Arrays 读取和分析txt文件

Arrays 读取和分析txt文件,arrays,,structure,Arrays,,Structure,我想写一个代码,其中两个txt文件正在相互比较。一个文本文件的答案类似于TFTTFFT,另一个txt文件的结果包括id类似于1234 TT-FFT。疯狂的是,对于每个正确的答案,学生得到4分,对于每个错误的答案,学生得到-1,对于每个没有答案,在这种情况下由破折号表示,学生得到零。我该如何着手为此编写代码?任何帮助都将不胜感激。我不一定需要人为我编写代码,因为我几乎已经打开了文件并将它们存储在适当的变量中。只要反馈一下如何着手做这件事就好了。先谢谢你 更新: 我已经修改了整个代码,并将其提交考虑

我想写一个代码,其中两个txt文件正在相互比较。一个文本文件的答案类似于TFTTFFT,另一个txt文件的结果包括id类似于1234 TT-FFT。疯狂的是,对于每个正确的答案,学生得到4分,对于每个错误的答案,学生得到-1,对于每个没有答案,在这种情况下由破折号表示,学生得到零。我该如何着手为此编写代码?任何帮助都将不胜感激。我不一定需要人为我编写代码,因为我几乎已经打开了文件并将它们存储在适当的变量中。只要反馈一下如何着手做这件事就好了。先谢谢你

更新: 我已经修改了整个代码,并将其提交考虑。谢谢你,乔希,也谢谢所有到目前为止做出贡献的人。请让我进一步了解你们对修改后的编码的看法




读取和解析文件 将学生的答案与答案进行比较,并计算学生的分数 整个程序应该只包含几个方法。任何更复杂的事情,你都想得太多了


    Dim answers As String = 'Text from the answor file
    Dim student As String = 'Text from the student file

    ' a will be used to hold the first char from the answers file
    ' s will be used to hold the first char from the student file
    Dim a As String
    Dim s As String

    ' veriable that holds the student grad
    Dim grade As Integer = 0

    ' loop while we still have an answer
    While answers.Length > 0

        ' get the first answer and student respond
        a = answers.First
        s = student.First

        ' compare the two and update the student grade accourdingly
        If a = "-" Then
            grade = grade - 1

        ElseIf a = s Then
            grade = grade + 4
            grade = grade - 1
        End If

        ' remove the first answer from the two strings
        answers = answers.Substring(1)
        student = student.Substring(1)
    End While

    return grade
Set (Student Score) equal to '0'

FOR EACH (Answer) in (Student's Answers Array)

   Get (Key) from (Answer Key Array) at (Current Loop Index)

   IF (Answer) equals [NO_ANSWER] THEN

   IF (Answer) equals (Key) THEN
      Add 4 to (Student Score)
      Subtract 1 from (Student Score)
    Dim answers As String = 'Text from the answor file
    Dim student As String = 'Text from the student file

    ' a will be used to hold the first char from the answers file
    ' s will be used to hold the first char from the student file
    Dim a As String
    Dim s As String

    ' veriable that holds the student grad
    Dim grade As Integer = 0

    ' loop while we still have an answer
    While answers.Length > 0

        ' get the first answer and student respond
        a = answers.First
        s = student.First

        ' compare the two and update the student grade accourdingly
        If a = "-" Then
            grade = grade - 1

        ElseIf a = s Then
            grade = grade + 4
            grade = grade - 1
        End If

        ' remove the first answer from the two strings
        answers = answers.Substring(1)
        student = student.Substring(1)
    End While

    return grade