Apache storm Apache storm停止执行某个螺栓

Apache storm Apache storm停止执行某个螺栓,apache-storm,Apache Storm,我有一个带有1个喷口和3个螺栓的拓扑结构,目前正在本地模式下运行 spout-> Read from kafka bolt1-> extract necessary fields from kafka data bolt2 -> store and interact with redis for the received data bolt3-> write the processed data into cassandra 当我开始运行拓扑时,我观察到风暴在一段时间后


spout-> Read from kafka
bolt1-> extract necessary fields from kafka data
bolt2 -> store and interact with redis for the received data
bolt3-> write the processed data into cassandra
当我开始运行拓扑时,我观察到风暴在一段时间后停止执行我的第二个螺栓(螺栓2)。 我在控制台中收到以下消息:

14:06:54.939 [Thread-35-RedisBolt-executor[5, 5]] INFO  o.a.s.u.Utils - Async loop interrupted!
14:06:54.939 [SLOT_1027] INFO  o.a.s.e.ExecutorShutdown - Shut down executor RedisBolt:[5, 5]
14:06:54.939 [SLOT_1027] INFO  o.a.s.e.ExecutorShutdown - Shutting down executor UserSpout:[4, 4]
14:06:55.006 [Thread-36-UserSpout-executor[4, 4]] INFO  o.a.k.c.c.i.AbstractCoordinator - Marking the coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) dead for group queue-1
14:06:55.184 [Thread-36-UserSpout-executor[4, 4]] INFO  o.a.k.c.c.i.AbstractCoordinator - Discovered coordinator (id: 2147483647 rack: null) for group queue-1.