Assembly 我创建了一个dd数组,但可以';我什么也不输出

Assembly 我创建了一个dd数组,但可以';我什么也不输出,assembly,operating-system,x86,bios,Assembly,Operating System,X86,Bios,我想在预定义的数组中找到最大的数字,并将其输出到屏幕上。现在我知道了一个事实,我找到最大数字的逻辑是正确的,但输出它就像打一场永远不会结束的战争 segment .data matrix dd 1,62,3,44,35, \ 61,52,43,45,55, \ 17,23,37,74,65, \ 13,12,93,94,95, \ 31,21,13,14,25 \ segment .


segment .data

   matrix dd   1,62,3,44,35, \
            61,52,43,45,55, \
            17,23,37,74,65, \
            13,12,93,94,95, \
            31,21,13,14,25 \

segment .bss

holder  resb    4

counter resb    4

segment .text

global _start


    mov eax, matrix
    call big

    mov esi, holder
    mov edi, counter
    mov edi, 0
    jmp switch

    inc edi
    cmp esi, [eax + edi]
    jg switch
    cmp edi, 25 
    jle loop
    mov eax, [esi]
    add eax, '0'

    mov eax, 4 ; after some advice from a few forum member i tried the [ebx + ecx *4] but no luck 
    mov ebx, 1 
    mov ecx, eax
    mov edx 
    mov eax, [ebx + ecx * 4]

    int 0x80

    mov esi, [eax + edi]
    jmp loop

    mov eax, 1
    xor ebx, ebx
    int 0x80


mov     esi, matrix       ; esi now points to the beginning of the matrix
xor     ebx, ebx          ; ebx will mold the max
xor     ecx, ecx          ; ecx is the counter

  cmp   ecx, 25           ; Make sure the end of the matrix has not been reached
  jge   end_loop          ; If the end has been reached, jump out of the loop

  mov   eax, [esi+ecx*4]  ; Read the next DWORD from the matrix
  cmp   ebx, eax          ; Compare it to ebx (the current max)
  jle   skip              ; If it's not greater than the current max, skip it
  mov   ebx, eax          ; Otherwise, update ebx with the new max

  add   ecx, 1            ; incriment the counter
jmp     loop              ; Loop to the end of the matrix


; ebx now contains the max value in the 25 number matrix
