Applescript 遍历列,用一定量减去每个单元格的内容,并将结果存储在同一单元格中

Applescript 遍历列,用一定量减去每个单元格的内容,并将结果存储在同一单元格中,applescript,Applescript,我正在尝试打开一个Pages文档。 但是它不允许我打开一个页面文件,这些文件都是灰色的。 之后我想做的是迭代第一个表C列的所有单元格,然后从其内容中减去一定量,当然,将结果保存在同一单元格中。 这是我正在写的,但我不确定,因为我昨天开始学习applescript tell application "Pages" activate try set the chosenDocumentFile to ¬ (choose

我正在尝试打开一个Pages文档。 但是它不允许我打开一个页面文件,这些文件都是灰色的。 之后我想做的是迭代第一个表C列的所有单元格,然后从其内容中减去一定量,当然,将结果保存在同一单元格中。 这是我正在写的,但我不确定,因为我昨天开始学习applescript

  tell application "Pages"
        set the chosenDocumentFile to ¬
            (choose file of type ¬
                {"", ¬
                    "", ¬
                    "org.openxmlformats.wordprocessingml.document"} ¬
                    default location (path to documents folder) ¬
                with prompt "Choose the Pages or Microsoft Word document to open:")
        open the chosenDocumentFile
    on error errorMessage number errorNumber
        if errorNumber is not -128 then
            display alert errorNumber message errorMessage
        end if
        tell the first table of chosenDocumentFile
            repeat with i from 2 to count of cells of column "C"
                set the value of cell i of column "C" to... #don't know how to subtract an amount and then store the result
            end repeat
        end tell
    end try
end tell


tell application "Finder"
    set pgsF to ((path to documents folder) & "sam.pages" as text) as alias
    -- or…
    -- set pgsF to (choose file)
    set infor to info for pgsF
    set ti1 to type identifier of infor
    --> ""        
end tell

set ti1 to ""
tell application "Pages"
    set cdf to choose file of type ti1 with prompt ¬
    "Choose the Pages or Microsoft Word document to open:"
    open cdf
    tell page 1 of document 1
        set cc to column "C" of table 1
        set cColc to cells 2 thru -1 of cc whose value is not missing value
        set cColv to value of cells 2 thru -1 of cc whose value is not missing value
        repeat with fc in cColc
            set value of fc to (value of fc) - 2
        end repeat
    end tell
end tell
如果列C的单元格中总是有一个值,那么您可能不需要“which value is not missing value”序列。没有任何错误处理,例如,如果在C列中有非数字数据,将导致错误


