ' ONE time during testing, the list was re-sorted, but then still failed to find a player.
            ' Just in case....
            iTaken = 0
            If iHigh - iLow <= 2 Then
                For i = iLow To iHigh
                    If WSi.Range("E" & i) = 1 Or WSi.Range("F" & iRow) <> "X" Then
                        iTaken = iTaken + 1
                    End If
                Next i
            End If
            If iTaken >= iHigh - iLow Then
                ' We have reached the limit on player combinations
                FindAnyRow = 0
                Exit Function
                MsgBox "Random / resort not working!!"
            End If
        ElseIf iTries > 15 Then
            If ArrangeInputList = True Then
                Debug.Print "Problem with number of players by position."
                FindAnyRow = 0
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
        iRow = Int((iHigh - iLow + 1) * Rnd + iLow)    ' Get random number between low & high row
        'Check if already selected
        If WSi.Range("F" & iRow) = " " And WSi.Range("E" & iRow) <> 1 Then
            FindAnyRow = iRow           ' Return the row #
            WSo.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("A" & iRow) & " (" & sPosition & ")"
            WSt.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("C" & iRow)
            WSs.Cells(iTeamRow, iCol) = WSi.Range("D" & iRow)
            ' Don't mark a CORE by accident
            If WSi.Range("E" & iRow) <> 1 Then
                WSi.Range("F" & iRow) = "X"
                'Debug.Print "Prevented marking player by mistake."
            End If
            Exit Do                  ' Exit the loop
        End If

    Exit Function

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: FindAnyRow"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: FindAnyRow"

End Function

Function ArrangeInputList() As Boolean
' Sort the list of players by 'selected' column, then by position.
Dim blnStop As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap
    blnStop = False
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Input").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("F2:F342") _
        , SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Input").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B2:B342") _
        , SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Input").Sort
        .SetRange Range("A1:F342")
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With

    ' Now get the starting row for each position.
    ' Range of Defense...
    iDLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="D", After:=Range("B1")).Row
    ' Range of Forwards...
    iFLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="F", After:=Range("B1")).Row
    ' Range of Goalies...
    iGLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="G", After:=Range("B1")).Row
    ' Range of Midfielders...
    iMLow = Range("B:B").Find(What:="M", After:=Range("B1")).Row

    ' Calculate the ending row per position. Note: Can't search for MAX because prior 'selected'
    ' will still appear at the bottom of the list!
    iDHigh = iFLow - 1
    iFHigh = iGLow - 1
    iGHigh = iMLow - 1

    ' The last group (Midfielders) needs some help!
    If FSW = True Then
        ' First time thru, this will be the last row for midfielders.
        FSW = False
        iMHigh = iPlayers
        ' Any other time thru, this will be the last row before a 'selected' flag.
        iMHigh = Range("F:F").Find(What:="X", After:=Range("F1")).Row
    End If

    ' Check validity
    If iGHigh < iGLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If
    If iDHigh < iDLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If
    If iFHigh < iFLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If
    If iMHigh < iMLow Then
        Debug.Print "WHAT>>>"
        blnStop = True
    End If

    ' Count new total # players by position...
    iDefense = iDHigh - iDLow + 1
    iForward = iFHigh - iFLow + 1
    iGoalies = iGHigh - iGLow + 1
    iMidfield = iMHigh - iMLow + 1

    ' Calculate new total # players AVAILABLE by position...
    iDefenseA = iDHigh - iDLow + 1
    iForwardA = iFHigh - iFLow + 1
    iGoaliesA = iGHigh - iGLow + 1
    iMidfieldA = iMHigh - iMLow + 1

'    Debug.Print "Goalies Avail:   " & iGoaliesA
'    Debug.Print "Defenders Avail: " & iDefenseA
'    Debug.Print "Forwards Avail:  " & iForwardA
'    Debug.Print "Midfielders Avail: " & iMidfieldA

    Exit Function

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: ArrangeInputList"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: ArrangeInputList"

End Function

Function SwapPlayers(sName1 As String, iRng1 As Range, sName2 As String, iRng2 As Range) As Boolean
' This routine will remove the selected player from their prior team and swap with another player.
Dim i       As Integer
Dim iRow1    As Integer
Dim iCol1    As Integer
Dim iRow2    As Integer
Dim iCol2    As Integer
Dim FindRow     As Integer
Dim rFound      As Range
Dim sName       As String
Dim iLen        As Integer
Dim lSalary1    As Long
Dim lSalary2    As Long
Dim sTeam1      As String
Dim sTeam2      As String
Dim sN1         As String
Dim sN2         As String

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    Debug.Print iRng1.Address & vbTab & iRng1.Row & "/" & iRng1.Column
    Debug.Print iRng2.Address & vbTab & iRng2.Row & "/" & iRng2.Column

    ' Find first player
    With WSi
        Set rFound = .Range("A2:A" & FinalRowI).Find(What:=sName1, LookIn:=xlValues)
    End With
    If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
        iRow1 = rFound.Row
        ' Impossible?
        MsgBox "Unable to find player: " & sName1
    End If

    ' Find second player
    With WSi
        Set rFound = .Range("A2:A" & FinalRowI).Find(What:=sName2, LookIn:=xlValues)
    End With
    If Not rFound Is Nothing Then
        iRow2 = rFound.Row
        ' Impossible?
        MsgBox "Unable to find player: " & sName1
    End If

