
如何使用bootstrap-4以自定义设计在电子邮件正文中发送消息?,bootstrap-4,smtp,email-attachments,codeigniter-4,Bootstrap 4,Smtp,Email Attachments,Codeigniter 4,我正在尝试使用CodeIgniter-4框架通过smtp发送消息。为此,我使用bootstrap-4设计了一个卡作为消息体,并希望将此消息发送给接收方。我可以成功发送此邮件,但邮件在设计时不可见。Bootstrap-4类不工作 我想如何显示接收者: namespace Config; use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig; class Email extends BaseConfig { /** * @var string */ public $fromE



namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Email extends BaseConfig


 * @var string
public $fromEmail;

 * @var string
public $fromName;

 * @var string
public $recipients;

 * The "user agent"
 * @var string
public $userAgent = 'CodeIgniter';

 * The mail sending protocol: mail, sendmail, smtp
 * @var string
public $protocol = 'smtp';

 * The server path to Sendmail.
 * @var string
public $mailPath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

 * SMTP Server Address
 * @var string
public $SMTPHost = 'smtp.office365.com';

 * SMTP Username
 * @var string
// Enter your email id from where you send email
public $SMTPUser = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';

 * SMTP Password
 * @var string
// Enter your email's password
public $SMTPPass = 'myPassword';

 * SMTP Port
 * @var integer
public $SMTPPort = 587;

 * SMTP Timeout (in seconds)
 * @var integer
public $SMTPTimeout = 60;

 * Enable persistent SMTP connections
 * @var boolean
public $SMTPKeepAlive = false;

 * SMTP Encryption. Either tls or ssl
 * @var string
public $SMTPCrypto = 'tls';

 * Enable word-wrap
 * @var boolean
public $wordWrap = true;

 * Character count to wrap at
 * @var integer
public $wrapChars = 76;

 * Type of mail, either 'text' or 'html'
 * @var string
public $mailType = 'html';

 * Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.)
 * @var string
public $charset = 'UTF-8';

 * Whether to validate the email address
 * @var boolean
public $validate = false;

 * Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal
 * @var integer
public $priority = 3;

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $CRLF = "\r\n";

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $newline = "\r\n";

 * Enable BCC Batch Mode.
 * @var boolean
public $BCCBatchMode = false;

 * Number of emails in each BCC batch
 * @var integer
public $BCCBatchSize = 200;

 * Enable notify message from server
 * @var boolean
public $DSN = false;
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\FormModel;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;

class SendMail extends Controller

    function check() { 
      echo view('template/header.php',$data);

        $to = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';
        $subject = 'Vehicle Management System';
        $approver='First Approver';

         $message="<div class='conatiner w-50'>"."<div class='card'>"."<div class='card-header root_bg_color text-white text-center'>"."Vehicle Management System"."</div>"."<div class='card-body'>"."Dear ".$username.", "."<br><br>"."Your vehicle request( ".$requestId." ) is approved by ".$approver."."."Please visit  "."<a href=''>Vehicle Management System</a> to see details."."<br><br>"."Thank You for being with Us"."</div>"."<div class='card-footer root_bg_color'></div>"."</div>"."</div>";

        $email = \Config\Services::email();

        $email->setFrom('examplemail@gmail.com', 'Vehicle Management System');

        if ($email->send()) 
            echo 'Email successfully sent';
            $data = $email->printDebugger(['headers']);
        echo view('template/footer.php');




namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Email extends BaseConfig


 * @var string
public $fromEmail;

 * @var string
public $fromName;

 * @var string
public $recipients;

 * The "user agent"
 * @var string
public $userAgent = 'CodeIgniter';

 * The mail sending protocol: mail, sendmail, smtp
 * @var string
public $protocol = 'smtp';

 * The server path to Sendmail.
 * @var string
public $mailPath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

 * SMTP Server Address
 * @var string
public $SMTPHost = 'smtp.office365.com';

 * SMTP Username
 * @var string
// Enter your email id from where you send email
public $SMTPUser = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';

 * SMTP Password
 * @var string
// Enter your email's password
public $SMTPPass = 'myPassword';

 * SMTP Port
 * @var integer
public $SMTPPort = 587;

 * SMTP Timeout (in seconds)
 * @var integer
public $SMTPTimeout = 60;

