Angularjs 如何向模型添加属性?

Angularjs 如何向模型添加属性?,angularjs,html,model-view-controller,model,modelattribute,Angularjs,Html,Model View Controller,Model,Modelattribute,我有一个模型X,它代表一个任务。 我想向模型添加一些属性。单击do按钮时,我想向单击的特定x模型添加一个“doRequested”属性。单击“资金”按钮时,我想向该特定任务添加特定属性。另外,我想在创建任务时为当前用户添加一个admin属性集。这些属性必须始终与特定任务关联,以便任务“task.attributeName”将给出该属性的确切值 这种事情是不是应该用AngularJs来做?如何修改$scope.todoList,使todoList中的每个项目都具有以下与之关联的todoText、t

我有一个模型X,它代表一个任务。 我想向模型添加一些属性。单击do按钮时,我想向单击的特定x模型添加一个“doRequested”属性。单击“资金”按钮时,我想向该特定任务添加特定属性。另外,我想在创建任务时为当前用户添加一个admin属性集。这些属性必须始终与特定任务关联,以便任务“task.attributeName”将给出该属性的确切值


$scope.todoList.push({todoText:$scope.todoInput, done:false});


<div ng-app="facebookExample" view-title="Tasks">
<div ng-controller="todoController">

 <div class="item item-input-inset">
 <label class="item-input-wrapper">
 <!-- The actual input tag which is bound to the todoInput using ng-model -->
 <input type="text" placeholder="Add New Item" ng-model="todoInput" size="100"> 
 <!-- Our button thay will call our funtion to add a new todo item -->
<button class="button button-small" ng-click="todoAdd()">
Add Task

  <div ng-repeat="x in todoList">
  <li class="item item-checkbox">
  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label class="checkbox">
  <!-- this is the checkbox element, you will see it is bound to the done setting in the items array -->
  <!-- When clicked it calls the update function to update the item to its done status -->
  <input type="checkbox" ng-model="x.done" ng-click="update()"/>
  <!-- this is a span tag that shows the item text, I am using ng-bind, instead of the span tag we could have used {{x.todoText}} as well -->
  <button class="fund-button" style= "float: left;" ng-click="fund(x)">Fund</button>
  <button class="doButton" style= "float: right; margin-right: 2px;" ng-click="do(x)">Do</button>
  <!-- the remove button will call the remove function and remoave all items that   are marked done -->
  <button class="button button-block button-assertive" ng-click="remove()">Remove Checked Tasks

 facebookExample.controller('todoController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
 // Initialize the todo list array
 //if local storage is null save the todolist to local storage
$scope.todoList = [];

if (localStorage.getItem("mytodos") === null)

 localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));

 //set the todolist from local storage
 $scope.todoList = angular.fromJson(localStorage.getItem("mytodos"));

 // Add an item function
 $scope.todoAdd = function() {
 //check to see if text has been entered, if not exit
 if ($scope.todoInput === null || $scope.todoInput === ''){return;}

 //if there is text add it to the array
 $scope.todoList.push({todoText:$scope.todoInput, done:false});

 //clear the textbox
 $scope.todoInput = "";

 //resave the list to localstorage
 localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));

  //Do button
  $ = function(){


 $scope.doForFree = function(x){


 //fund button

 $ = function(x){

  $scope.remove = function() {
  //copy list
  var oldList = $scope.todoList;
  //clear list
  $scope.todoList = [];
  //cycle through list
  angular.forEach(oldList, function(x) {
  //add any non-done items to todo list
    if (!x.done) $scope.todoList.push(x);
 //update local storage
 localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));


//The Update function
//This waits 100ms to store the data in local storage
$scope.update = function() {
//update local storage 100 ms after the checkbox is clicked to allow it to     process
 localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));

