Awk 使用csv文件的摘要数据

Awk 使用csv文件的摘要数据,awk,Awk,我想在所需的输出文件中添加更多细节 请选择改进下面的代码以获得所需的文件 代码 输入文件 我得到了这个输出文件 所需的输出如下所示 AWK可以这样做吗?下面是我的例子 CODE-1T COD-Area CODE-1 CODE-S CODE-T ------------------------------------------------------------ 333000004 AS/RR 22 0








CODE-1T     COD-Area     CODE-1      CODE-S       CODE-T
333000004     AS/RR          22           0             803
333000004     SS/RR          11          10             142
Total                        33          10             945      988
333000005     SS/RR          13           4            1638
333000005     ST/RR          11           3            1134
Total                        24           7            2772     2803
333000006     SS/RR           7           9            1740
333000006     ST/RR           5           3             258
Total                        12          12            1998     2202
333000007     SS/RR           4          59             912
333000007     ST/RR           3           5            1682
333000007     SX/RR           3          34             876
Total                        10          98            3470     3578
Gran Total:                 79          127            9185     9391



$ awk -F, '{k=$2 OFS $7; f2[$2]; f7[$7]; f4[k]+=$4; f5[k]+=$5; f6[k]+=$6} 
        END{for(i2 in f2) 
               for(i7 in f7) 
                  {k=i2 OFS i7; 
                   if(k in f4) 
                      {print k, f4[k]; 
               print "Total","-",s4}}' file | column -t

333000004  SS/RR  11
333000004  AS/RR  22
Total      -      33
333000005  SS/RR  13
333000005  ST/RR  11
Total      -      24
333000006  SS/RR  7
333000006  ST/RR  5
Total      -      12
333000007  SS/RR  4
333000007  SX/RR  3
333000007  ST/RR  3
Total      -      10


$ awk -F, '{k=$2 OFS $7; f2[$2]; f7[$7]; f4[k]+=$4; f5[k]+=$5; f6[k]+=$6} 
        END{for(i2 in f2) 
               for(i7 in f7) 
                  {k=i2 OFS i7; 
                   if(k in f4) 
                      {print k, f4[k]; 
               print "Total","-",s4}}' file | column -t

333000004  SS/RR  11
333000004  AS/RR  22
Total      -      33
333000005  SS/RR  13
333000005  ST/RR  11
Total      -      24
333000006  SS/RR  7
333000006  ST/RR  5
Total      -      12
333000007  SS/RR  4
333000007  SX/RR  3
333000007  ST/RR  3
Total      -      10

awk '
BEGIN{                                                      ##Starting BEGIN section here of awk.
   FS=","                                                   ##Setting FS as comma here.
   OFS="\t\t"                                               ##Setting OFS as 2 TABs as output field separator.
   s1="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"   ##Setting s1 as dashes.
   print "CODE-1T     COD-Area     CODE-1      CODE-S       CODE-T" ORS s1  ##printing headers before output prints.
FNR==NR{                                                    ##Putting condition to check FNR==NR which will be TRUE when first time Input_file is being read.
   code1[$2,$NF]+=$4                                        ##Creating array code1 index is $2,$NF value is $4 and adding to itself.
   codes[$2,$NF]+=$5                                        ##Creating array codes index is $2,$NF value is $5 and adding to itself.
   codet[$2,$NF]+=$6                                        ##Creating array codet index is $2,$NF value is $6 and adding to itself.
   next                                                     ##next will skip all further statements from here.
prev!=$2 && prev{                                           ##checking condition prev is NOT equal to $2 and prev is NOT NULL then do following.
   sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                   ##creating sum_col whose value is val1+val2+val3.
   SUM+=sum_col                                             ##creating SUM whose value is sum_col and adding to itself too.
   sum_val1+=val1                                           ##Creating variable sum_val1 whose value is val1 and adding to itself.
   sum_val2+=val2                                           ##Creating variable sum_val2 whose value is val2 and adding to itself.
   sum_val3+=val3                                           ##Creating variable sum_val3 whose value is val3 and adding to itself.
   print "Total\t\t\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col ORS s1              ##Printing 3 TABs then value of val1, val2, val3, sum_col ORS and s1 value now.
   val1=val2=val3=""                                        ##Nullifying values of val1, val2 and val3 here.
code1[$2,$NF]!=""{                                              ##Checking if array code1 value whose index is $1,$NF is NOT NULL then do following.
   print $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]   ##Printing values of $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]
   val1+=code1[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val1 who is array code1 value and adding to itself.
   val2+=codes[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val2 who is array codes value and adding to itself.
   val3+=codet[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val3 who is array codet value and adding to itself.
   delete code1[$2,$NF]                                     ##Deleting array code1 whose index is $2,$NF here.
   prev=$2                                                  ##Setting prev value to $2.
END{                                                        ##Starting END block of awk here now.
   if(val1){                                                ##Checking condition if variable val1 is NOT NULL then do following.
      sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                ##Creating sum_col whose value is addition of val1+val2+val3.
      sum_val1+=val1                                        ##Creating sum_val1 whose value is addition of sum_val1 abd val1 values.
      sum_val2+=val2                                        ##Creating sum_val2 whose value is addition of sum_val2 abd val2 values.
      sum_val3+=val3                                        ##Creating sum_val3 whose value is addition of sum_val3 abd val3 values.
      print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col                  ##Printing 3 TABs and value of val1, val2, val3 and sum_col.
   print s1 ORS s1 ORS "Grand Total:\t\t",sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col ORS s1  ##Printing s1 ORS s1 and values of sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col s1.
}' Input_file  Input_file                                  ##mentioning Input_file 2 times here.