 * Enable persistent SMTP connections
 * @var boolean
public $SMTPKeepAlive = false;

 * SMTP Encryption. Either tls or ssl
 * @var string
public $SMTPCrypto = 'tls';

 * Enable word-wrap
 * @var boolean
public $wordWrap = true;

 * Character count to wrap at
 * @var integer
public $wrapChars = 76;

 * Type of mail, either 'text' or 'html'
 * @var string
public $mailType = 'html';

 * Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.)
 * @var string
public $charset = 'UTF-8';

 * Whether to validate the email address
 * @var boolean
public $validate = false;

 * Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal
 * @var integer
public $priority = 3;

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $CRLF = "\r\n";

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $newline = "\r\n";

 * Enable BCC Batch Mode.
 * @var boolean
public $BCCBatchMode = false;

 * Number of emails in each BCC batch
 * @var integer
public $BCCBatchSize = 200;

 * Enable notify message from server
 * @var boolean
public $DSN = false;
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\FormModel;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;

class SendMail extends Controller

    function check() { 
      echo view('template/header.php',$data);

        $to = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';
        $subject = 'Vehicle Management System';
        $approver='First Approver';

         $message="<div class='conatiner w-50'>"."<div class='card'>"."<div class='card-header root_bg_color text-white text-center'>"."Vehicle Management System"."</div>"."<div class='card-body'>"."Dear ".$username.", "."<br><br>"."Your vehicle request( ".$requestId." ) is approved by ".$approver."."."Please visit  "."<a href=''>Vehicle Management System</a> to see details."."<br><br>"."Thank You for being with Us"."</div>"."<div class='card-footer root_bg_color'></div>"."</div>"."</div>";

        $email = \Config\Services::email();

        $email->setFrom('examplemail@gmail.com', 'Vehicle Management System');

        if ($email->send()) 
            echo 'Email successfully sent';
            $data = $email->printDebugger(['headers']);
        echo view('template/footer.php');

namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Email extends BaseConfig


 * @var string
public $fromEmail;

 * @var string
public $fromName;

 * @var string
public $recipients;

 * The "user agent"
 * @var string
public $userAgent = 'CodeIgniter';

 * The mail sending protocol: mail, sendmail, smtp
 * @var string
public $protocol = 'smtp';

 * The server path to Sendmail.
 * @var string
public $mailPath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

 * SMTP Server Address
 * @var string
public $SMTPHost = 'smtp.office365.com';

 * SMTP Username
 * @var string
// Enter your email id from where you send email
public $SMTPUser = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';

 * SMTP Password
 * @var string
// Enter your email's password
public $SMTPPass = 'myPassword';

 * SMTP Port
 * @var integer
public $SMTPPort = 587;

 * SMTP Timeout (in seconds)
 * @var integer
public $SMTPTimeout = 60;

 * Enable persistent SMTP connections
 * @var boolean
public $SMTPKeepAlive = false;

 * SMTP Encryption. Either tls or ssl
 * @var string
public $SMTPCrypto = 'tls';

 * Enable word-wrap
 * @var boolean
public $wordWrap = true;

 * Character count to wrap at
 * @var integer
public $wrapChars = 76;

 * Type of mail, either 'text' or 'html'
 * @var string
public $mailType = 'html';

 * Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.)
 * @var string
public $charset = 'UTF-8';

 * Whether to validate the email address
 * @var boolean
public $validate = false;

 * Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal
 * @var integer
public $priority = 3;

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $CRLF = "\r\n";

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $newline = "\r\n";

 * Enable BCC Batch Mode.
 * @var boolean
public $BCCBatchMode = false;

 * Number of emails in each BCC batch
 * @var integer
public $BCCBatchSize = 200;

 * Enable notify message from server
 * @var boolean
public $DSN = false;
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\FormModel;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;

class SendMail extends Controller

    function check() { 
      echo view('template/header.php',$data);

        $to = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';
        $subject = 'Vehicle Management System';
        $approver='First Approver';

         $message="<div class='conatiner w-50'>"."<div class='card'>"."<div class='card-header root_bg_color text-white text-center'>"."Vehicle Management System"."</div>"."<div class='card-body'>"."Dear ".$username.", "."<br><br>"."Your vehicle request( ".$requestId." ) is approved by ".$approver."."."Please visit  "."<a href=''>Vehicle Management System</a> to see details."."<br><br>"."Thank You for being with Us"."</div>"."<div class='card-footer root_bg_color'></div>"."</div>"."</div>";

