Arrays PSObject数组的数组返回Powershell读取单个项/行

Arrays PSObject数组的数组返回Powershell读取单个项/行,arrays,powershell,psobject,Arrays,Powershell,Psobject,我使用一个函数调用另一个函数并返回一个PSObject数组或多个数组(我想)。每个循环对象之后的返回是一组值。函数Test2中$a中的数据如下,但其计数为3,表示三个对象或数组,每个文件夹一个。这似乎很正常,如果我把它写在CSV中作为报告,我会很好,但我希望操作每个数组中的数据。当我试图操纵数据时,它试图操纵数组,而我无法搜索或使用每行中的项。我也不知道我有多少文件夹,所以解决方案需要通用性和可扩展性。我不知道如何轻松访问所有数组中的每一行 Function Test1 { [cmdletbi


Function Test1 {
    [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]

$array1 = @("Folder1_Test1","Folder1_Test2","Folder1_Test3","Folder1_Test4","Folder1_Test5    ","Folder2_Test6","Folder2_Test7","Folder2_Test8","Folder2_Test9","Folder3_Test1    0")
$array2 = @("Folder1_Test1","Folder1_Test4","Folder1_Test5","Folder2_Test9")

$data = @()
Foreach ($item in $array1) {
    If ($item -match $Folder -and $array2 -notcontains $item) {
        $Obj = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
            Folder = $Folder;
            SubFolder = $item;
            Message = "$item not found.";
        $data += $Obj
Return ,$data

Function Test2 {
$Folders = @("Folder1", "Folder2", "Folder3")
$a = $Folders | ForEach-Object {Test1 $_}

foreach ($item in $a)

SubFolder      Message                   Folder 
---------      -------                   ------ 
Folder1_Test2  Folder1_Test2 not found.  Folder1
Folder1_Test3  Folder1_Test3 not found.  Folder1
Folder2_Test6  Folder2_Test6 not found.  Folder2
Folder2_Test7  Folder2_Test7 not found.  Folder2
Folder2_Test8  Folder2_Test8 not found.  Folder2
Folder3_Test10 Folder3_Test10 not found. Folder3

$a | ForEach-Object | Write-Host {"Subfolder $($_.Subfolder) is in $($_.Folder) and error message is $($_.Message)"}



SubFolder          Message                       Folder 
---------          -------                       ------ 
Folder1_Test2      Folder1_Test2 not found.      Folder1
Folder1_Test3      Folder1_Test3 not found.      Folder1
Folder1_Test5      Folder1_Test5     not found.  Folder1
Folder2_Test6      Folder2_Test6 not found.      Folder2
Folder2_Test7      Folder2_Test7 not found.      Folder2
Folder2_Test8      Folder2_Test8 not found.      Folder2
Folder3_Test1    0 Folder3_Test1    0 not found. Folder3

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> $a[0]

SubFolder         Message                      Folder 
---------         -------                      ------ 
Folder1_Test2     Folder1_Test2 not found.     Folder1
Folder1_Test3     Folder1_Test3 not found.     Folder1
Folder1_Test5     Folder1_Test5     not found. Folder1


Foreach ($Element in $a) {
   ForEach ($item in $Element) {
       Write-Host "Subfolder $($item.Subfolder) is in $($item.Folder) and 
error message is $($item.FolderMessage)"

Subfolder Folder1_Test2 is in Folder1 and error message is Folder1_Test2 not found.
Subfolder Folder1_Test3 is in Folder1 and error message is Folder1_Test3 not found.
Subfolder Folder2_Test6 is in Folder2 and error message is Folder2_Test6 not found.
Subfolder Folder2_Test7 is in Folder2 and error message is Folder2_Test7 not found.
Subfolder Folder2_Test8 is in Folder2 and error message is Folder2_Test8 not found.
Subfolder Folder3_Test10 is in Folder3 and error message is Folder3_Test10 not found.
