
C中的断砖器-增加砖的行数,c,function,for-loop,computer-science,C,Function,For Loop,Computer Science,我正在尝试使用C和斯坦福便携式库SPL重新创建brickbreaker。我的initBricks函数的目标是添加5行砖,每行10列,总共50块砖。当我运行此代码时,我的窗口只有一行10块砖。由于某些原因,它不会输出其他4行。我看不出我的代码哪里出错了。我正在增加y坐标0,在创建每一行后,0是窗口左上角的40 // number of rows of bricks #define ROWS 5 // number of columns of bricks #define COLS 10 //


// number of rows of bricks
#define ROWS 5

// number of columns of bricks
#define COLS 10

// height and width of bricks
#define BRICK_H 7.5
#define BRICK_W 35

// initializes window with grid of bricks
void initBricks(GWindow window)
    // set initial brick coordinates
    int x_coord = 2;
    int y_coord = 10;

    for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
        // Create 10 columns of bricks
        for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
            // create a brick
            GRect brick = newGRect(x_coord, y_coord, BRICK_W, BRICK_H);
            setFilled(brick, true);
            setColor(brick, "RED");
            add(window, brick);

            // increment x coordinate for column spacing
            x_coord += 40;
        // increment y coordinate for row spacing
        y_coord += 40;  



for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
    // Create 10 columns of bricks
    int x_coord = 2;                   // <---- move line down to here
    for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)


for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
    // Create 10 columns of bricks
    int x_coord = 2;                   // <---- move line down to here
    for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)

for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)

       for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
            // create a brick
            GRect brick = newGRect(x_coord, y_coord, BRICK_W, BRICK_H);
            setFilled(brick, true);
            setColor(brick, "RED");
            add(window, brick);

            // increment x coordinate for column spacing
            x_coord += 40;
        // increment y coordinate for row spacing
        y_coord += 40;  
        //reset c coordinate
        x_coord = 2;


for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)

       for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
            // create a brick
            GRect brick = newGRect(x_coord, y_coord, BRICK_W, BRICK_H);
            setFilled(brick, true);
            setColor(brick, "RED");
            add(window, brick);

            // increment x coordinate for column spacing
            x_coord += 40;
        // increment y coordinate for row spacing
        y_coord += 40;  
        //reset c coordinate
        x_coord = 2;




您应该在外循环体中初始化y坐标。 因为每次到达下一行y坐标时,都要返回其初始位置

// number of rows of bricks
#define ROWS 5

// number of columns of bricks
#define COLS 10

// height and width of bricks
#define BRICK_H 7.5
#define BRICK_W 35

    // initializes window with grid of bricks
    void initBricks(GWindow window)
        // set initial brick coordinates
        int x_coord = 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
        int y_coord = 10;
            // Create 10 columns of bricks
            for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
                // create a brick
                GRect brick = newGRect(x_coord, y_coord, BRICK_W, BRICK_H);
                setFilled(brick, true);
                setColor(brick, "RED");
                add(window, brick);

                // increment x coordinate for column spacing
                x_coord += 40;
            // increment y coordinate for row spacing
            y_coord += 40;  

您应该在外循环体中初始化y坐标。 因为每次到达下一行y坐标时,都要返回其初始位置

// number of rows of bricks
#define ROWS 5

// number of columns of bricks
#define COLS 10

// height and width of bricks
#define BRICK_H 7.5
#define BRICK_W 35

    // initializes window with grid of bricks
    void initBricks(GWindow window)
        // set initial brick coordinates
        int x_coord = 2;

        for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++)
        int y_coord = 10;
            // Create 10 columns of bricks
            for (int j = 0; j < COLS; j++)
                // create a brick
                GRect brick = newGRect(x_coord, y_coord, BRICK_W, BRICK_H);
                setFilled(brick, true);
                setColor(brick, "RED");
                add(window, brick);

                // increment x coordinate for column spacing
                x_coord += 40;
            // increment y coordinate for row spacing
            y_coord += 40;  

我能理解x_coord+=40;理想情况下x_coord+=砖+砂浆;但不是y_coord+=40;。如果您从未重置xcord,我怀疑剩余层上的所有砖块都被放置在您的视图之外port@RyanS抱歉,我同时回答了。谢谢各位,我重新编译了x坐标,它是在第一个for循环中启动的,工作起来就像一个charmI可以理解x_坐标+=40;理想情况下x_coord+=砖+砂浆;但不是y_coord+=40;。如果您从未重置xcord,我怀疑剩余层上的所有砖块都被放置在您的视图之外port@RyanS抱歉,我同时回答了。谢谢各位,我重新编译了x coord,它是在第一个for循环中启动的,工作起来像个charm,这是一个小错误,但我看不到它!休息被低估了,哈哈。谢谢@Dom非常欣赏这样一个小错误,但我看不出来!休息被低估了lol。非常感谢@Dom。事实上,情况正好相反。第一个for循环内的init x_坐标和第二个for循环外的init y_坐标实际上是另一种方式。在第一个for循环内部初始化x_坐标,在两个for循环外部初始化y_坐标