    ' Get Salary and Team names
    sTeam1 = WSi.Cells(iRow1, 3)
    sTeam2 = WSi.Cells(iRow2, 3)
    lSalary1 = WSi.Cells(iRow1, 4)
    lSalary2 = WSi.Cells(iRow2, 4)
    sN1 = WSo.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column)
    sN2 = WSo.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column)

    ' Make the swap
    Debug.Print "Swap: " & sName1 & vbTab & sTeam1 & vbTab & lSalary1 & vbTab & "in RC:" & ""
    Debug.Print "With: " & sName2 & vbTab & sTeam2 & vbTab & lSalary2 & vbTab & "in RC:" & ""
    'Debug.Print WSo.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) & vbTab & WSt.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) & vbTab & WSs.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column)
    'Debug.Print WSo.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) & vbTab & WSt.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) & vbTab & WSs.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column)

    WSo.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) = sN2
    WSo.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) = sN1

    WSt.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) = sTeam2
    WSt.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) = sTeam1

    WSs.Cells(iRng1.Row, iRng1.Column) = lSalary2
    WSs.Cells(iRng2.Row, iRng2.Column) = lSalary1

    SwapPlayers = True

    Exit Function

    Debug.Print Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: SwapPlayer"
    MsgBox Err.Number & vbTab & Err.Description & vbCrLf & "In: SwapPlayer"
    Exit Function

End Function

Function HouseKeeping() As Boolean
' General setup code to:
' - Clear sheet contents
' - Get Team Names
' - Calculate makeup of teams by positions (Math worksheet)

Dim i           As Integer
Dim i2          As Integer
Dim iSum        As Integer
Dim blnFail     As Boolean
Dim iHalf       As Integer
Dim iCtr        As Integer
Dim bSkipBalance    As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Error_Trap

    blnFail = False    ' Set default to 'FAIL' mode - if good exit, change to pass

    Set WSi = Sheet1
    Set WSo = Sheet2
    Set WSt = Sheet3
    Set WSs = Sheet4
    Set WSl = Sheet5
    Set WSm = Sheet8


    iGMin = WSi.Cells(17, 8):     IGMax = WSi.Cells(17, 9)
    iDMin = WSi.Cells(18, 8):     IDMax = WSi.Cells(18, 9)
    iFMin = WSi.Cells(19, 8):     IFMax = WSi.Cells(19, 9)
    iMMin = WSi.Cells(20, 8):     IMMax = WSi.Cells(20, 9)

    WSo.Cells(1, 1) = "Goalie"
    WSo.Cells(1, 2) = "2"
    WSo.Cells(1, 3) = "3"
    WSo.Cells(1, 4) = "4"
    WSo.Cells(1, 12) = "# G"
    WSo.Cells(1, 13) = "# D"
    WSo.Cells(1, 14) = "# F"
    WSo.Cells(1, 15) = "# M"

    ' Get last row, which is # Players +1
    FinalRowI = WSi.Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=Range("A1"), SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    iPlayers = FinalRowI - 1

    ' Clear 'Selected' column - used to indicate a player has been assigned a team
    ActiveCell.Value = " "      ' need one space for sort to work properly
    Range("F3:F" & FinalRowI).Select

    ' Setup Math worksheet...

    ' Count Players by position. Place in Math worksheet
    WSm.Cells(4, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "G")
    WSm.Cells(5, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "D")
    WSm.Cells(6, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "F")
    WSm.Cells(7, 4) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("B2:B" & FinalRowI), "M")

    ' In theory, this is the max number of teams
    iTeams = FinalRowI / 11

    ' Do we have enough Goalies to make teams?
    If WSm.Cells(4, 4) < iTeams Then
        iTeams = WSm.Cells(4, 4)
    End If

    ' Get # Core players
    iCoreG = 0: iCoreD = 0: iCoreF = 0: iCoreM = 0:

    For i = 2 To FinalRowI
        If WSi.Cells(i, 5) = 1 Then
            If WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "G" Then
                iCoreG = iCoreG + 1
            ElseIf WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "D" Then
                iCoreD = iCoreD + 1
            ElseIf WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "F" Then
                iCoreF = iCoreF + 1
            ElseIf WSi.Cells(i, 2) = "M" Then
                iCoreM = iCoreM + 1
            End If
        End If
    Next i

    ' Clear Map of team composition
    Application.CutCopyMode = False

    i = 0

    ' Loop as long as we can build a team....
        bSkipBalance = False

        i = i + 1
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cTTL).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-7]:RC[-1])"    ' Add formula to sum count of players on team

        If iCoreG = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cGA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]"     ' Goalie Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cGA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"            ' No limit on goalie
        End If

        If iCoreD = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]"                  ' Defender Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]+" & iCoreD        ' Defender Remainder
        End If

        If iCoreF = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cFA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]"                  ' Forward Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cFA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]+" & iCoreF        ' Forward Remainder
        End If

        If iCoreM = 0 Then
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cMA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]"                  ' Midfielder Remainder
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cMA).FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C-RC[-9]-RC[-6]+" & iCoreM        ' Midfielder Remainder

        End If

        WSm.Cells(3 + i, 12) = i        ' Set map of positions
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cGoal) = 1
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDef) = 3
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cFwd) = 1
        WSm.Cells(3 + i, cMid) = 3

        ' If we have Excess Defenders, use them (can ONLY use ONE more!!)
        If WSm.Cells(3 + i, 12) > WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDA) Then    ' was WSm.Cells(5, 9)
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDef2) = 0
            WSm.Cells(3 + i, cDef2) = 1
        End If