        $email = \Config\Services::email();

        $email->setFrom('examplemail@gmail.com', 'Vehicle Management System');

        if ($email->send()) 
            echo 'Email successfully sent';
            $data = $email->printDebugger(['headers']);
        echo view('template/footer.php');

namespace Config;
use CodeIgniter\Config\BaseConfig;

class Email extends BaseConfig


 * @var string
public $fromEmail;

 * @var string
public $fromName;

 * @var string
public $recipients;

 * The "user agent"
 * @var string
public $userAgent = 'CodeIgniter';

 * The mail sending protocol: mail, sendmail, smtp
 * @var string
public $protocol = 'smtp';

 * The server path to Sendmail.
 * @var string
public $mailPath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

 * SMTP Server Address
 * @var string
public $SMTPHost = 'smtp.office365.com';

 * SMTP Username
 * @var string
// Enter your email id from where you send email
public $SMTPUser = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';

 * SMTP Password
 * @var string
// Enter your email's password
public $SMTPPass = 'myPassword';

 * SMTP Port
 * @var integer
public $SMTPPort = 587;

 * SMTP Timeout (in seconds)
 * @var integer
public $SMTPTimeout = 60;

 * Enable persistent SMTP connections
 * @var boolean
public $SMTPKeepAlive = false;

 * SMTP Encryption. Either tls or ssl
 * @var string
public $SMTPCrypto = 'tls';

 * Enable word-wrap
 * @var boolean
public $wordWrap = true;

 * Character count to wrap at
 * @var integer
public $wrapChars = 76;

 * Type of mail, either 'text' or 'html'
 * @var string
public $mailType = 'html';

 * Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.)
 * @var string
public $charset = 'UTF-8';

 * Whether to validate the email address
 * @var boolean
public $validate = false;

 * Email Priority. 1 = highest. 5 = lowest. 3 = normal
 * @var integer
public $priority = 3;

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $CRLF = "\r\n";

 * Newline character. (Use “\r\n” to comply with RFC 822)
 * @var string
public $newline = "\r\n";

 * Enable BCC Batch Mode.
 * @var boolean
public $BCCBatchMode = false;

 * Number of emails in each BCC batch
 * @var integer
public $BCCBatchSize = 200;

 * Enable notify message from server
 * @var boolean
public $DSN = false;
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\FormModel;
use CodeIgniter\Controller;

class SendMail extends Controller

    function check() { 
      echo view('template/header.php',$data);

        $to = 'exampleMail@gmail.com';
        $subject = 'Vehicle Management System';
        $approver='First Approver';

         $message="<div class='conatiner w-50'>"."<div class='card'>"."<div class='card-header root_bg_color text-white text-center'>"."Vehicle Management System"."</div>"."<div class='card-body'>"."Dear ".$username.", "."<br><br>"."Your vehicle request( ".$requestId." ) is approved by ".$approver."."."Please visit  "."<a href=''>Vehicle Management System</a> to see details."."<br><br>"."Thank You for being with Us"."</div>"."<div class='card-footer root_bg_color'></div>"."</div>"."</div>";

        $email = \Config\Services::email();

        $email->setFrom('examplemail@gmail.com', 'Vehicle Management System');

        if ($email->send()) 
            echo 'Email successfully sent';
            $data = $email->printDebugger(['headers']);
        echo view('template/footer.php');
$approver='First approver';


”感谢您与我们在一起“.”; $email=\Config\Services::email(); $email->setTo($to); $email->setFrom($email)examplemail@gmail.com","车辆管理系统",; $email->setSubject($subject); $email->setMessage($message); 如果($email->send()) { 回显“电子邮件已成功发送”; } 其他的 { $data=$email->printDebugger(['headers']); 打印(数据); } echo视图('template/footer.php'); } }


另一方面,如果最终用户不启用javascript执行,则通过消息体发送javascript将显示为文本。 将javascript发送到电子邮件正文是一种糟糕的做法

标记中 有数百个例子创建样式卡和真正酷的电子邮件正文,只是css。 例如:
