Algorithm 想知道对排序矩阵使用二进制搜索逻辑时的时间复杂度吗

Algorithm 想知道对排序矩阵使用二进制搜索逻辑时的时间复杂度吗,algorithm,recursion,data-structures,matrix,recursive-datastructures,Algorithm,Recursion,Data Structures,Matrix,Recursive Datastructures,我在寻找使用二进制搜索逻辑对排序矩阵进行优化的最佳方法 使用堆栈溢出中“Michal Sznajder”建议的逻辑 但在计算时间复杂度和递推关系上存在困难。 有人能帮我吗 虽然我使用的是二进制搜索逻辑,但我假设它不是T(n)=log(m+n) 它是T(n)=log(log(log(mxn))还是log(log(mxn)) 代码可能不是最好的标准或优化,但我刚刚开始编写 /* 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 2, 5, 8, 11,


使用堆栈溢出中“Michal Sznajder”建议的逻辑

但在计算时间复杂度和递推关系上存在困难。 有人能帮我吗




 1,    4,      7,      10,     13,
 2,    5,      8,      11,     14,
 3,    6,      9,      12,     15,
 16,   17,     18,     19,     20,
 21,   22,     23,     24,     25,
 26,   27,     28,     29,     30

 a ..... b ..... c
 . .     . .     .
 .   1   .   2   .
 .     . .     . .
 d ..... e ..... f
 . .     . .     .
 .   3   .   4   .
 .     . .     . .
 g ..... h ..... i

a, c, g < i --> if not there is no element 

a, b, d < e
b, c, e < f
d, e, g < h
e, f, h < i

Left Top    :   Right Top
Left Bottom :   Right Bottom


public int SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(int[,] SortedMatix, int elementToSearch, int rowStPos, int colStPos, int rowEndPos, int colEndPos)
    // Step 0. Check for basic validations.
    if (SortedMatix == null)
        throw new Exception("Matrix is empty");

    // Step 1. Use divide and conquer and to get the middle element.
    int resultNode = 0;
    int rowMidPos = (rowStPos + rowEndPos) / 2;
    int colMidPos = (colStPos + colEndPos) / 2;

    // Step 2. Mid element in Recursive Sub Matrix. For e.g in above example if it is 'e', 'f','h','i' then found.
    if (SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colMidPos] == elementToSearch || SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colEndPos] == elementToSearch ||
        SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colMidPos] == elementToSearch || SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colEndPos] == elementToSearch)
        return elementToSearch;

    // Step 3. Terminate the sub matrix iteration when the element is not found in the 2 X 2 matrix. 
    if ((rowStPos == rowMidPos || colStPos == colMidPos) && SortedMatix[rowStPos, colStPos] != elementToSearch)
        return 0;

    // Step 4. Left Top Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colMidPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowStPos, colStPos, rowMidPos, colMidPos);

    // Step 5. Right Top Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowMidPos, colEndPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowStPos, colMidPos, rowMidPos, colEndPos);

    // Step 6. Left bottom Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colMidPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowMidPos, colStPos, rowEndPos, colMidPos);

    // Step 7. Right bottom Sub Matrix.
    if (resultNode == 0 && elementToSearch < SortedMatix[rowEndPos, colEndPos])
        resultNode = SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, elementToSearch, rowMidPos, colMidPos, rowEndPos, colEndPos);

    return resultNode;

public void SearchSortedMatrixTest()
    int[,] SortedMatix = {{ 1,    4,      7,      10,     13,},
                            { 2,    5,      8,      11,     14,},
                            { 3,    6,      9,      12,     15,},
                            { 16,   17,     18,     19,     20,},
                            { 21,   22,     23,     24,     25,},
                            { 26,   27,     28,     29,     30}};

    //SearchSortedMatrixInNLogN(AssendMatix, 21);

    StringBuilder strBldr = new StringBuilder();

    strBldr.Append("\n 1  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 1, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 2  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 2, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 3  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 3, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 4  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 4, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 5  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 5, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 6  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 6, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 7  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 7, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 8  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 8, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 9  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 9, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 10 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 10, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    strBldr.Append("\n 11 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 11, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 12 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 12, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 13 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 13, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 14 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 14, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 15 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 15, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 16 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 16, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 17 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 17, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 18 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 18, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 19 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 19, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 20 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 20, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    strBldr.Append("\n 21 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 21, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 22 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 22, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 23 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 23, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 24 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 24, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 25 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 25, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 26 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 26, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 27 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 27, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 28 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 28, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 29 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 29, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 30 : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 30, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    strBldr.Append("\n\n Example 2:\n");

    SortedMatix = new int[,] {{ 1,    4,      7,},
                                { 2,    5,      8,},
                                { 3,    6,      9}};

    strBldr.Append("\n 1  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 1, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 2  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 2, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 3  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 3, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 4  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 4, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 5  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 5, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 6  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 6, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 7  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 7, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 8  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 8, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));
    strBldr.Append("\n 9  : " + SearchSortedMatrixInLogNByM(SortedMatix, 9, 0, 0, SortedMatix.GetLength(0) - 1, SortedMatix.GetLength(1) - 1));

    MessageBox.Show("Element(s) Search in Sorted Matrix and the result(s) are " + strBldr.ToString());          
1,    4,      7,      10,     13,
2,    5,      8,      11,     14,
3,    6,      9,      12,     15,
16,   17,     18,     19,     20,
21,   22,     23,     24,     25,
26,   27,     28,     29,     30
. .     . .     .
.   1.2.
.     . .     . .
. .     . .     .
.   3.4.
.     . .     . .
a、 c,g如果没有元素
a、 b,d 1,  2,  4, 10
 3,  6,  7, 12
 5,  8,  9, 14
11, 13, 15, 16