Android 没有地址的地点

Android 没有地址的地点,android,ccavenue,Android,Ccavenue,我想将ccavenue与我的应用程序集成为支付网关。但我不想接受用户的账单或送货地址。事实上,我不想接受任何形式的地址。有没有办法做到这一点 场馆共有3种进场方式 There are 3 approach in ccavenue 1) nonseemless and seemless where you have to add address in the ccavenue page 2) frame base where you have to not add address just


There are 3 approach in ccavenue 

 1) nonseemless and seemless where you have to add address in the ccavenue page 
2) frame base where you have to not add address just add this like in your form submit page

                    <td>Integration Type    :</td><td><input type="text" name="integration_type" value="iframe_normal"/></td>
1) 无外观和无外观,您必须在CCAVINE页面中添加地址 2) 框架基础,您不必添加地址,只需在表单提交页面中添加类似的内容即可 集成类型: