Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/1/amazon-web-services/13.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Amazon web services 地形中的AWS VPC CIDR子网出现错误_Amazon Web Services_Terraform_Amazon Vpc_Terraform Provider Aws_Subnet - Fatal编程技术网

Amazon web services 地形中的AWS VPC CIDR子网出现错误

Amazon web services 地形中的AWS VPC CIDR子网出现错误,amazon-web-services,terraform,amazon-vpc,terraform-provider-aws,subnet,Amazon Web Services,Terraform,Amazon Vpc,Terraform Provider Aws,Subnet,我有一个CIDR block,并为其创建了2个私有子网和2个公共子网。它们在AWS控制台中启动并运行 这些是子网: # List of private subnets to create in the environment, e.g. ["", ""] variable "private_subnets-west-2" { type = list

我有一个CIDR block,并为其创建了2个私有子网和2个公共子网。它们在AWS控制台中启动并运行


# List of private subnets to create in the environment, e.g. ["", ""]
variable "private_subnets-west-2" {
  type    = list(string)
  default = ["", ""]

# List of public subnets to create in the environment, e.g. ["", ""]
variable "public_subnets-west-2" {
  type    = list(string)
  default = ["", ""]

An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create
  ~ update in-place
  - destroy

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # module.rds_replica.aws_db_subnet_group.db_subnet_group[0] will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "db_subnet_group" {
        arn         = "arn:aws:rds:us-west-2"
        description = "Database subnet group for app-replica"
        id          = "app-replica-"
        name        = "app-replica-"
        name_prefix = "app-replica-"
      ~ subnet_ids  = [
          - "subnet-048e730",
          - "subnet-0be733e",
        ] -> (known after apply)

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_nat_gateway.this[0] will be created
  + resource "aws_nat_gateway" "this" {
      + allocation_id        = "eipalloc-0c"
      + id                   = (known after apply)
      + network_interface_id = (known after apply)
      + private_ip           = (known after apply)
      + public_ip            = (known after apply)
      + subnet_id            = (known after apply)

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_nat_gateway.this[1] will be created
  + resource "aws_nat_gateway" "this" {
      + allocation_id        = "eipalloc-0a"
      + id                   = (known after apply)
      + network_interface_id = (known after apply)
      + private_ip           = (known after apply)
      + public_ip            = (known after apply)
      + subnet_id            = (known after apply)

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_route.private_nat_gateway[0] will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "aws_route" "private_nat_gateway" {
        destination_cidr_block = ""
        id                     = "r-rtb-09"
      ~ nat_gateway_id         = "nat-00" -> (known after apply)
        origin                 = "CreateRoute"
        route_table_id         = "rtb-09"
        state                  = "blackhole"

        timeouts {
            create = "5m"

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_route.private_nat_gateway[1] will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "aws_route" "private_nat_gateway" {
        destination_cidr_block = ""
        id                     = "r-rtb-0c"
      ~ nat_gateway_id         = "nat-0d" -> (known after apply)
        origin                 = "CreateRoute"
        route_table_id         = "rtb-0c"
        state                  = "blackhole"

        timeouts {
            create = "5m"

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_route_table_association.public[0] will be created
  + resource "aws_route_table_association" "public" {
      + id             = (known after apply)
      + route_table_id = "rtb-0"
      + subnet_id      = (known after apply)

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_route_table_association.public[1] will be created
  + resource "aws_route_table_association" "public" {
      + id             = (known after apply)
      + route_table_id = "rtb-09"
      + subnet_id      = (known after apply)

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_subnet.public[0] will be created
  + resource "aws_subnet" "public" {
      + arn                             = (known after apply)
      + assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false
      + availability_zone               = "us-west-2a"
      + availability_zone_id            = (known after apply)
      + cidr_block                      = ""
      + id                              = (known after apply)
      + map_public_ip_on_launch         = true
      + owner_id                        = (known after apply)
      + vpc_id                          = "vpc-0d"

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_subnet.public[0] (deposed object 840b9b87) will be destroyed
  - resource "aws_subnet" "public" {
      - arn                             = "arn:aws:ec2:us-west-2:4" -> null
      - assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false -> null
      - availability_zone               = "us-west-2a" -> null
      - availability_zone_id            = "usw2-az2" -> null
      - cidr_block                      = "" -> null
      - id                              = "subnet-0b" -> null
      - map_public_ip_on_launch         = true -> null
      - owner_id                        = "463" -> null
      - vpc_id                          = "vpc-0d" -> null

  # module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_subnet.public[1] will be created
  + resource "aws_subnet" "public" {
      + arn                             = (known after apply)
      + assign_ipv6_address_on_creation = false
      + availability_zone               = "us-west-2c"
      + availability_zone_id            = (known after apply)
      + cidr_block                      = ""
      + map_public_ip_on_launch         = true
      + owner_id                        = (known after apply)
      + vpc_id                          = "vpc-0d2"

Plan: 6 to add 3 to change, 1 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_subnet.public[0]: Creating...
module.vpc-us-west-2.aws_subnet.public[1]: Creating...

Error: Error creating subnet: InvalidSubnet.Conflict: The CIDR '' conflicts with another subnet
        status code: 400, request id:

  on .terraform/modules/vpc-us-west-2/main.tf line 335, in resource "aws_subnet" "public":
 335: resource "aws_subnet" "public" {

Error: Error creating subnet: InvalidSubnet.Conflict: The CIDR '' conflicts with another subnet
        status code: 400, request id:

  on .terraform/modules/vpc-us-west-2/main.tf line 335, in resource "aws_subnet" "public":
 335: resource "aws_subnet" "public" {

  • 它说它将创建“”并销毁前一个?为什么?如果已经创建了该子网,为什么要创建然后销毁已有的子网

  • 第二个子网也已经在我的帐户中创建了,所以它没有在计划中选择它,为什么要创建它

  • 我不知道如何修复这些错误

  • 更新:

  • 我使用terraform import导入了第二个子网172.30.2.0/23。导入成功。然而,现在当我运行计划时。。。它正在执行与子网172.30.4.0/23相同的操作

    • 这已添加到计划中:
  • 所以它又在说它将摧毁aws控制台中已经制作的一个,然后创建一个新的


      对于某些对象,AWS中没有类似“更新”的操作,甚至在AWS控制台中,您也需要删除并创建新对象。 我不知道为什么你的子网会出现这种情况


      如果第二个子网是在Terraform之外创建的,则需要明确告知Terraform使用现有资源。 在Terraform中,该操作称为导入,例如

      $ terraform import aws_subnet.public subnet-9d4a7b6c

      谢谢我确实导入了第二个子网terraform12导入。。然而,它仍然在计划中创建它。现在它又在摧毁它。。请看我更新的问题!第二个问题就解决了。第一个不是。@Grzgeroz Oledzki是的,我可以导入!然而,是的,首先不是。即使我导入了它,它仍然在销毁和重新创建子网,而这是它应该做的@Grzgeroz Oledzki关于如何修复它有什么帮助吗?
      $ terraform import aws_subnet.public subnet-9d4a7b6c