awk -F, '
   print "CODE-1T     COD-Area     CODE-1      CODE-S       CODE-T" ORS s1
prev!=$2 && prev{
   print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col ORS s1
   print $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]
   delete code1[$2,$NF]
      print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col
   print s1 ORS s1 ORS "Grand Total:\t\t",sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col ORS s1
}'  OFS="\t\t"  Input_file  Input_file

awk '
BEGIN{                                                      ##Starting BEGIN section here of awk.
   FS=","                                                   ##Setting FS as comma here.
   OFS="\t\t"                                               ##Setting OFS as 2 TABs as output field separator.
   s1="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"   ##Setting s1 as dashes.
   print "CODE-1T     COD-Area     CODE-1      CODE-S       CODE-T" ORS s1  ##printing headers before output prints.
FNR==NR{                                                    ##Putting condition to check FNR==NR which will be TRUE when first time Input_file is being read.
   code1[$2,$NF]+=$4                                        ##Creating array code1 index is $2,$NF value is $4 and adding to itself.
   codes[$2,$NF]+=$5                                        ##Creating array codes index is $2,$NF value is $5 and adding to itself.
   codet[$2,$NF]+=$6                                        ##Creating array codet index is $2,$NF value is $6 and adding to itself.
   next                                                     ##next will skip all further statements from here.
prev!=$2 && prev{                                           ##checking condition prev is NOT equal to $2 and prev is NOT NULL then do following.
   sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                   ##creating sum_col whose value is val1+val2+val3.
   SUM+=sum_col                                             ##creating SUM whose value is sum_col and adding to itself too.
   sum_val1+=val1                                           ##Creating variable sum_val1 whose value is val1 and adding to itself.
   sum_val2+=val2                                           ##Creating variable sum_val2 whose value is val2 and adding to itself.
   sum_val3+=val3                                           ##Creating variable sum_val3 whose value is val3 and adding to itself.
   print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col ORS s1              ##Printing 3 TABs then value of val1, val2, val3, sum_col ORS and s1 value now.
   val1=val2=val3=""                                        ##Nullifying values of val1, val2 and val3 here.
code1[$2,$NF]{                                              ##Checking if array code1 value whose index is $1,$NF is NOT NULL then do following.
   print $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]   ##Printing values of $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]
   val1+=code1[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val1 who is array code1 value and adding to itself.
   val2+=codes[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val2 who is array codes value and adding to itself.
   val3+=codet[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val3 who is array codet value and adding to itself.
   delete code1[$2,$NF]                                     ##Deleting array code1 whose index is $2,$NF here.
   prev=$2                                                  ##Setting prev value to $2.
END{                                                        ##Starting END block of awk here now.
   if(val1){                                                ##Checking condition if variable val1 is NOT NULL then do following.
      sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                ##Creating sum_col whose value is addition of val1+val2+val3.
      sum_val1+=val1                                        ##Creating sum_val1 whose value is addition of sum_val1 abd val1 values.
      sum_val2+=val2                                        ##Creating sum_val2 whose value is addition of sum_val2 abd val2 values.
      sum_val3+=val3                                        ##Creating sum_val3 whose value is addition of sum_val3 abd val3 values.
      print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col                  ##Printing 3 TABs and value of val1, val2, val3 and sum_col.
   print s1 ORS s1 ORS "Grand Total:\t\t",sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col ORS s1  ##Printing s1 ORS s1 and values of sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col s1.
}'  Input_file  Input_file                                 ##mentioning Input_file 2 times here.

