Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/3/arrays/13.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Arrays 二维数组或数组的数组VBA_Arrays_Ms Access_Vba - Fatal编程技术网

Arrays 二维数组或数组的数组VBA

Arrays 二维数组或数组的数组VBA,arrays,ms-access,vba,Arrays,Ms Access,Vba,是否可以在VBA中执行此操作。我有一个字符串,例如“16A,14B,16E,16C,14D”,我想生成一个数组,看起来像“14,B,D”,“16,a,C,E”。这些字母是从A到E的,不会重复。我有点坚持只生产最后一块。也许我的方法完全错了 Sub Test() Dim myStr As String Dim myStrA As String Dim myStrN As String Dim FormName As String Dim ControlName As String Dim myAr


Sub Test()
Dim myStr As String
Dim myStrA As String
Dim myStrN As String
Dim FormName As String
Dim ControlName As String
Dim myArray() As String

    'Creating a array list
    Set arr = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")

    'string with values, delimited by comma
    myStr = "16A,14B,16C,14D,16E"          ' => "16,A,C,E" "14,B,D"

    'split string into array of substrings
    myArray = Split(myStr, ",") '=> "16A","14B","16C",",14D","16E"

    ' adding the elements in the array to array_list
    For Each element In myArray
        arr.Add element

    'sorting happens

    'converting ArrayList to an array
    'so now a sorted array of elements is stored in the array sorted_array.
    sorted_array = arr.toarray '=> "14B","14D","16A","16C","16E"

    'concatenate all elements of array into one string
    myStr = Join(sorted_array, ",") '=> "14B,14D,16A,16C,16E"

    'remove letters
    myStrN = StripNumber(myStr) '=> "14,14,16,16,16"

    'remove dublipates
    myStrN = DeDupString(myStrN, ",") '=> "14,16"

    'stip text
    myStrA = StripText(myStr) '=> "B,D,A,C,E"

    PageCount = countSeparators(myStrN, ",")

    [Forms]![frm_LoanEdit2_Print_HYP]![txt_Company] = myStr 'myStrN & "-" & PageCount
    [Forms]![frm_LoanEdit2_Print_HYP]![txt_Bullets] = myStrN

    'display array elements
    For i = 0 To PageCount - 1
        FormName = "frm_LoanEdit2_Print_HYP"
        ControlName = "txt_Page" & i + 1
        Forms(FormName).Controls(ControlName) = sorted_array(LBound(sorted_array) + i)
    Next i
End Sub

Function StripText(str As String) As String
  For i = 1 To Len(str)
    B = Mid(str, i, 1)
    Select Case B
      Case "a" To "z", "A" To "Z", ","
        StripText = StripText & B
    End Select
End Function

Function StripNumber(str As String) As String
  For i = 1 To Len(str)
    B = Mid(str, i, 1)
    Select Case B
      Case "0" To "9", ","
        StripNumber = StripNumber & B
    End Select
End Function

Function DeDupString(ByVal sInput As String, Optional ByVal sDelimiter As String = ",") As String
'remove duplicate in string

    Dim varSection As Variant
    Dim sTemp As String

    For Each varSection In Split(sInput, sDelimiter)
        If InStr(1, sDelimiter & sTemp & sDelimiter, sDelimiter & varSection & sDelimiter, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
            sTemp = sTemp & sDelimiter & varSection
        End If
    Next varSection

    DeDupString = Mid(sTemp, Len(sDelimiter) + 1)
End Function


Option Explicit

Public Sub SO_TestCol()

    Dim inp As String
    inp = "16A,14B,16E,16C,14D"

    Dim parts() As String
    parts = SplitAtTokens(inp, ",")

    Dim col As New Collection
    Dim item As Variant, code As String, temp As String
    For Each item In parts
        code = Right(item, 1)
        item = Mid(item, 1, Len(item) - 1)
        If KeyExists(col, item) Then
            temp = col(item) & "," & code
            col.Remove (item)
            col.Add temp, item
            temp = CStr(item) & "," & code
            col.Add temp, item
        End If

    For Each item In col
        Debug.Print item
    ' Output:
    ' 16,A,E,C
    ' 14,B,D

End Sub

' Procedure : KeyExists
' Author    : ja72
' Date      : 10/2/2017
' Purpose   : Check to see if a key is present in a collection
Public Function KeyExists(ByVal col As Collection, ByVal key As Variant) As Boolean
    Dim item As Variant
    On Error GoTo NotFound:
    item = col(key)
    On Error GoTo 0
    KeyExists = True
    Exit Function
    KeyExists = False
End Function

' Procedure : SplitAtTokens
' Author    : ja72
' Date      : 10/2/2017
' Purpose   : Splits a string into an array of strings, delimeted by a token
Function SplitAtTokens(ByVal str As String, ByVal tok As String) As String()
    Dim pos, i, num_of_lines, next_token As Integer
    Dim res() As String
    If Not str = vbNullString Then
        num_of_lines = CountInstances(str, tok) + 1
        ReDim res(num_of_lines - 1) As String
        For i = 1 To num_of_lines
            pos = InStr(1, str, tok, vbTextCompare)
            If pos > 0 Then
                res(i - 1) = SplitAt(str, pos - 1)
                str = Right(str, Len(str) - Len(tok))
                res(i - 1) = str
                str = ""
            End If
        Next i
    End If
    SplitAtTokens = res
End Function

' Procedure : CountInstances
' Author    : ja72
' Date      : 10/2/2017
' Purpose   : Counts the instances that a token appears in a string
'             For example `CountInstances("AA-UZ1-0FA2", "A") = 3`
Function CountInstances(ByVal str As String, ByVal tok As String) As Integer
    Dim res, pos As Integer
    res = 0
    pos = 0
        pos = InStr(pos + 1, str, tok, vbTextCompare)
        res = res + 1
    Loop Until pos = 0
    CountInstances = res - 1
End Function

' Procedure : SplitAt
' Author    : ja72
' Date      : 10/2/2017
' Purpose   : Splits a single string into two strings based on location
'             The first half is returned, the second is assigned to `str`
Function SplitAt(ByRef str As String, ByVal at As Integer) As String
    SplitAt = Left(str, at)
    str = Mid(str, at + 1)
End Function
