Amazon web services 创建失败的资源未处于stackUpdateComplete状态

Amazon web services 创建失败的资源未处于stackUpdateComplete状态,amazon-web-services,aws-lambda,amplify,Amazon Web Services,Aws Lambda,Amplify,我在一个项目中使用AWS amplify时遇到问题。它做得很好,直到我在添加了两个函数之后完成了最后的放大推送。这就是我得到的错误: Following resources failed Resource Name: GraphQLAPI (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi) Event Type: create Reason: User: arn:aws:iam::106714011746:user/amplify-E8mBI is not authorized to per

我在一个项目中使用AWS amplify时遇到问题。它做得很好,直到我在添加了两个函数之后完成了最后的

Following resources failed

Resource Name: GraphQLAPI (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi)
Event Type: create
Reason: User: arn:aws:iam::106714011746:user/amplify-E8mBI is not authorized to perform: appsync:TagResource on resource: arn:aws:appsync:us-east-2:106714011746:* (Service: AWSAppSync; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 80b6fae9-990c-4886-bc37-aed2343a4ac2; Proxy: null)

× An error occurred when pushing the resources to the cloud

Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete
An error occurred during the push operation: Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete
