
如何从Applescript启动illustrator的特定版本?,applescript,Applescript,我安装了两个版本的Illustrator,Adobe Illustrator 2020和Adobe Illustrator CC 2019。如何确保从Applescript中选择Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 为此,我进行了以下applescript编码,但applescript会自动更改应用程序名称 set theResult to every paragraph of (do shell script "mdfind 'kMDItemContentTypeTre

我安装了两个版本的Illustrator,Adobe Illustrator 2020和Adobe Illustrator CC 2019。如何确保从Applescript中选择Adobe Illustrator CC 2019


set theResult to every paragraph of (do shell script "mdfind 'kMDItemContentTypeTree == \"com.apple.application\"c' | sort")
set systemApps to {}
set applicationsApps to {}
set Version2019 to "" as string
set Version2020 to "" as string
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theResult
    set end of systemApps to item i of theResult
    if item i of theResult contains "Adobe Illustrator CC 2019" then
        set end of applicationsApps to item i of theResult
        set Version2019 to "true" as string
        exit repeat
    end if
end repeat
repeat with i from 1 to number of items in theResult
    set end of systemApps to item i of theResult
    if item i of theResult contains "Adobe Illustrator 2020" then
        set end of applicationsApps to item i of theResult
        set Version2020 to "true" as string
        exit repeat
    end if
end repeat
--display dialog (Version2019)
tell application "Finder"
    if (Version2019 contains "true" and Version2020 contains "true") then
        --display dialog "hey! " & theUser & return & return & "Adobe Illustrator 2019 and Adobe Illustrator 2020 available in this Mac" buttons {"Ok"}
        set questionStudio to display dialog "hey! " & return & return & "Adobe Illustrator 2019 and Adobe Illustrator 2020 available in this Mac." & return & return & "Please select Version:" buttons {"Adobe Illustrator CC 2019", "Adobe Illustrator 2020", "Cancel"}
        set answerStudio to button returned of questionStudio
        if answerStudio contains "Adobe Illustrator 2020" then
            tell application "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2020/Adobe Illustrator.app"
                if it is not running then launch
            end tell
            it is running
            return 0
        else if answerStudio contains "Adobe Illustrator 2019" then
            tell application "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CC 2019/Adobe Illustrator.app"
                if it is not running then launch
            end tell
            it is running
            return 0
        else if answerStudio contains "Cancel" then
            tell me to quit
        end if
    else if (Version2019 contains "true") then
        --tell application "Finder"
        set appVersion to "Adobe Illustrator 2019"
        --end tell
    else if (Version2020 contains "true") then
        --tell application "Finder"
        set appVersion to "Adobe Illustrator 2020"
        --end tell
    end if
end tell





tell application "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator 2020/Adobe Illustrator.app"
end tell
