Assembly 我试图用汇编语言编写有限状态机,但我被卡住了

Assembly 我试图用汇编语言编写有限状态机,但我被卡住了,assembly,x86,masm,state-machine,irvine32,Assembly,X86,Masm,State Machine,Irvine32,有很多关于有限状态机的问题,但都与我的问题无关 我需要5种方法 S0 S1 S2 S3 and read the input 我们从 S0 我们想打印州政府→ 0和输出0→ 读取输入 第一个在ebx中,第二个在eax中 . If (ebx ==0&&eax==0) Call S0 .elseif (ebx==1)&&(eax==1) Call S1 .else Call S2 .endif 完成整个程序 这是我的密码:



S0     S1   S2   S3   and read the input

我们想打印州政府→ 0和输出0→

读取输入 第一个在ebx中,第二个在eax中

  . If (ebx ==0&&eax==0)
  Call S0
  .elseif (ebx==1)&&(eax==1)
 Call S1
 Call S2

这是我的密码: 这里的问题是输入不起作用。如果我输入00,01,11->它都会给我相同的输出,这是不正确的。我想输入00并调用S0,输入11调用S1。我不知道为什么。 谁能猜出来

TITLE finite state machine INCLUDE E = 13 .data invalidMsg BYTE 'Ivalid input',0 a DWORD ? b DWORD ? count dword ? prompt1 byte 'Enter 0 or 1: ',0 prompt2 byte 'Enter 0 or 1: ',0 num1 byte 'The output is now 1 ',0 num2 byte 'The ouput is now 0',0 num3 byte 'The state is now 0 ',0 num4 byte 'The state is now 1 ',0 num5 byte 'The state is now 2 ',0 num6 byte 'The state is now 3 ',0 .code main PROC call clrscr mov edx,offset prompt1 call writestring call readint mov a,ebx mov edx,offset prompt2 call writestring call readint mov b,eax .if(ebx ==0 && eax == 0) call S0 .elseif(ebx == 1 && eax == 1) call S1 .elseif(ebx == 0 && eax == 1) call S2 .else call S3 .endif exit main ENDP S0 proc mov edx,offset num3 call writestring call crlf mov edx,offset num2 call writestring call readint ret S0 endp S1 proc mov edx,offset num4 call writestring call crlf mov edx,offset num2 call writestring ret S1 endp S2 proc mov edx,offset num5 call writestring call crlf mov edx,offset num1 call writestring call crlf ret S2 endp S3 proc mov edx,offset num6 call writestring call crlf mov edx,offset num1 call writestring ret S3 endp END main 我假设a和b是你们的州?因此,您将状态存储在那里,但在两者之间调用函数,因此在检查之前,我假设ebx已损坏

call writestring
call readint
mov a,ebx

mov edx,offset prompt2
call writestring
call readint
mov b,eax

mov  a, ebx

 xchg eax, ebx

mov b, eax

我尝试了所有它直接指向的部分,其他部分只打印S3,其他部分被忽略。如果我改变代码,它只读取一个寄存器。我不知道如何将用户的两个输入读入两个不同的寄存器。您尝试了什么?我已经告诉过你出了什么问题,所以修复它应该不难。我用完全相同的方法来做,但无论我使用什么输入,它都会跳到下一步。否则称为S3。它会忽略之前的输入,那么你的问题一定是在代码中没有显示出来。我想是的。尝试创建一个简单的示例,读取一个值,看看是否得到了预期的结果。如果这个方法有效的话,扩展到第二个值应该不难。我只能使用一个寄存器,但不能使用两个。readint不是我的过程,它是MASM定义的指令,类似于call WriteString call readint->读取用户输入。我认为readint只读取eax而不读取ebx。
mov edx,offset prompt1
call writestring
call readint
mov a,eax

mov edx,offset prompt2
call writestring
call readint
mov b,eax

mov eax, a
mov ebx, b
TITLE Finite State Machine              (Finite.asm)

; This program implements a finite state machine that
; accepts an integer with an optional leading sign.


InvalidInputMsg BYTE "Invalid input",13,10,0

main PROC
    call Clrscr

    call    Getnext             ; read next char into AL
    cmp al,'+'          ; leading + sign?
    je  StateB              ; go to State B
    cmp al,'-'          ; leading - sign?
    je  StateB              ; go to State B
    call    IsDigit             ; ZF = 1 if AL contains a digit
    jz  StateC          ; go to State C
    call    DisplayErrorMsg     ; invalid input found
    jmp Quit

    call    Getnext             ; read next char into AL
    call    IsDigit             ; ZF = 1 if AL contains a digit
    jz  StateC
    call    DisplayErrorMsg     ; invalid input found
    jmp Quit

    call    Getnext             ; read next char into AL
    call    IsDigit             ; ZF = 1 if AL contains a digit
    jz  StateC
    cmp al,ENTER_KEY        ; Enter key pressed?
    je  Quit                ; yes: quit
    call    DisplayErrorMsg     ; no: invalid input found
    jmp Quit

  call WaitMsg 
    call    Crlf
main ENDP

Getnext PROC
; Reads a character from standard input.
; Receives: nothing
; Returns: AL contains the character
     call ReadChar          ; input from keyboard    call WriteChar     ; echo on screen
Getnext ENDP

DisplayErrorMsg PROC
; Displays an error message indicating that
; the input stream contains illegal input.
; Receives: nothing. 
; Returns: nothing
     push  edx
     mov      edx,OFFSET InvalidInputMsg
     call  WriteString
     pop      edx
DisplayErrorMsg ENDP
END main