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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

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Asp.net 在渲染为位图之前缩放WPF内容_Asp.net_Wpf_Vb.net - Fatal编程技术网

Asp.net 在渲染为位图之前缩放WPF内容

Asp.net 在渲染为位图之前缩放WPF内容,asp.net,wpf,vb.net,Asp.net,Wpf,Vb.net,背景: 我正在开发一个silverlight(1.0)应用程序,它可以动态地构建一幅美国地图,在特定位置覆盖图标和文本。该地图在浏览器中运行良好,现在我需要获得显示地图的静态(可打印并可插入文档/powerpoints)副本 目标: 为了获得地图的可打印副本,该副本也可用于powerpoint幻灯片、word等。我选择创建一个ASP.NET HttpHandler,在WPF服务器端重新创建xaml,然后将WPF渲染为位图图像,该图像作为png文件返回,以300dpi的速度生成,以获得更好的打印质

背景: 我正在开发一个silverlight(1.0)应用程序,它可以动态地构建一幅美国地图,在特定位置覆盖图标和文本。该地图在浏览器中运行良好,现在我需要获得显示地图的静态(可打印并可插入文档/powerpoints)副本

目标: 为了获得地图的可打印副本,该副本也可用于powerpoint幻灯片、word等。我选择创建一个ASP.NET HttpHandler,在WPF服务器端重新创建xaml,然后将WPF渲染为位图图像,该图像作为png文件返回,以300dpi的速度生成,以获得更好的打印质量

问题: 这在一个问题上非常有效,我无法将图像缩放到指定的大小。我尝试了几种不同的方法,其中一些可以在注释掉的行中看到。我需要能够指定图像的高度和宽度,以英寸或像素为单位,我不一定关心哪个,并为生成的位图将xaml缩放到该大小。当前,如果我将大小设置为大于根画布,则画布将在生成图像的左上角以指定的大小以其原始大小渲染。下面是我的httphandler的重要部分。存储为“MyImage”的根画布的高度为600,宽度为800。要使内容缩放到适合指定大小,我缺少什么


Public Sub Capture(ByVal MyImage As Canvas)
    ' Determine the constraining scale to maintain the aspect ratio and the bounds of the image size
    Dim scale As Double = Math.Min(Width / MyImage.Width, Height / MyImage.Height)

    'Dim vbox As New Viewbox()
    'vbox.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform
    'vbox.StretchDirection = StretchDirection.Both
    'vbox.Height = Height * scale * 300 / 96.0
    'vbox.Width = Width * scale * 300 / 96.0
    'vbox.Child = MyImage

    Dim bounds As Rect = New Rect(0, 0, MyImage.Width * scale, MyImage.Height * scale)
    MyImage.Measure(New Size(Width * scale, Height * scale))

    ' Create the target bitmap
    Dim rtb As RenderTargetBitmap = New RenderTargetBitmap(CInt(Width * scale * 300 / 96.0), CInt(Height * scale * 300 / 96.0), 300, 300, PixelFormats.Pbgra32)

    ' Render the image to the target bitmap
    Dim dv As DrawingVisual = New DrawingVisual()
    Using ctx As DrawingContext = dv.RenderOpen()
        Dim vb As New VisualBrush(MyImage)
        'Dim vb As New VisualBrush(vbox)
        ctx.DrawRectangle(vb, Nothing, New Rect(New System.Windows.Point(), bounds.Size))
    End Using

    ' Encode the image in the format selected
    Dim encoder As System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapEncoder
    Select Case Encoding.ToLower
        Case "jpg"
            encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.JpegBitmapEncoder()
        Case "png"
            encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PngBitmapEncoder()
        Case "gif"
            encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.GifBitmapEncoder()
        Case "bmp"
            encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BmpBitmapEncoder()
        Case "tif"
            encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.TiffBitmapEncoder()
        Case "wmp"
            encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WmpBitmapEncoder()
    End Select

    ' Create the memory stream to save the encoded image.
    retImageStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream()
    retImageStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
    MyImage = Nothing
End Sub


private void ExportCanvas(int width, int height)
    string path = @"c:\temp\Test.tif";
    FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);

    RenderTargetBitmap renderBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(width,
                                                             height, 1/300, 1/300, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);

    DrawingVisual visual = new DrawingVisual();
    using (DrawingContext context = visual.RenderOpen())
        VisualBrush brush = new VisualBrush(MyCanvas);
                              new Rect(new Point(), new Size(MyCanvas.Width, MyCanvas.Height)));

    visual.Transform = new ScaleTransform(width / MyCanvas.ActualWidth, height / MyCanvas.ActualHeight);


    BitmapEncoder encoder = new TiffBitmapEncoder();


Public Sub Capture(ByVal MyImage As Canvas)
        ' Normally we would obtain a user's configured DPI setting to account for the possibilty of a high DPI setting. 
        ' However, this code is running server side so the client's DPI is not obtainable.
        Const SCREEN_DPI As Double = 96.0   ' Screen DPI
        Const TARGET_DPI As Double = 300.0  ' Print Quality DPI

        ' Determine the constraining scale to maintain the aspect ratio and the bounds of the image size
        Dim scale As Double = Math.Min(Width * SCREEN_DPI / MyImage.Width, Height * SCREEN_DPI / MyImage.Height)

        ' Setup the bounds of the image
        Dim bounds As Rect = New Rect(0, 0, MyImage.Width * scale, MyImage.Height * scale)
        MyImage.Measure(New Size(MyImage.Width * scale, MyImage.Height * scale))

        ' Create the target bitmap
        Dim rtb As RenderTargetBitmap = New RenderTargetBitmap(CDbl(MyImage.Width * scale / SCREEN_DPI * TARGET_DPI), CDbl(MyImage.Height * scale / SCREEN_DPI * TARGET_DPI), TARGET_DPI, TARGET_DPI, PixelFormats.Pbgra32)

        ' Render the image to the target bitmap
        Dim dv As DrawingVisual = New DrawingVisual()
        Using ctx As DrawingContext = dv.RenderOpen()
            Dim vb As New VisualBrush(MyImage)
            ctx.DrawRectangle(vb, Nothing, New Rect(New System.Windows.Point(), bounds.Size))
        End Using
        ' Transform the visual to scale the image to our desired size.
        'dv.Transform = New ScaleTransform(scale, scale)

        ' Render the visual to the bitmap.

        ' Encode the image in the format selected. If no valid format was selected, default to png.
        Dim encoder As System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapEncoder
        Select Case Encoding.ToLower
            Case "jpg"
                encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.JpegBitmapEncoder()
            Case "png"
                encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PngBitmapEncoder()
            Case "gif"
                encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.GifBitmapEncoder()
            Case "bmp"
                encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BmpBitmapEncoder()
            Case "tif"
                encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.TiffBitmapEncoder()
            Case "wmp"
                encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.WmpBitmapEncoder()
            Case Else
                encoder = New System.Windows.Media.Imaging.PngBitmapEncoder()
        End Select

        ' Create the memory stream to save the encoded image.
        retImageStream = New System.IO.MemoryStream()
        retImageStream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
        MyImage = Nothing
    End Sub