awk '
BEGIN{                                                      ##Starting BEGIN section here of awk.
   FS=","                                                   ##Setting FS as comma here.
   OFS="\t\t"                                               ##Setting OFS as 2 TABs as output field separator.
   s1="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"   ##Setting s1 as dashes.
   print "CODE-1T     COD-Area     CODE-1      CODE-S       CODE-T" ORS s1  ##printing headers before output prints.
FNR==NR{                                                    ##Putting condition to check FNR==NR which will be TRUE when first time Input_file is being read.
   code1[$2,$NF]+=$4                                        ##Creating array code1 index is $2,$NF value is $4 and adding to itself.
   codes[$2,$NF]+=$5                                        ##Creating array codes index is $2,$NF value is $5 and adding to itself.
   codet[$2,$NF]+=$6                                        ##Creating array codet index is $2,$NF value is $6 and adding to itself.
   next                                                     ##next will skip all further statements from here.
prev!=$2 && prev{                                           ##checking condition prev is NOT equal to $2 and prev is NOT NULL then do following.
   sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                   ##creating sum_col whose value is val1+val2+val3.
   SUM+=sum_col                                             ##creating SUM whose value is sum_col and adding to itself too.
   sum_val1+=val1                                           ##Creating variable sum_val1 whose value is val1 and adding to itself.
   sum_val2+=val2                                           ##Creating variable sum_val2 whose value is val2 and adding to itself.
   sum_val3+=val3                                           ##Creating variable sum_val3 whose value is val3 and adding to itself.
   print "Total\t\t\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col ORS s1              ##Printing 3 TABs then value of val1, val2, val3, sum_col ORS and s1 value now.
   val1=val2=val3=""                                        ##Nullifying values of val1, val2 and val3 here.
code1[$2,$NF]!=""{                                              ##Checking if array code1 value whose index is $1,$NF is NOT NULL then do following.
   print $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]   ##Printing values of $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]
   val1+=code1[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val1 who is array code1 value and adding to itself.
   val2+=codes[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val2 who is array codes value and adding to itself.
   val3+=codet[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val3 who is array codet value and adding to itself.
   delete code1[$2,$NF]                                     ##Deleting array code1 whose index is $2,$NF here.
   prev=$2                                                  ##Setting prev value to $2.
END{                                                        ##Starting END block of awk here now.
   if(val1){                                                ##Checking condition if variable val1 is NOT NULL then do following.
      sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                ##Creating sum_col whose value is addition of val1+val2+val3.
      sum_val1+=val1                                        ##Creating sum_val1 whose value is addition of sum_val1 abd val1 values.
      sum_val2+=val2                                        ##Creating sum_val2 whose value is addition of sum_val2 abd val2 values.
      sum_val3+=val3                                        ##Creating sum_val3 whose value is addition of sum_val3 abd val3 values.
      print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col                  ##Printing 3 TABs and value of val1, val2, val3 and sum_col.
   print s1 ORS s1 ORS "Grand Total:\t\t",sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col ORS s1  ##Printing s1 ORS s1 and values of sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col s1.
}' Input_file  Input_file                                  ##mentioning Input_file 2 times here.

awk -F, '
   print "CODE-1T     COD-Area     CODE-1      CODE-S       CODE-T" ORS s1
prev!=$2 && prev{
   print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col ORS s1
   print $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]
   delete code1[$2,$NF]
      print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col
   print s1 ORS s1 ORS "Grand Total:\t\t",sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col ORS s1
}'  OFS="\t\t"  Input_file  Input_file

