
Applescript对文本框组进行indesign更改,applescript,adobe,adobe-indesign,Applescript,Adobe,Adobe Indesign,我目前有一个AppleScript,可以对indesign文档中的文本框进行一些小的更改。脚本逐页进行,如果应用的对象样式被称为特定名称,并且包含特定字符,则将应用段落样式。以下是我的脚本示例: tell application "Adobe InDesign" repeat with x from 1 to count pages set ThisPage to page x tell ThisPage if exists (te


tell application "Adobe InDesign"
    repeat with x from 1 to count pages
        set ThisPage to page x
        tell ThisPage
            if exists (text frames whose (name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$")) then
                set myFrames to (text frames whose (name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$"))
                tell myFrames
                    repeat with r from 1 to count items
                        set applied paragraph style of paragraphs of item r of myFrames to "2forPrice"
                    end repeat
                end tell
            end if
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell



更新: 下面是它的屏幕截图,我跳过了几个步骤使它工作,但我更喜欢使用一组框。






tell application "Adobe InDesign"
    repeat with this_page in pages
        tell this_page
            set text_frames_list to (text frames whose name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$")
            repeat with a_text_frame in text_frames_list
                tell a_text_frame
                    set applied paragraph style of paragraphs of a_text_frame to "2forPrice"
                end tell
            end repeat
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell


tell application "Adobe InDesign"
    repeat with this_page in pages
        tell this_page
            set text_frames_list to (text frames whose name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$")
            repeat with a_text_frame in text_frames_list
                tell a_text_frame
                    set applied paragraph style of paragraphs of a_text_frame to "2forPrice"
                end tell
            end repeat
        end tell
    end repeat
end tell


tell application "Adobe InDesign"
  tell front document
    tell pages
      tell (text frames whose name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$")
        set applied paragraph style of paragraphs to "2forPrice"
      end tell
    end tell
  end tell
end tell


to walkGroups(groupRef)
  tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
    tell groupRef
      tell (text frames whose name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$")
        if it exists then
          set applied paragraph style of paragraphs to "2forPrice"
        end if
      end tell
      repeat with subgroupRef in groups
        my walkGroups(subgroupRef)
      end repeat
    end tell
  end tell
end walkGroups

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
  my walkGroups(front document)
end tell


tell application "Adobe InDesign"
  tell front document
    tell pages
      tell (text frames whose name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$")
        set applied paragraph style of paragraphs to "2forPrice"
      end tell
    end tell
  end tell
end tell


to walkGroups(groupRef)
  tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
    tell groupRef
      tell (text frames whose name of applied object style is "PriceBox" and contents contains "/$")
        if it exists then
          set applied paragraph style of paragraphs to "2forPrice"
        end if
      end tell
      repeat with subgroupRef in groups
        my walkGroups(subgroupRef)
      end repeat
    end tell
  end tell
end walkGroups

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS6"
  my walkGroups(front document)
end tell





tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
        set applied paragraph style of paragraphs of (stories of document 1 whose class of (object reference of item 1 of text containers) is text frame and name of applied object style of item 1 of text containers = "test" and contents contains "/$") to "Body Text"
end tell

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
    tell document 1
        tell (stories whose class of (object reference of item 1 of text containers) is text frame and name of applied object style of item 1 of text containers = "test" and contents contains "/$")
            set applied paragraph style of paragraphs to "Body Text"
        end tell
    end tell
end tell





tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
        set applied paragraph style of paragraphs of (stories of document 1 whose class of (object reference of item 1 of text containers) is text frame and name of applied object style of item 1 of text containers = "test" and contents contains "/$") to "Body Text"
end tell

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
    tell document 1
        tell (stories whose class of (object reference of item 1 of text containers) is text frame and name of applied object style of item 1 of text containers = "test" and contents contains "/$")
            set applied paragraph style of paragraphs to "Body Text"
        end tell
    end tell
end tell




原则上是肯定的。在实践中,思想——至少在我的经验中——这种“密集”的编码往往会引起头痛。apple events系统是一种古老的技术。查询不如人们希望的那么健壮,调试任何错误都会迫使我们扩展您的隐式i我的意思是,如果它有效的话,你会有更多的能力;你的代码中有一个明确的“酷”因素。但是“酷”因素是有代价的。它不是“密集的”。它要么有效,要么无效。这取决于应用程序。如果一个query+命令无效,请重写脚本,使用循环通过多个命令发送更简单的查询,了解代码将更复杂、更容易出现错误且速度较慢。AppleScript有一个令人讨厌的习惯,那就是反复灌输用户根据假设工作,而不是重复某种程度上是不可避免的(由于无处不在的糟糕文档),沿着这条路走下去也是不可能的。没有什么比理论更像实践,natch。我的CC许可证只涵盖Illustrator,但我已经设法挖掘InDesign CS6,在一个模型文档上测试上述内容。似乎