Applescript objc 如何将移动的应用程序重新启动到新位置?

Applescript objc 如何将移动的应用程序重新启动到新位置?,applescript-objc,Applescript Objc,我试图模拟它的作用,也就是说,当用户运行应用程序时,他会检查应用程序是否从应用程序文件夹中运行。如果他没有,他会显示一个警报,要求用户复制应用程序文件夹中的应用程序,如果他单击按钮“移动到应用程序文件夹”他移动了应用程序,但我无法从新位置重新启动应用程序。我想知道怎么做,提前谢谢 on moveMyApp() set checkpath to ((path to "apps" as string) & "Lets Move") set myApp to (


on moveMyApp()
        set checkpath to ((path to "apps" as string) & "Lets Move")
        set myApp to ((path to current application as text))

        tell application "Finder"
            if exists file checkpath then
                tell current application
                    display alert "Move to Applications Folder?" buttons {"Not Move", "Move to Applications Folder"} default button 2
                    set response to button returned of the result
                    if response is "Move to Applications Folder" then
                        do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of myApp & space & "/Applications"
                    end if
                end tell
                tell application "Lets Move" to quit
                delay 2
            end if
        end tell
        tell application "Lets Move" to activate
    end moveMyApp


on moveMyApp()
    set checkpath to ((path to "apps" as string) & "Lets")
    set myApp to ((path to current application as text))
    tell application "Finder" to set moved to exists file checkpath
    if not moved then
        display alert "Move to Applications Folder?" buttons {"Do Not Move", "Move to Applications Folder"} default button 2
        set response to button returned of the result
        if response is "Move to Applications Folder" then
            do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of myApp & space & "/Applications"
        end if
    end if
end moveMyApp

on relaunch(appPath)
    tell current application's NSTask's alloc()'s init()
        its setLaunchPath:"/bin/sh"
        its setArguments:{"-c", "sleep 1.0; open -a " & quoted form of "Lets Move"}
        its |launch|()
    end tell
    tell current application's NSApp to terminate:me
end relaunch
注意,虽然我清理了一下你的处理程序,但没有做任何错误处理(计时问题、移动应用程序失败等)。使用Mojave和Xcode 10进行测试,将应用程序移动到用户