Android 使用改装库获取时出错

Android 使用改装库获取时出错,android,json,retrofit,Android,Json,Retrofit,我在MainActivity中创建了一个函数,按下刷新按钮时调用该函数 public void callWeatherAPI(){ SharedPreferences SP = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext()); final String strUserName = SP.getString("username", "NA"); int default


public void callWeatherAPI(){

        SharedPreferences SP = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext());

        final String strUserName = SP.getString("username", "NA");
        int defaultval = Integer.parseInt(strUserName);

        WeatherAPI weatherAPI = APIHandler.getApiInterface();
        weatherAPI.getWeatherCity(defaultval, new Callback<StudentData>() {

            public void success(final StudentData arg0, Response arg1) {

                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), arg0.getStudentName(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
               // Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), WeatherData.getWeatherCity().getDescription(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


            public void failure(RetrofitError arg0) {

                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "OPS, some kind of problem had happend! :(", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


public interface WeatherAPI {


void getWeatherCity(@Query("pid") int pid, Callback<MainActivity.StudentData> callback);
编辑: 问题出在StudentData类中。 您必须创建这样的类,而不是Student实例:

public static class StudentData { 
    List<Student> student;
    public int success;


public class StudentData {

private Integer success;
private List<Student> student = new ArrayList<Student>();

* @return
* The success
public Integer getSuccess() {
return success;

* @param success
* The success
public void setSuccess(Integer success) {
this.success = success;

* @return
* The student
public List<Student> getStudent() {
return student;

* @param student
* The student
public void setStudent(List<Student> student) {
this.student = student;

public class Student {

private String examRoll;
private String classNo;
private String blockNo;
private String name;

* @return
* The examRoll
public String getExamRoll() {
return examRoll;

* @param examRoll
* The exam_roll
public void setExamRoll(String examRoll) {
this.examRoll = examRoll;

* @return
* The classNo
public String getClassNo() {
return classNo;

* @param classNo
* The class_no
public void setClassNo(String classNo) {
this.classNo = classNo;

* @return
* The blockNo
public String getBlockNo() {
return blockNo;

* @param blockNo
* The block_no
public void setBlockNo(String blockNo) {
this.blockNo = blockNo;

* @return
* The name
public String getName() {
return name;

* @param name
* The name
public void setName(String name) { = name;


{“成功”:1,“学生”:[{“考试卷”:“1212”,“班级号”:“121”,“班级号”:“1221”,“姓名”:“rohit”}}}里面有一个数组!我知道,我看到了JSON。但可能原始JSON的结构与此不同。你试过列表回调吗?我试过上面发布的代码我得到了json成功的结果现在我正在努力如何访问数组对象,即考试卷,课程号。哦,现在我知道问题出在哪里了…看看我的答案的编辑好的,我已经按照你在本课程中说的那样成功了(List studentDatas,Response Response){}如何访问json数据?我还没有使用List much您能告诉我如何检索name public void success(final StudentData StudentData,Response arg1){Log.d(“Debug”,StudentData.student.get(0));}我得到空点,除了
public class StudentData {

private Integer success;
private List<Student> student = new ArrayList<Student>();

* @return
* The success
public Integer getSuccess() {
return success;

* @param success
* The success
public void setSuccess(Integer success) {
this.success = success;

* @return
* The student
public List<Student> getStudent() {
return student;

* @param student
* The student
public void setStudent(List<Student> student) {
this.student = student;

public class Student {

private String examRoll;
private String classNo;
private String blockNo;
private String name;

* @return
* The examRoll
public String getExamRoll() {
return examRoll;

* @param examRoll
* The exam_roll
public void setExamRoll(String examRoll) {
this.examRoll = examRoll;

* @return
* The classNo
public String getClassNo() {
return classNo;

* @param classNo
* The class_no
public void setClassNo(String classNo) {
this.classNo = classNo;

* @return
* The blockNo
public String getBlockNo() {
return blockNo;

* @param blockNo
* The block_no
public void setBlockNo(String blockNo) {
this.blockNo = blockNo;

* @return
* The name
public String getName() {
return name;

* @param name
* The name
public void setName(String name) { = name;
