GET和POST api调用之间的主要区别是什么?

GET和POST api调用之间的主要区别是什么?,api,flask,Api,Flask,我对GET和POST的区别感到困惑。 你能提供一些好的资源或者用例子来解释吗。 我才刚刚开始。 谢谢。GET用于从URL检索数据-例如, “tab”是用于从中“获取”数据的 POST更安全,允许您直接发送或检索数据 提及的其他要点包括: 希望这能帮你解决问题 GET requests can be cached GET requests remain in the browser history GET requests can be boo

我对GET和POST的区别感到困惑。 你能提供一些好的资源或者用例子来解释吗。 我才刚刚开始。



GET requests can be cached
GET requests remain in the browser history
GET requests can be bookmarked
GET requests should never be used when dealing with sensitive data
GET requests have length restrictions
GET requests are only used to request data (not modify)

POST requests are never cached
POST requests do not remain in the browser history
POST requests cannot be bookmarked
POST requests have no restrictions on data length