Awk 在文件的每一行中替换不匹配的模式字符串

Awk 在文件的每一行中替换不匹配的模式字符串,awk,sed,Awk,Sed,从以下文件: 1 PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919222030 sqlid='ftf4q8xj38z7k' 2 WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919224736 3 WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 655 tim=4217919225409 4 PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 d


 1  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919222030  sqlid='ftf4q8xj38z7k' 
 2  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919224736
 3  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 655 tim=4217919225409
 4  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b'  
 5  WAIT #1404991: nam='redo log sync' ela= 1 tim=4217919225677
 6  WAIT #1404991: nam='redo log sync' ela= 736 tim=4217919226432
 7  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919226577  sqlid='bzdm0nbr7c036'
 8  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919226665
 9  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 2027 tim=4217919228710
10  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919228849
11  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=1 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b' 
12  WAIT #1404991: nam='PGA memory operation' ela= 603 tim=4217919229470
13  WAIT #1404991: nam='PGA memory operation' ela= 1 tim=4217919229647
14  WAIT #1404991: nam='PGA memory operation' ela= 521 tim=4217919230185 
SQL*Net message


使用以下Perl one命令行:

perl -pe 'next if /nam=.SQL[*]Net message. ela=/; s/(nam=)\S.*\s+(ela=)/${1}'\''Other DB operation'\'' ${2}/' in_file > out_file
Perl one liner使用以下命令行标志:




请尝试使用GNU awk测试的awk解决方案:

awk '/redo/{sub(/redo log sync/, "Other DB operation")}1' Input_file

awk '                                      # Start program
/redo/{                                    # On lines matching the regex `redo`
sub(/redo log sync/, "Other DB operation") # replace `redo log sync` with `Other DB Operation`
}1                                         # print
' Input_file                               # Input file goes here

使用sed。对于所有不包含“Net message”(!)且随后不包含“PARSE”的行,将该行拆分为3个部分,并将该行替换为第一部分,然后替换为“Other DB Operation”和第三部分。

使用GNU awk匹配第三个参数:

$ awk '
    match($0,/(.*nam=\047)([^\047]*)(\047 ela.*)/,a) && (a[2] != "SQL*Net message") {
        $0 = a[1] "Other DB operation" a[3]
1' file
 1  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919222030  sqlid='ftf4q8xj38z7k'
 2  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919224736
 3  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 655 tim=4217919225409
 4  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b'
 5  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 1 tim=4217919225677
 6  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 736 tim=4217919226432
 7  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919226577  sqlid='bzdm0nbr7c036'
 8  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919226665
 9  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 2027 tim=4217919228710
10  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919228849
11  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=1 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b'
12  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 603 tim=4217919229470
13  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 1 tim=4217919229647
14  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 521 tim=4217919230185

awk '$0!~/SQL\*Net/{gsub(/nam=.*ela/, "nam='\''Other DB operation'\''",$0)} 1' input_file.txt
 1  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919222030  sqlid='ftf4q8xj38z7k' 
 2  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919224736
 3  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 655 tim=4217919225409
 4  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b'  
 5  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation'= 1 tim=4217919225677
 6  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation'= 736 tim=4217919226432
 7  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919226577  sqlid='bzdm0nbr7c036'
 8  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919226665
 9  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 2027 tim=4217919228710
10  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919228849
11  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=1 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b' 
12  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation'= 603 tim=4217919229470
13  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation'= 1 tim=4217919229647
14  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation'= 521 tim=4217919230185 
 sed -ri '/Net message/!{/PARSING/!s/(^.*'"'"')(.*)('"'"'.*)/\1Other DB operation\3/}' file
$ awk '
    match($0,/(.*nam=\047)([^\047]*)(\047 ela.*)/,a) && (a[2] != "SQL*Net message") {
        $0 = a[1] "Other DB operation" a[3]
1' file
 1  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919222030  sqlid='ftf4q8xj38z7k'
 2  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919224736
 3  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 655 tim=4217919225409
 4  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b'
 5  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 1 tim=4217919225677
 6  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 736 tim=4217919226432
 7  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=0 tim=4217919226577  sqlid='bzdm0nbr7c036'
 8  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919226665
 9  WAIT #1404990: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 2027 tim=4217919228710
10  WAIT #1404991: nam='SQL*Net message' ela= 1 tim=4217919228849
11  PARSING IN CURSOR #140499 dep=1 tim=4217919225606  sqlid='9fufagwmu041b'
12  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 603 tim=4217919229470
13  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 1 tim=4217919229647
14  WAIT #1404991: nam='Other DB operation' ela= 521 tim=4217919230185