在SharePoint 2010中实施Angular 2的步骤是什么?

在SharePoint 2010中实施Angular 2的步骤是什么?,angular,sharepoint-2010,Angular,Sharepoint 2010,在SharePoint 2010中实现Angular 2的步骤是什么?如果要在SharePoint 2010中实现Angular 2,请修改SharePoint母版页,对于SharePoint 2010中的默认母版页(v4.master),X-UA兼容或默认模式将设置为IE=8。为了使用Angular,您至少需要将其更改为IE=9(您也可以使用IE=Edge来获取浏览器的最新版本) 在SharePoint 2010中,我不建议您使用Angular。我们可以使用一些jQuery插件来满足您的需求。

在SharePoint 2010中实现Angular 2的步骤是什么?

如果要在SharePoint 2010中实现Angular 2,请修改SharePoint母版页,对于SharePoint 2010中的默认母版页(v4.master),X-UA兼容或默认模式将设置为IE=8。为了使用Angular,您至少需要将其更改为IE=9(您也可以使用IE=Edge来获取浏览器的最新版本)

在SharePoint 2010中,我不建议您使用Angular。我们可以使用一些jQuery插件来满足您的需求。为了获取数据,我们可以使用JSOM、RESTAPI(listdata.svc)和

如果共享任何链接以在SharePoint 2010中实现Angular 2,那就太好了。
AnularJs is famous for its two-way data binding. If you want to take this advantage, then you can go for AngularJs. Otherwise, you should use JSOM. Moreover, REST API in SharePoint 2010 is not that much rich. For business logic (Angular Service), you have to depend on JSOM. You have to choose Angular version based on your IE version. Check following references.

Notes on Using AngularJS in SharePoint 2010

Internet Explorer Compatibility of AngularJs

In SharePoint 2013, REST API is much more powerful. Thus, you can consider using it. Some useful links are given below:

CRUD Operation to List Using SharePoint 2013 Rest API
SharePoint REST API and AngularJs for 2013, 2016 and Online