awk '
BEGIN{                                                      ##Starting BEGIN section here of awk.
   FS=","                                                   ##Setting FS as comma here.
   OFS="\t\t"                                               ##Setting OFS as 2 TABs as output field separator.
   s1="------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"   ##Setting s1 as dashes.
   print "CODE-1T     COD-Area     CODE-1      CODE-S       CODE-T" ORS s1  ##printing headers before output prints.
FNR==NR{                                                    ##Putting condition to check FNR==NR which will be TRUE when first time Input_file is being read.
   code1[$2,$NF]+=$4                                        ##Creating array code1 index is $2,$NF value is $4 and adding to itself.
   codes[$2,$NF]+=$5                                        ##Creating array codes index is $2,$NF value is $5 and adding to itself.
   codet[$2,$NF]+=$6                                        ##Creating array codet index is $2,$NF value is $6 and adding to itself.
   next                                                     ##next will skip all further statements from here.
prev!=$2 && prev{                                           ##checking condition prev is NOT equal to $2 and prev is NOT NULL then do following.
   sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                   ##creating sum_col whose value is val1+val2+val3.
   SUM+=sum_col                                             ##creating SUM whose value is sum_col and adding to itself too.
   sum_val1+=val1                                           ##Creating variable sum_val1 whose value is val1 and adding to itself.
   sum_val2+=val2                                           ##Creating variable sum_val2 whose value is val2 and adding to itself.
   sum_val3+=val3                                           ##Creating variable sum_val3 whose value is val3 and adding to itself.
   print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col ORS s1              ##Printing 3 TABs then value of val1, val2, val3, sum_col ORS and s1 value now.
   val1=val2=val3=""                                        ##Nullifying values of val1, val2 and val3 here.
code1[$2,$NF]{                                              ##Checking if array code1 value whose index is $1,$NF is NOT NULL then do following.
   print $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]   ##Printing values of $2,$NF,code1[$2,$NF],codes[$2,$NF],codet[$2,$NF]
   val1+=code1[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val1 who is array code1 value and adding to itself.
   val2+=codes[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val2 who is array codes value and adding to itself.
   val3+=codet[$2,$NF]                                      ##Creating variable val3 who is array codet value and adding to itself.
   delete code1[$2,$NF]                                     ##Deleting array code1 whose index is $2,$NF here.
   prev=$2                                                  ##Setting prev value to $2.
END{                                                        ##Starting END block of awk here now.
   if(val1){                                                ##Checking condition if variable val1 is NOT NULL then do following.
      sum_col=val1+val2+val3                                ##Creating sum_col whose value is addition of val1+val2+val3.
      sum_val1+=val1                                        ##Creating sum_val1 whose value is addition of sum_val1 abd val1 values.
      sum_val2+=val2                                        ##Creating sum_val2 whose value is addition of sum_val2 abd val2 values.
      sum_val3+=val3                                        ##Creating sum_val3 whose value is addition of sum_val3 abd val3 values.
      print "\t\t\t"val1,val2,val3,sum_col                  ##Printing 3 TABs and value of val1, val2, val3 and sum_col.
   print s1 ORS s1 ORS "Grand Total:\t\t",sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col ORS s1  ##Printing s1 ORS s1 and values of sum_val1,sum_val2,sum_val3,SUM+sum_col s1.
}'  Input_file  Input_file                                 ##mentioning Input_file 2 times here.

你能再解释一下你的产出吗?例如,由于不清楚,您是如何添加columnsrule的,因为您的最后两个输出列似乎很混乱。还可以按什么顺序添加它们?假设第二列的数字是输入文件总和的关键,那个么若它们的计数是奇数,那个么我们怎么加呢?请详细说明您的问题?13,是的,求和的关键是第2列和第7列,然后求和第4、5、6列,每列2、7。目的是对第1列中每一组的小计求和。然后将总数写在最后一列。这是每个数组第4、5、6列中所有值的总和。我不懂奇数的那部分?。。TKS你能再解释一下你的输出吗?例如,由于不清楚,您是如何添加columnsrule的,因为您的最后两个输出列似乎很混乱。还可以按什么顺序添加它们?假设第二列的数字是输入文件总和的关键,那个么若它们的计数是奇数,那个么我们怎么加呢?请详细说明您的问题?13,是的,求和的关键是第2列和第7列,然后求和第4、5、6列,每列2、7。目的是对第1列中每一组的小计求和。然后将总数写在最后一列。这是每个数组第4、5、6列中所有值的总和。我不懂奇数的那部分?。。tksHi,karakfa,许多TK我将尝试调整所有字段的代码,并尝试进行格式化。。。你能把总数加起来吗。所有小计的总和..嗨,karakfa,很多TK我将尝试调整所有字段的代码并尝试进行格式化。。。你能把总数加起来吗。所有小计的总和..RavinderSingh13,代码运行良好。很好的解释。。但我注意到了一些事情。如果第4列和第5列中的值为0,则代码不起作用。请尝试将第4列和第5列中的值重新编译为0。许多的thanks@OXXO,请尝试我的编辑解决方案,然后让我知道?RavinderSingh13,代码现在适用于第4列和第5列的零值,但仍然需要解决一些小问题,在最后一个块333000007中,代码没有写入子总计。如果可以做到这一点,那么代码将完美工作。RavinderSingh13,我复制了第二部分中的行print Total\t\t\tval1,val2,val3,sum_col s1,它可以工作RavinderSingh13,请注意,您分享了您的知识,tks,代码是惊人的。RavinderSingh13,代码工作良好。很好的解释。。但我注意到了一些事情。如果第4列和第5列中的值为0,则代码不起作用。请尝试将第4列和第5列中的值重新编译为0。许多的thanks@OXXO,请尝试我的编辑解决方案,然后让我知道?RavinderSingh13,代码现在适用于第4列和第5列的零值,但仍然需要解决一些小问题,在最后一个块333000007中,代码没有写入子总计。如果可以做到这一点,那么代码将完美工作..RavinderSingh13,我复制了第二部分中的行print Total\t\t\tval1,val2,val3,sum_col s1,它工作了RavinderSingh13,请注意,您分享了您的知识,tks,代码是惊人的。