Awk 如果符合搜索条件,则以行形式打印唯一的特定文本

Awk 如果符合搜索条件,则以行形式打印唯一的特定文本,awk,Awk,我有以下input.txt文件 service commands 1 description 'Desc 1 patternid com3' service commands 2 description 'Desc 1 patternid com3 from err1' service commands 3 description 'Desc 2 patternid com3 from err2' service commands 4 description 'Desc 2 patternid


service commands 1 description 'Desc 1 patternid com3'
service commands 2 description 'Desc 1 patternid com3 from err1'
service commands 3 description 'Desc 2 patternid com3 from err2'
service commands 4 description 'Desc 2 patternid com3 from err3'

service commands 1000 description 'to value1 patternid from 1000'
service commands 1001 description 'to value1 patternid from 1001'

service commands 2000 description 'Desc 3 patternid com'
service commands 2001 description 'Desc 3 patternid com2 from err1'
service commands 2002 description 'Desc 4 patternid com2'
service commands 2003 description 'Desc 4 patternid com2 from err1'

service commands 4000 description 'output patternid to com1'
service commands 5000 description 'input to com1'
service commands 6000 description 'input to com2'
我希望使用awk从服务命令编号满足1-1000和2000-4000之间标准的行中获取唯一的描述 但是我只需要patternid之前的描述文本


awk -F'_' '($1>1999 && $1<4000){print}' input.txt


awk '
/[0-9]+ description.*Desc[[:space:]]+[0-9]+[[:space:]]+patternid/ && (($3>=1 && $3<=1000) || ($3>=2000 && $3<=4000)) && !arr[$5,$6]++{
  print $5 OFS $6
'  Input_file


awk '
/[0-9]+ description.*Desc[[:space:]]+[0-9]+[[:space:]]+patternid/ && (($3>=1 && $3<=1000) || ($3>=2000 && $3<=4000)) && !arr[$5,$6]++{
  print $5 OFS $6
'  Input_file

awk '
/[0-9]+ description.*Desc[[:space:]]+[0-9]+[[:space:]]+patternid/ && (($3>=1 && $3<=1000) || ($3>=2000 && $3<=4000)) && !arr[$5,$6]++{
  print $5 OFS $6
'  Input_file
awk '
match($0,/^service commands [0-9]+[[:space:]]+description.*Desc [0-9]+ patternid/) && (($3>=1 && $3<=1000) || ($3>=2000 && $3<=4000)){
  sub(/ patternid/,"",val)
  if(!arr[val]++){ print val }
}'  Input_file
# Starting awk program from here.
awk '

    # Using match function to match regex to make sure line has exact format
    # needed by OP. Then checking conditions either 3rd field value comes in
    # range of 1 to 1000 OR 3rd field range is coming from 2000 to 4000.
    match($0, /^service commands [0-9]+[[:space:]]+description.*Desc [0-9]+ patternid/) &&
            (($3 >= 1 && $3 <= 1000) || ($3 >= 2000 && $3 <= 4000)) {

        # Creating val which has sub string of matched regex.
        val = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)

        # Globally substituting everything till Desc with Desc in val here.
        gsub(/.*Desc/, "Desc", val)

        # Substituting space patternid with NULL in val here.
        sub(/ patternid/, "", val)

        # Checking condition if entry is not already present in arr then print val here.
        if ( !seen[val]++ ) {
            print val

# Mentioning Input_file name here.
' Input_file
$ awk '
    ( ((1 < $3) && ($3 < 1000)) || ((2000 < $3) && ($3 < 4000)) ) &&
    sub(/[^\047]+\047/,"") && sub("patternid.*","") && !seen[$0]++
' file
Desc 1
Desc 2
Desc 3
Desc 4